A young student (Alekos Alexandrakis) comes from Italy and presents to his sister (Katerina Gioulaki) the fiancée (Maro Kondou) as Italian, because the first insisted not to marry a Greek. The couple, however, in cooperation with the afflicted spouse (Giannis Vogiatzis) strict sister, managed to change the opinion.
A pretty and chubby woman, Eva, Fontas ex- wife, is now married to the neighborhood’s tavern owner, Menelaos, who gives her a hard time being unbelievably jealous. His jealousy is sparked off by the large number of admirers his wife has, as well as the malicious Fontas.
О тяжелой, беспросветной жизни трудящихся в Греции. Оставшись без работы, не имея ни пищи, ни крова, люди не теряют человечности и доброты, они поддерживают друг друга в беде, понимая, что их спасение в солидарности.