Mick Walter


Dwarf actor sometimes credited simply as Big Mick


Достать Санту
Отец и сын обнаруживают в своём гараже Санта-Клауса, потерпевшего крушение в результате неудачного перелёта и теперь скрывающегося от полиции. Перед героями встаёт самая ответственная задача на свете: спасти Рождество. Для этого им придется пройти сквозь огонь, воду и медные трубы: пуститься на поиски оленя Рудольфа, совершить путешествие в далёкую Лапландию, наладить отношения с группой эльфов и, наконец, вызволить Санту из-за решётки.
Attila the Hun
(History Channel) A marauding barbarian with a reputation as one of history's monsters, even today Attila's name is a synonym for savagery.
The Magic Door
A magic Troll aims to defeat the Black Witch and find the magic door that will lead him home with the help of the Elf Flip, and the Boy Liam.
The Little Unicorn
Polly Regan has a good life on the farm with her grandfather. Unfortunately, one day Polly learns that her favorite mare is suffering with a difficult pregnancy and soon dies giving birth. Heartbroken, Polly comes around when she sees the new foal, who incredibly is born a real live unicorn, and soon earns the love of Polly and her grandfather.
Последний Леприкон
Finn Regan McCool
Этель и Томми Бэрридж всегда с нетерпением ждали каникул. Но это лето обречено для них тревожными ожиданиями. Их отец, богатый и влиятельный бизнесмен после смерти их матери решил жениться снова и теперь Этель и Томми должны будут провести все лето в Ирландии с женщиной, которую они ни когда раньше не встречали, избранницей их отца…
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Silver Chair
Eustace is sent to a horrible school and finds a friend in Jill Pole, who's also running from bullies and looking for a place to hide. The two of them are magically transported from the garden shed into the magical world of Narnia, where they are entrusted with a task by Aslan: to rescue the king's stolen son, Prince Rilian. Together with Puddleglum the Marshwiggle, they must travel north across the mountains, dodge giants, and journey down into the earth itself to rescue Rilian from the mysterious evil that holds him bound there.
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian & The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Young Prince Caspian of Narnia wonders and dreams about the old days of Narnia when animals talked, and there were mythical creatures and four rulers in Cair Paravel. But his uncle and aunt don’t like to hear him thinking of such things, and plan to murder him and take his throne. Caspian’s tutor, Dr. Cornelius manages to save him, and not only teach him about the old ways, but bring him into the real Narnia and introduce him to the real Narnia. But Caspian’s plight is desperate, and he must use the legendary horn to call help from another world: Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy. Then, Lucy and Edmund are sent back to Narnia, along with their cousin Eustace, to assist Caspian on a voyage. Along their journey the children battle dragons and sea serpents, and sail across a golden lake to reach the edge of the world.
The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe
Little Man
Four kids travel to the magical land of Narnia where they must battle an evil queen with the direction of the lion, Aslan.