Shannon Leade


House on the Hill
Based on a true story, "House On The Hill" is a true crime melodrama with strong horror elements, chronicling the outrageous 1980s murder spree of serial killer Leonard Lake, who would target, kidnap, rob and kill people - and even whole families. Sonia, the only survivor of Lake's killing spree, teams up with a private investigator to help him locate a woman who disappeared into Lake's compound. In the process, Sonia recounts the horrors of the house, where Lake and his accomplice would force her to videotape the killings.
House on the Hill
Based on a true story, "House On The Hill" is a true crime melodrama with strong horror elements, chronicling the outrageous 1980s murder spree of serial killer Leonard Lake, who would target, kidnap, rob and kill people - and even whole families. Sonia, the only survivor of Lake's killing spree, teams up with a private investigator to help him locate a woman who disappeared into Lake's compound. In the process, Sonia recounts the horrors of the house, where Lake and his accomplice would force her to videotape the killings.
Безбрачная неделя
20-Something Woman
Главный герой получает от своей супруги разрешение на свободные отношения с другими женщинами. Похожая ситуация возникает и в семье его лучшего друга. Когда жены героев также решают воспользоваться подобным «пропуском», история принимает новый оборот.
Green River Killer
Along twenty years, the deranged serial-killer Gary Ridgway has killed at least forty-eight prostitutes and dumped their bodies in Green River.