Wimie Wilhelm


Lisa Ostermann: Met Z'n Allen
Registration of the first theatre program by the Dutch comedian Lisa Ostermann.
Jenny Arean & Brigitte Kaandorp: Gedeelde Smart
Stage registration of the theatre performance by the Dutch theatre vedettes Jenny Arean and Brigitte Kaandorp.
De Mooie Dingen: Hommage aan Jurrian van Dongen
TV recording of the hommage to the Dutch lyricist Jurrian van Dongen. Van Dongen wrote countless song lyrics for theater and television. He has been writing for the children's program Het Klokhuis for decades. He also writes for theater programs by Wende Snijders, Jenny Arean, Paul de Leeuw, Alex Klaasen and many others. In addition, he was a teacher at a cabaret academy for a new generation of lyricists.
Janneke de Bijl: Zonder zin kan het ook
Video registration of the first comedy special by Dutch comedian Janneke de Bijl. After graduating in philosophy, De Bijl expresses her insight into the meaninglessness of life in her comedy. In her first comedy special she rants about her relationship, her sluggish environment and the whole self-help culture, which she has of course tried out for herself first. Janneke answers questions such as: how do you know whether to close your mails and why running doesn't solve anything?
Fuad Hassen: Remmende Voorsprong
In his third comedy special the Dutch comedian Fuad Hassen talks about how little things can turn out differently than expected, only to change the whole world.
Martijn Kardol: Welkom
Video registration of the second comedy special by the Dutch comedian Martijn Kardol. A show about social distancing, the online life and individualism.
Martijn Kardol: Bang
Stage registration of the first comedy special by the Dutch comedian Martijn kardol. Kardol tells about his fears, caused by terrorist attacks, and about being a control freak.
Rayen Panday: Fenomeen
Brigitte Kaandorp: Eh…
Stage registration of the umpteenth comedy special that the Dutch comedian Brigitte Kaandorp played in 2018-2020.
Yora Rienstra: Eerlijk Gezegd
Dutch comedian Yora Rienstra talks and sings about her life. After reaching the age of 37, Yora Rienstra starts doubting about her purpose. She decides to take a sabbatical to figure things out. Inspired by the book by the Dalai Lama that she got for her birthday, she sets herself the goal of doing things she fears.
Get Lost!
Instead of making the planned trip to India, the 27 year old Fem becomes a backpacker in her hometown; Amsterdam. Fem does not dare to tell her boyfriend the truth and she gets tangled up in a crazy lie.
Rayen Panday: Niet Verder Vertellen
Nel (voice)
When a sweet and innocent parakeet is found inexplicably dead in her cage, all fingers seem to point towards cat Rodney. To prove his innocence, he desperately tries to put the blame on others, with disastrous consequences.
Eva Crutzen: Spiritus
Stage registration of the second comedy special by the Dutch comedian Eva Crutzen. Crutzen tells and sings, accompanied by Jerry Bloem, about her life as a thirty-something, surrounded by other thirty-somethings who desperately hide their mental issues.
Rayen Panday: Vrijspraak
Jonny, a deadbeat groomer, follows a young woman through the streets of Amsterdam to find out if she is the girl he accidentally killed in a recurring dream, a hallucination or, worse, a memory.
Richard Groenendijk: Alle dagen
Ничего личного
Landlady Holland
Молодая женщина и пожилой мудрец бросают вызов друг другу и переживают историю о личной свободе и привязанности. Она — молодая голландская женщина, которая после отказа от всего своего имущества становится бродягой и находит свое одиночество в строгих пейзажах Ирландии. Он — старик, который живет уединенной жизнью в изолированном доме в Ирландии. Она — радикальна и бескомпромиссна. Он — мудр и ироничен. То, что объединяет их — одиночество, которое они оба расценивают как свободу.
Frogs & Toads
Female Busdriver
Six year old Max has an important mission: find some frogspawn for his older brother. Together with his neighbour girlfriend Jesse he makes an adventurous and touching journey along fields, farms, animals and a forest which eventually leads to his grandma's home. There he's welcomed by his grandma, her pancakes and the desired frogspawn . On his overwhelming journey through nature he's accompanied by cheerful childrens songs.
When a baby falls from the sky, a family which is stuck in its ways seems to get a second chance.
Two friends, the Dutch-Moroccan Raja and the Dutch Nancy are both about twenty years old and travel by car to Morocco to buy furniture for their new henna- and nail studio. They see life as a challenge and because of their close friendship, they feel they can take on anything. But during their trip something happens, which has a big impact on the lives of the two girls..
Baantjer - de Cock en de moord op de middenstip
Els Peeters
Мужчина по вызову 2
Heavyset Maid
Дьюс отправляется по приглашению своего бывшего сутенера на отдых в Амстердам и в итоге понимает, что его вновь хотят вернуть в бизнес эскорт услуг для женщин. Не то, чтобы Дьюс был против — платят неплохо, но, во-первых, у него уже есть постоянная подружка, а во-вторых, у европейских женщин слишком бурная сексуальная фантазия…
Nieuwe bewoonster
Маленький Крамб, потеряв женщину, которую всю жизнь считал своей мамой, узнает, что его мать давно уехала, поручив заботы о нем доброй соседке, а его отец еще до его рождения перебрался в Америку. И тогда он решает найти отца, потому что жить в детдоме не хочет ни под каким видом, а мать считает предательницей, которая его бросила. Но тут оказывается, что билет в Америку стоит очень дорого, а заработать на него не так то и просто, когда тебе всего десять лет. Тем более что у малыша начинаются большие нелады с полицией — очень уж хулиганистый. К счастью, ему помогает добрый человек, который неожиданно оказывается старым другом его отца..
October 1997. Paul Winters (35) is deputy public prosecutor in Arnhem and is working on his first major case: an investigation in to the allegations of a Bosnian girl that she was raped by three soldiers in the Dutch UN contingent and whose brother is alleged to have been killed by them. Winters suspects that the girl is telling the truth, but he can't prove it and the case is adjourned. Then one of the men gives a revealing statement that throws a different light on the case. Winters argues in favour of reopening the case, but faces opposition from an unexpected quarter.
Lippen Willem
Действие фильма разворачивается на протяжении 40 лет и повествует о пяти поколениях одной семьи независимых женщин, и главы их необычного семейства, Антонии. Вскоре после Второй мировой войны она возвращается в свой родной поселок с дочерью…