Naser Zera'ati


Где дом друга?
Production Manager
Герой фильма, 8-летний мальчуган, обещал непременно вернуть школьному другу тетрадь с домашним заданием. Пересилив ребяческий страх, он шагает в ночную тьму, чтоб отыскать жилище приятеля в чужом, незнакомом ему селении. Мальчик ведет себя по-рыцарски, по-мужски, покоряет добротой, отзывчивостью и совсем не детской ответственностью.
First Case, Second Case
Assistant Director
Kiarostami presents two cases for talking heads to evaluate in terms of morality, rights and responsibilities. Case One: Your son is in class, sitting in the back row. His teacher is writing on the board. A restless student in the back row makes a lot of noise. Not knowing who the culprit is, the teacher makes all the children sitting in the last two rows stay outside of the class until the weekend, unless they tell him who made the noise. After a few days spent outside of the classroom, your son relents and tattles on the boy who made the noise, so he can go back in and continue learning. Was he in the right? Case Two: The other students from the back row wait out the rest of the week outside of the class, before returning. Were they in the right?