Reston Griffiths


Hugh and Heke
Executive Producer
Two families on holiday, camp side by side on a spectacular deserted beach. Immediately territorial, the two men of the families draw a line in the sand in a stand off, but bit by bit as all the rest of the members of the families on each side cross the line and make friends the two men are left to sort out their issues together – through fishing!
Hugh and Heke
Two families on holiday, camp side by side on a spectacular deserted beach. Immediately territorial, the two men of the families draw a line in the sand in a stand off, but bit by bit as all the rest of the members of the families on each side cross the line and make friends the two men are left to sort out their issues together – through fishing!
Hugh and Heke
Two families on holiday, camp side by side on a spectacular deserted beach. Immediately territorial, the two men of the families draw a line in the sand in a stand off, but bit by bit as all the rest of the members of the families on each side cross the line and make friends the two men are left to sort out their issues together – through fishing!
Дворец крушений
Art Direction
Жизнь Ала Шоу вращается вокруг гонок и все время он проводит на свалке старых автомобилей, которую называет «Дворец Крушений». Его жена-француженка Джеки страдает от отсутствия внимания к ней, так как Эл слишком увлечен автомобилями. Когда Эл находит Джеки в объятиях другого мужчины, он забирает свою дочь и отправляется с ней вглубь страны, отчаянно надеясь сохранить семью.