Lyn Thomas

Lyn Thomas

Рождение : 1929-11-02,

Смерть : 2004-08-26


Lyn Thomas


Noose for a Gunman
Della Haines
Case Britton, gunslinger and wanted man, comes to town to meet his bride-to-be, stop a stagecoach robbery, and get even with the man who killed his brother.
Three Came to Kill
June Parker
Assassins take a flight controller's family hostage to force him into revealing the aircraft carrying their quarry.
Here Come the Jets
The rehabilitation of a Korean War veteran coincides with the advent of passenger jets.
Поджог по найму
Keely Harris
Джонни Бродерик, следователь группы по поджогам, и его помощник Бен Ховард расследуют пожар на складе и находят доказательства поджога. Адвокат Уильям Ярбо стоит за серией зажигательных пожаров, охвативших город. Кили Харисс, актриса, унаследовала склад от своего отца. Ябро звонит ей и говорит, что они с отцом сильно застраховали здание и планировали сжечь его и собрать, а также говорит ей, что она должна принять половину страховых денег, иначе он увидит, что она обвиняется в поджоге. «Поп» Берген, отец Мэрили Берген, работает факелом, нанятым Ярбо, и погибает в одном из пожаров. Ярбо узнает, что Кили сотрудничает с Бродериком, и входит в киностудию, где она работает, решив убить ее.
Alaska Passage
Janet Mason
Al Graham runs a trucking business in Alaska, America’s final frontier which confronts him with washed out bridges, female hitchhikers and mayhem concerning his partner Gerard Mason and his scheming wife.
Frontier Gun
Kate Durand
Small-town sheriff discovers that gun-fighting is the only way to clean up the town.
Space Master X-7
Laura Greeling
A fungus dubbed "Space Rust" from Outer Space threatens to destroy the Earth.
Свидетель убийства
Joyce Stewart (uncredited)
Окружающие начинают сомневаться в душевном здоровье женщины, утверждающей, что, выглянув из окна своей квартиры, она стала свидетельницей убийства.
Red River Shore
Peggy Taylor
When an oil discovery is reported at Paxton, Oklahoma, Marshal Rex Allen immediately suspects that where there is oil, there is trouble. Rex arrives just as a band of desperadoes stage a bank hold-up and escape with $25,000 which ranchers have invested in prospective oil drillings.
Blades of the Musketeers
Lady Constance
In 1625 France, D'Artagnan joins the king's musketeers, meets three new friends - Athos, Porthos and Aramis - among them and, together, the four quickly find themselves embroiled in court intrigue with Prime Minister Richelieu attempting to sabotage the congenial relationship existing between France and England. Originally produced as a 60-minute episode of THE MAGNAVOX THEATER on CBS as THE THREE MUSKETEERS. This has the distinction of being the first movie specifically made for TV. Later retitled and released theatrically.
That's My Boy
Student (uncredited)
Jack Jackson, the greatest football player in Ridgefield College history, is disappointed that his only son Junior is an uncoordinated, allergy-ridden bookworm. He uses his athletic reputation and standing as #1 alumni contributor to pressure the coach to take Junior onto the team. In addition, he pays the tuition of Junior's financially needy classmate Bill Baker, a potential all-American, with the understanding that he will room with Junior and mentor him athletically and socially. Junior's initial efforts as quarterback prove disastrous and further complications arise when the room mates both fall in love with the same co-ed.
The Missourians
Peg Finn
In the little town of Dorado, widely known as a town with no crime and no bank to rob, young Polish-born Steve Kovacs is fighting a two-edged sword of prejudice; his foreign birth and also the fact that his brother, Nick Kovacs, is the leader of an outlaw gang known as The Missourians.
Big Timber
A young man goes to work in a logging camp to fulfill a boyhood ambition and a jealous loggers rigs things to make him appear to be an incompetent bungler. But he proves himself successfully conveying an injured workman to the hospital in a careening truck, whose brakes have been tampered with, down a mountainside.
The Petty Girl
Patti McKenzie (uncredited)
An artist famous for his calendar portraits of beautiful women becomes fascinated by a prim and proper professor and tries to get her to pose for his arwork. She declines his offer, but he's determined not to take no for an answer.
Triple Trouble
Shirley O'Brien, Gabe's Secretary
Slip and Sach take the rap for a robbery they did not commit in order to uncover the real robbers, whom they suspect are led by a convict who gives orders to his gang outside via a short-wave radio stashed somewhere in the prison.
Covered Wagon Raid
Gail Warren
Under the leadership of a cutthroat named Grif, a band of outlaws has systematically been robbing and murdering settlers bound for the large Chandler ranch which has been cut up into small parcels of land for purchase.
Kill the Umpire
Pretty Wife (uncredited)
Ex-baseball player Bill Johnson, failing at many jobs when his ball-playing days are over, reluctantly takes the advice of his father-in-law, Jonah Evans, a retired umpire, and enters an umpire-training school. Assigned to the Texas League, he does fine until the championship play-offs when a riot develops over one of his calls. The involved player is knocked unconscious in the proceedings and cannot verify that Bill made the correct call. Despite lynch mob plans to at least tar-and-feather him, Bill's family - his daughters Lucy (Gloria Henry and Susan and his wife Betty - help Bill reach the ballpark safely the next day through a series of hair-raising encounters.
Оптом дешевле
Girl on Beach (uncredited)
Фрэнк Гилбрет, эксперт по эффективности, пытается применить результаты своих исследований к собственным детям, которых 12 человек!
Black Midnight
Cindy Baxter
A young man with a love of horses, Scott Jordan (Roddy McDowall) lives on the family ranch with his uncle Bill (Damian O’Flynn). When he buys a wild stallion from his black-sheep cousin Daniel (Rand Brooks), Scott names the horse Midnight and does his best to tame him. But when the sheriff (Sky King’s Kirby Grant) suspects the stallion was stolen and Daniel’s plan to get rid of the horse ends with a man being trampled, Scott must prove Midnight acted in self-defense before his uncle destroys him. The fourth of six films McDowall coproduced and starred in for Monogram Pictures, Black Midnight was directed by Oscar “Budd” Boetticher, whose seven Westerns with Randolph Scott are considered classics of the genre.
Home in San Antone
June Wallace
Posing as unemployed musicians, Roy Acuff and his Smoky Mountain Boys, are being helped by Ted Gibson owner of the Harmony Inn in San Antonio, Texas. Gibson is impoverished because he keeps buying his kleptomaniac Uncle Zeke out of trouble, supports his Ma, and Grandpa. He wants to marry Jean Wallace, and doesn't know that Acuff and his musicians are traveling incognito for the radio show "Who Am I Helping?" If he guesses their identity, he wins $100,000.
Miss Parker (uncredited)
Вильма Татл, профессор психологии, позволяет отвезти себя домой наглому и агрессивному студенту Биллу Перри. Неудачное свидание заканчивается смертью Перри. В панике Вильма стирает все свои отпечатки и убегает. Она вынуждена скрывать свою тайну ото всех, включая Уоррена Форда, опекуна Перри, с которым у нее начинается бурный роман. Спустя какое-то время Вилма наталкивается на расследование дела Доргана, которое наводит ее на определенные подозрения.
Stage Struck
Ruth Ames
The murder of nightclub hostess leads an investigator (Kane Richmond) to seedy nightspots.