George Bancroft

George Bancroft

Рождение : 1882-09-30, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Смерть : 1956-10-02


George Bancroft was an American screen actor of the 1920s and 1930s.


George Bancroft


Going Hollywood: The '30s
(archive footage)
Robert Preston hosts this documentary that shows what people of the 1930s were watching as they were battling the Depression as well as eventually getting ready for another World War.
Hollywood Out-takes and Rare Footage
Himself (archive footage)
Out-takes (mostly from Warner Bros.), promotional shorts, movie premieres, public service pleas, wardrobe tests, documentary material, and archival footage make up this star-studded voyeuristic look at the Golden age of Hollywood during the 30s, 40, and 50.
Whistling in Dixie
Sheriff Claude Stagg
Radio sleuth Wally 'The Fox' Benton travels to Georgia with his fiancé Carol to be married; and to help Carol's college chum, Ellamae Downs, solve a mystery involving a murdered man, old Fort Dixon, and buried treasure.
Steve Porter
A young trumpeter rises through the jazz world and finds love.
The Bugle Sounds
'Russ' Russell
An old-time cavalry sergeant's resistance to change could cost him his post.
Windy Miller
Two Virginians are heading for a new life in Texas when they witness a stagecoach being held up. They decide to rob the robbers and make off with the loot. To escape a posse, they split up and don't see each other again for a long time. When they do meet up again, they find themselves on different sides of the law. This leads to the increasing estrangement of the two men, who once thought of themselves as brothers.
Little Men
Major I.I. Burdle
Jo March and her husband Professor Bhaer operate the Plumfield School for poor boys. When Dan, a tough street kid, comes to the school, he wins Jo's heart despite his hard edge, and she defends him when he is falsely accused. Dan's foster father, Major Burdle, is a swindler in cahoots with another crook called Willie the Fox. When the Plumfield School becomes in danger of foreclosure, the two con men cook up a scheme to save the home.
Северо-западная конная полиция
Jacques Corbeau
О сотрудничестве техасского ковбоя с канадской конной полицией в поисках убийцы, сбежавшего из Канады.
When the Daltons Rode
Caleb Winters
Young lawyer Tod Jackson arrives in pioneer Kansas to visit his prosperous rancher friends the Daltons, just as the latter are in danger of losing their land to a crooked development company. When Tod tries to help them, a faked murder charge turns the Daltons into outlaws, but more victims than villains in this fictionalized version. Will Tod stay loyal to his friends despite falling in love with Bob Dalton's former fiancée Julie?
Young Tom Edison
Samuel 'Sam' Edison
Inventor Thomas Edison's boyhood is chronicled and shows him as a lad whose early inventions and scientific experiments usually end up causing disastrous results. As a result, the towns folk all think Tom is crazy, and creating a strained relationship between Tom and his father. Tom's only solace is his understanding mother who believes he's headed to do great things.
Green Hell
Jim 'Tex' Morgan
A group of adventurers head deep into South American jungle in search of an ancient Incan treasure.
Rulers of the Sea
Capt. Oliver
The struggle of a man to build a steam ship to take him across the Atlantic in spite of all setbacks, and his win against a crack sailing boat in the early 19th century.
Espionage Agent
Dudley Garrett
When Barry Corvall discovers that his new bride is a possible enemy agent, he resigns from the diplomatic service to go undercover to route out an espionage ring planning to destroy American industrial capability.
Каждое утро я умираю
John Armstrong
Заключенный в тюрьму за убийство после написания статьи о коррупции, репортер Френк Росс уверен, что сможет доказать свою невиновность и выйти на свободу. Но не так работает система тюрьмы «Роки Пойнт». Охрана жестока, работа на мельнице джута нескончаема, а силы, с которыми Росс боролся на свободе, намерены надолго удержать его за решеткой. Вера Френка поколебалась, и он начинает сдаваться…
Land of Liberty
(archive footage)
This film tells the history of the United States from pre-Revolution through 1939.
Marshal Curly Wilcox
