Louis Natale


The Horses of McBride
When Nicki finds two horses stranded deep in the Rocky Mountain snow, she makes it her mission to find a way to get them to safety. With no other options, she picks up a shovel and starts to dig out the mile-long path, inspiring her father, Matt, and the rest of the community to join together and save the horses in the spirit of Christmas.
To Brave Alaska
A young couple and their dog struggle to survive in Alaska.
The Man in the Attic
Fact-based drama, set in 1910 Milwaukee, about an older married woman, bored with her husband, and her dead son's friend she takes as a lover and hides in her attic over the next two decades -- an affair that ends in murder.
Madonna: Innocence Lost
Pop-singer and actress Madonna's rise to fame is chronicled in this made-for-television movie. Terumi Matthews stars as the dancer-turned-musician, who came to New York City in search of fame and fortune. Based on the book "Madonna: Unauthorized", the docudrama follows Miss Ciccone's rocky road from the streets of New York to the top of the charts in the 1980s.
TekWar: TekJustice
Original Music Composer
21st Century detective Jake Cardigan is arrested for murdering the husband of his ex-wife. It seems like a frame up, yet Cardigan refuses to let the authorities investigate further or even deny any involvement in the killing.
Затерянные в снегах: История Джима и Дженнифер Столпа
Невероятно мужественная история о супружеской паре с грудным ребенком, которые по воле случая оказались отрезанными от цивилизации, в снежном плену, без еды, воды и тепла. История, основанная на реальных событиях, показывает, на что способны люди в экстремальных ситуациях, а в данном случае любящие родители, чтобы выжить и спасти ребенка.
Original Music Composer
A group of homesteaders in 1875 are harassed by an evil, land-grabbing, gunslinging cattleman until a stranger with a mysterious past comes to their aid.
Model by Day
Original Music Composer
Lady X is a woman who works during the day as a model but turns into a fighter for justice at night with the help of her karate master Chang.
В дрейфе
Original Music Composer
Кэти и Гай отправились в круиз под парусом. Им хотелось сохранить свой брак и вновь обрести любовь. Но мечта превратилась в кошмар, когда в море они обнаружили разбитую лодку, а в ней — мужчину и женщину. Супруги решили спасти Ника и Элизу. Но когда у них неожиданно заглох мотор и стали происходить странные вещи, Кэти и Гай задумались, действительно ли потерпевшие кораблекрушение люди являются теми, за кого себя выдают?
Deadly Betrayal: The Bruce Curtis Story
A "true crime" docu-drama: in July 1982, Al and Rosemary Podgis were shot dead in their home in New Jersey. Rosemary's son Scott and his Canadian high-school friend Bruce Curtis were charged with their murder. Scott confesses to deliberately shooting his stepfather Al, but Bruce insists that his shooting of Rosemary was accidental.
Music Director
Spin off from the classic 1946 Jimmy Stewart film "It's A Wonderful Life" finds his protecting angel, Clarence, again returning to Earth to help another human.
Original Music Composer
Spin off from the classic 1946 Jimmy Stewart film "It's A Wonderful Life" finds his protecting angel, Clarence, again returning to Earth to help another human.
Christmas in America
TV movie depicting a father and son's strained relationship with the mother often trying to be the bridge between the men in her life. The father, Frank Morgan (Kenny Rogers), is a photographer who is too often absent, according to his son. When his son, David Morgan (Kenneth Rogers Jr.), finally attends a display of his father's work despite still being bitter about their relationship, he finally realizes how important his family really was to him.
The Long Road Home
In the late 1960s, a Harvard dropout's decision to take a job in Canada is misinterpreted as a political statement.
Boys and Girls
Boys and Girls is a 1983 Canadian short film directed by Don McBrearty. It is based on Alice Munro's short story of the same name, written in 1968. It is a coming of age story about a girl growing up on a farm having to accept that in her lifetime she will always be considered "only a girl." The film won an Oscar in 1984 for Best Short Subject.