Portia, a wealthy heiress of Belmont, is forced to set her suitors a challenge. The winner will win her hand in marriage; the losers will lose her hand and much more. In Venice, the epicentre of consumption, speculation and debt, Bassanio borrows money from his friend Antonio to finance his attempt. Antonio, in turn, takes out a loan from the moneylender Shylock. The loan will be repaid when Antonio’s ships return to the city. But if the ships fail to return, and the money cannot be repaid, Antonio will give to Shylock a pound of his own flesh. And they do fail. And Shylock will have his ‘bond’.
Henry Bolingbroke
Ruling by divine right, but himself ruled by caprice, King Richard exiles Henry Bolingbroke and seizes his father’s vast estates. While Richard is distracted by a rebellion in Ireland, Bolingbroke returns to England, intent on recovering his rightful property and, with the support of his disgruntled peers, perhaps seizing the crown itself.
Freddie Wilkins
По роману Молли Лефебьюр (Molly Lefebure). Лондон 1940 год. Чуть ли не ежедневные авианалёты бомбардировщиков. В таких условиях работает молодой паталогоанатом доктор Колинз, к которому обращается полиция с просьбой помочь установить и отыскать душителя женщин. Маньяк не просто их душит, но и оставляет свой особый след - надрезы на языке жертв в форме фашистской свастики... У доктора Колинза нет познаний в уголовных делах, но он очень хорошо знает патологическую анатомию и судебную медицину, а значит, трупы уже не смогут хранить свои тайны.