An ex-cop in self-imposed witness protection in Mexico becomes a target when a fight video of his apprentice goes viral.
Italian Man
Популярный американский блогер сделал себе имя на участии в самых зрелищных и опасных испытаниях, которые он находит по всему миру. На 10-летие своего шоу он непременно хочет устроить что-то особенное, и друзья предлагают ему пройти необычный квест в Москве. Поначалу главный герой настроен скептически. Квест? Кого этим сейчас можно удивить? Но ему объясняют, что ничего подобного ему ещё не доводилось переживать. Каждое испытание в этом квесте подбирается индивидуально под участника, но самое главное - это будет действительно страшно. Настолько страшно, насколько это вообще возможно…
Ever since he was a kid, Johnny Castle had a dream: to become a movie star. Driven by his obsession, Johnny moved to Los Angeles, and the corner of Hollywood and Vine Boulevards became his natural stage on which to promote himself. Johnny is absolutely convinced that some day a producer or a director will sign him for their next movie. Even though Johnny has this optimistic way of looking at life, in the three years since his move to Los Angeles he has only been able to get a small part in a science fiction B-movie. Very soon the movie will debut in the theaters, and Johnny wants to show the result of his work to his father, who lives in Chicago. He obtains a preview DVD copy of the movie from the director so that he'll be able to present it to his dad as a wonderful birthday surprise.
A group of hiking students witness a mob murder and are pursued through the wilderness.
Cult Member
When teenager David Bowers renounces his home and family to run off with a quasi-religious cult, his sister, Janet, sets out to bring him back, very nearly becoming brainwashed herself.
Police Officer (uncredited)
Джейк ЛаМотта, получивший прозвище Бронксский Бык, — боксер. И все его психологические и сексуальные комплексы яростно извергаются на боксерском ринге. Под горячую руку ему попадается родной брат, ставший жертвой навязчивой паранойи и ревности Джейка, а также пятнадцатилетняя девочка, которой суждено было стать самой главной наградой Джейка… и преследующим его наваждением.
Street Vendor (uncredited)
The mysterious owner of a costume shop rents a Santa Claus suit to three very different men: a math teacher trying to get the nerve to propose, a homeless restaurateur trying to hide from the mob, and a harried political speech writer visiting with his estranged wife and son. Their lives are inexorably changed by their experience of playing Santa Claus.
Фильм рассказывает о страдающей алкоголизмом домохозяйке Кэсси Барретт, у которой вследствие пагубного пристрастия развивается расстройство психики, приводящее ее в последствие в приют для душевнобольных.
Passenger (uncredited)
Attractive, affluent married couple Mitch and Lindy Garrison sail their yacht to Tahiti to recharge their relationship and add spice to their upper-middle-class lives, but things don't go as planned when they wind up falling overboard.
Warrior (uncredited)
Мастер восточных единоборств Корд, не признающий традиционных школ, узнает о существовании книги высшего знания, которой владеет могущественный Зетан, и отправляется в долгое и опасное путешествие с целью заглянуть в ту самую книгу.
Swat Team Officer (uncredited)
Lionel's life turns around after a one-night stand on top of a pinball table... he becomes the world's first pregnant man!
Mr. Peterson (uncredited)
A swinging divorcée is prejudged by a police detective and accused of killing her child.
Factory Worker (uncredited)
Жизнь у сборочного конвейера тосклива. Изо дня в день клеить ветровое стекло… Один автомобиль в минуту. 55 в час. 220000 в год. Зарплата неприлично маленькая. Профсоюз продажный. Жизнь - бесконечный перечень неоплаченных счетов. И вот трое рабочих задумывают провернуть дельце, чтобы вырваться на свободу из этого мрака.
Spectator (uncredited)
Things were cool. Chicks were pretty. Waves were groovy. Cars had muscle. Jan and Dean rode their wave to the top of the pop charts. Then, in 1966, on their way to becoming rock and roll legends, they have to cope with a devastating car crash that leaves Jan brain-damaged and their dreams shattered.
Passenger (uncredited)
По роману Дэна Дженкинса. Комедия о двух футболистах и их общей девушке. Много пародий на различные группы и семинары по самоусовершенствованию, которые были популярны в 1970-х.
A special unit of the U.S. Marshal's Service is assigned to protect a syndicate hitman who is to testify against his former bosses, who have put out a contract on his life.
Henchman at Airport
A swimming pool cleaner and a suicidal housewife set out on the run and are pursued by her corrupt lobbyist husband.
Roman Senator (uncredited)
Sharon Kelly plays a naive waitress who sleeps her ways to bigger and bigger roles in a musical adaptation of Julius Caesar, only to suffer some form of physical calamity every time the cameras roll.