Из городка Тонто в Нью-Мехико выезжают на дилижансе несколько человек. Док Бун, пьяница, давно выгнанный из гильдии врачей. Даллас, проститутка, чьи сексуальные приключения так разозлили местных женщин, что те выгнали ее из своего не самого высшего общества. Хэтфилд, шулер, выдающий себя за джентльмена-южанина, у которого свои причины покинуть Тонто. Он тем не менее делает вид, что вызвался сопроводить беременную Люси к ее мужу, кавалеристу. Хенри Гэйтвуд, помпезный банкир, садится в дилижанс с небольшим саквояжем, который он не выпускает из рук. Сэмюэл Пикок, торговец виски, везет ящик образцов. Эти шесть человек составляют список пассажиров, а наверху сидит кучер Бак, верзила, ненавидящий индейцев, и крутой, грубый, но честный и простодушный Керли, представитель закона с дробовиком. Через какое-то время уже в пути к ним присоединяется Ринго Кид, у которого охромела лошадь. Дилижанс тронулся, ждите приключений!
Ангелы с грязными лицами
Mac Keefer
Два друга детства вместе совершили кражу. Рокки попался, взял всю вину на себя, сел в тюрьму и стал профессиональным преступником, а Джером подался в священники. Выйдя из тюрьмы в очередной раз, Рокки отправился к Джиму Фрезеру, своему адвокату-партнеру, распоряжавшемуся все это время их общими деньгами, а тот вместо доли натравил на него убийц…
Submarine Patrol
Capt. Leeds
A naval officer is demoted for negligence and put in command of a run-down submarine chaser with a motley crew.
Racketeers in Exile
William Waldo
In this gangster movie, a criminal king-pin and his gang hide out in his hometown where they witness a religious revival that inspires the man to begin billing himself as a "born-again" evangelist so he can cash in on the guilty consciences of local businessmen.
John Meade's Woman
Tim Mathews
"Teddy" Connor, a woman recently orphaned, leaves her uncle's Midwestern farm for Chicago, where she meets "lumber king" John Meade. John takes her in for a hot meal and sends her roses the next day. John is engaged to penniless society beauty Caroline Haig, who is in love with Rodney Bentley and is marrying John for his money. A jovial millionaire without a conscience, John orders his long-time employee, Tim Mathews, to report to Chicago from the lumber mills and announces he is leaving the lumber business for wheat. Although Tim insists they reforest their lumber lands, John ignores his plea. For laughs, John invites Teddy and Tim to his engagement party at Caroline's wealthy friend's estate. Teddy, realizing John is engaged to a woman who does not love him, drowns her tears in liquor and embarrasses Caroline.
A Doctor's Diary
Dr. Clem Driscoll
A Doctor's Diary is told through the eyes of Dr. Dan Norris (John Trent), resident physician in a private hospital. In his search for a cure for spinal meningitis, Norris recklessly runs roughshod over the feelings of his colleagues. The doctor's older, wiser supervisor, Dr. Clem Driscoll (George Bancroft), tries to curb Norris' impatience, pointing out that nothing takes place overnight. Angrily, Norris accuses Driscoll of malpractice and is forced to resign from the clinic -- just when a meningitis epidemic breaks out.
Wedding Present
Pete Stagg
Charlie Mason and Rusty Fleming are star reporters on a Chicago tabloid who are romantically involved as well. Although skilled in ferreting out great stories, they often behave in an unprofessional and immature manner. After their shenanigans cause their frustrated city editor to resign, the publisher promotes Charlie to the job, a decision based on the premise that only a slacker would be able crack down on other shirkers and underachievers. His pomposity soon alienates most of his co-workers and causes Rusty to move to New York. Charlie resigns and along with gangster friend Smiles Benson tries to win Rusty back before she marries a stuffy society author.
Мистер Дидс переезжает в город
Лонгфеллоу Дидс, деревенщина из Вермонта, наследует огромное состояние своего дяди и за одну ночь становится известен всей стране. Весь городок собирается на вокзале, чтобы проводить Дидса, поэта, играющего на трубе, в Нью-Йорк, где он должен вступить во владение дядюшкиным капиталом и переехать в огромный особняк. Циничный газетчик МакУэйд не верит в имидж простого честного человека, созданный Дидсу в прессе. Он поручает красавице Бэйб Беннетт взять у парня интервью и дает ей недвусмысленные инструкции. Журналистка притворяется, что теряет сознание у входа в особняк. Галантный Дидс поднимает ее на руки, заботится. Она сообщает ему, что осталась без работы и постепенно начинает вытягивать информацию…
Hell-Ship Morgan
Captain Ira 'Hell-Ship' Morgan
A fishing-boat captain's bride eyes his first mate at sea.
Blood Money
Bill Bailey
The title refers to the business of affable, ambitious bail bondsman (and politically-connected grifter) Bill Bailey, who, in the course of his work, crosses paths with every kind of offender there is, from first-time defendants to career criminals.
Lady and Gent
Percival 'Slag' Bailey
