Georges Jamin

Georges Jamin

Рождение : 1906-04-10, Brussels, Belgium

Смерть : 1971-02-23


Georges Jamin


Дочери тьмы
Остенде, Бельгия. В декадентском приморском отеле Стефан и Валери, молодожены, знакомятся с таинственной графиней Батори и Илоной, ее секретарем.
The Wheel
The head of post
Pierre is an engine driver who adopts a small girl, a WWI orphan. A widower, he sees in her the image of her mother.
Моряк Ганс
Ганс - канадский моряк, пришвартовавшийся в Марселе. У него роман с владелицей кабаре Долорес. Когда его грабят и оставляют умирать, он приходит в себя и обнаруживает, что Долорес исчезла. Он устраивается на работу вышибалой в ночной клуб и заводит интрижку с цыганкой Таней.
Gold Smugglers
A band of traffickers seeks to infiltrate among smugglers on the Franco-Belgian border. Josée, a superb girl, is the mistress of Gueule en or, one of the smugglers.
Mr. Wens Plays His Trumps
Lucien Dolo, a diamond dealer candidate for the Municipal Council of Antwerp, is the subject of a press campaign insinuating that he would be responsible for the mysterious disappearance of his brother Frédéric-Sébastien, known as Freddy during an expedition to the Congo, in which Lucien had participated. Freddy's bad reputation and the hatred existing between the two brothers gives substance to this suspicion. In order to lift the charges against her husband, Isabelle asks Inspector Wens to investigate.
Loves of Casanova
On his way to Paris, Casanova keeps on collecting female conquests, does not shy away from duels and gets into many a colorful adventure. Once in the capital, the fearless knight saves the honor of a great lady, conquers the niece of his implacable enemy but courts disaster for love of Coraline, a faithless opera dancer.
Alert Nights
Hélène, a young waitress working in a bar frequented by German soldiers, saves the life of Pierre, a Resistance fighter. Her jealous lover has her arrested first and then released. Later on, Hélène is wounded while walking in the streets. Pierre has her transported to friends with the hope of taking her to London with him. Unfortunately, owing to lack of space in the plane, Pierre has to fly alone. Hélène has to wait several weeks before being able to board a new plane. When the day comes at last, the Germans are waiting for the plane on the clandestine airfield.
Клетка для соловьев
Преподаватель Клеман Матье публикует в ежедневной газете рассказ о своей работе в интернате для неблагополучных детей. Благодоря изобретательности и пониманию, а не строгости и жестокости, он быстро снискал расположение подростков и организовал в учреждении хор.
The Honorable Catherine
Catherine's technique to sell her clocks is to blackmail illegitimate couples such as Jacques and Gisèle. However when Gisèle's husband Pierre walks in on them, Catherine pretends to be Jacques's lover to save the day. Jacques then gets caught up in her schemes when the next couple she deals with turn out to be jewel thieves who kidnap them.
Граф Монте-Кристо: Эдмон Дантес
Le second témoin
Эдмона Дантеса завистники ложно обвиняют в совершении преступления, и его приговаривают к пожизненному заключению в знаменитой тюрьме на острове — замке Иф. Там он встречает аббата Фариа, которого все считают сумасшедшим. Аббат рассказывает Эдмону о спрятанных на крошечном острове сокровищах. После смерти аббата Эдмону удается сбежать из тюрьмы под видом мертвого тела.
The Benefactor
A kind and generous village noble, specializing in good works, actually leads a double existence and carries out dishonest activities.
L'homme qui joue avec le feu
The doubtful Man
A do gooder hopes to cure potential romantic partners of what he considers the disease of love, by putting them up in a property and having them watched over.Things do not turn out according to his plan.
Sideral Cruises
Robert and Françoise Monier make a hot air balloon to fly to the stratosphere. After a visit to Venus, they return home, but have only aged 15 days whereas 25 years have passed on Earth.
Дом семи девушек
У вдовца проблемы с деньгами, и он должен женить семерых дочерей. Кредитор утверждая, что стесняется, не в состоянии решиться.
The Duraton Family
Unbeknownst to the members of a French family, a radio announcer makes them the subject of a broadcast.
Cordial Agreement
The film depicts events between the Fashoda crisis in 1898 and the 1904 signing of the Entente Cordiale creating an alliance between Britain and France and ending their historic rivalry. It was based on the book King Edward VII and His Times by André Maurois. It was made with an eye to its propaganda value, following the Munich Agreement of September 1938 and in anticipation of the outbreak of a Second World War which would test the bonds between Britain and France in a conflict with Nazi Germany.
Girls in Distress
Le beau-père d'Amélie
Jeune Filles en Detresse (Young Girls in Distress) was director G. W. Pabst's last French production before his (ill-timed) return to Nazi-occupied Austria in 1941. Somewhat reminiscent of Maedchen in Uniform, the story is set in a private girl's school, populated almost exclusively by children from broken homes. Among the few students who can claim family stability is Micheline Presle, but even her happiness is threatened when her lawyer father Andre Luguet inaugurates an affair with stage actress Jacqueline Debulac. With the help of Debulac's daughter Louisa Carletti, Presle is able to break up her father's romance and deliver him into the open arms of her mother Marcelle Chantal. On the whole, the performance by the younger cast members are more convincing than those rendered by the film's so-called adults.
L'ange que j'ai vendu
Baronski has had enough of being a small-time merchant and decides, aided by his daughter Esther, to try his hand at big business. Why not be a film producer for instance? But it is easier said than done and he is soon relieved of 100,000 francs by a crook. Undaunted, he produces a film written by a young scriptwriter, Maurice Rogier, discovered by his daughter but does not believe it could become a success. Esther, for her part, decides to have "L'ange que j'ai vendu" shown in a local movie theater and the film immediately proves a hit. All is well that ends well, Esther marrying Maurice into the bargain.
Bouquets from Nicholas
A florist in a nightclub in Montmartre, a good, naive man is manipulated by a gang of gangsters who use him to smuggle drugs.
During the Rif War, a lieutenant commands a torpedo boat. He finds in an abandoned yacht, a beautiful portrait of a woman, and soon meets this one who is married to a brutal and jealous baron.
French White Cargo
Manuel, le faux policier
Two journalists from different papers are looking for the same story. They want to know, who a group of gangsters getting young women from Europe to South America, where they are forced to work in brothels. But the gangsters have their own battels against each over, so the journalists can escape the danger, in which they've brought themselves.
It's in the Bag
Le monsieur aux vernis
Benjamin Déboisé, a hatter, his salesman and a young man want to kidnap an American millionaire, put him in a bag and hold him to ransom. But they make a mistake: the fellow they find in the bag is not the millionaire himself, but his son...!