Stag Bailey, a slow-witted prizefighter, and his girlfriend, speakeasy hostess Puff Rogers, take over the upbringing of Ted Streaver after his father, Stag's manager, is killed.
The World and the Flesh
During the 1917 Russian revolution, a group of artistocrats find themselves in the custody of a brutal Communist revolutionary. He lusts after one of them, a ballerina, and gives her an ultimatum: give in to him or her friends will face the firing squad.
Rich Man's Folly
Brock Trumbull
The dream of Paul Dombey, the wealthy owner of the shipping company, is to have a son to continue his business. Tragically, Dombey's wife dies shortly after giving birth to their son.
Screen Snapshots (Series 10, No. 8)
Pola Negri, Bebe Daniels, Mitzi Green, Polly Moran, Mack Sennett and Marjorie Beebe are seen relaxing at Palm Springs, a California winter resort; Barbara Stanwyck and Ricardo Cortez play golf; other celebrities are shown in Malibu Beach.
Грязная игра
Second Stranger
Ушедший на покой англичанин продает свое поместье шотландцу. Тот обещает построить фабрику и возвести дома для рабочих, но слово свое не сдерживает. Аристократическая семья сочла это подлой игрой. Для того чтобы утвердить моральные права семьи и принудить покупателя выполнить данные обязательства, жена англичанина начинает искать компрометирующие факты в прошлом золовки шотландца…
Scandal Sheet
Mark Flint
Confirming his principle that no one escapes the news, a tabloid editor prints a scathing story about his wife.
Bill Rafferty
Two rival seamen fight for both a promotion to a captaincy in their shipping line and the attentions of a Havana saloon singer. Sparks fly as they both try to out do each other in obtaining what they know their opposite is after. In the end they will need to work together in order to save the day.
Galas de la Paramount
(from original version)
Spanish-language version of PARAMOUNT ON PARADE (q.v.), with new sequences of interest to Spanish-speaking audiences mixed with original- version sequences.
Ladies Love Brutes
Joe Forziati
The movie stars George Bancroft, Mary Astor and Fredric March who are all excellent in their roles. The story begins as Joe Forziati (Bancroft), an Italian immigrant who has battled his way to success as a New York building contractor, decides to embark on a social career.
Paramount on Parade
This 1930 film, a collection of songs and sketches showcasing Paramount Studios' contract stars, credits 11 directors
The Mighty
Blake Greeson
In this melodrama set during WW I, a gangster joins the army and is promoted to major. He then returns from war torn Europe to tell a family that their beloved son had died in his arms during a battle. The major then falls in love with the late soldier's sister and decides to accept a position in town as the new police commissioner.
Thunderbolt Jim Lang
A criminal known as Thunderbolt is imprisoned and facing execution. Into the next cell is placed Bob Moran, an innocent man who has been framed and who is in love with Thunderbolt's girl, without knowing of their relationship. Thunderbolt hopes to stave off the execution long enough to kill young Moran for romancing his girl.
The Wolf of Wall Street
The Wolf
A ruthless stockbroker sells short in the copper business and ruins the life of his friends by ruining their finances.
Пристани Нью-Йорка
Bill Roberts
Один из последних фильмов заканчивающейся эпохи немого кино. Неповоротливый кочегар Билл (Джозеф Бэнкрофт) вытаскивает бродягу Мэй (Бетти Компсон) из воды. Они оказываются в шумном салуне и в спешке обещают друг другу жениться. При этом они почти не осознают, что блефуют, обманывают друг друга и себя. Утренний свет приносит опустошение, разочарование, отрезвление, и Билл уходит, чтобы получить наказание за украденное для Мэй платье.
The Drag Net
Two-Gun Nolan
A 1928 silent film crime drama produced by Famous Players-Lasky and distributed by Paramount Pictures, directed by Josef von Sternberg from an original screen story and starring George Bancroft and Evelyn Brent.
The Showdown
Passions run hot in the tropics as men fight over oil wells and a woman.
The Rough Riders
Happy Joe
The story of the military unit organized by future U.S. President Teddy Roosevelt and its adventures in Cuba during the Spanish-American War of 1898.
Преступный мир
'Bull' Weed
Гангстер Булл Вид, некоронованный король преступного мира, подбирает спившегося и опустившегося адвоката, помогает ему и даёт кличку Роллс-Ройс. Образованный Роллс-Ройс становится мозгом банды Булла. Дело осложняется, когда Роллс-Ройс и девушка Булла по прозвищу Перья влюбляются друг в друга…
Too Many Crooks
Bert the Boxman
Too Many Crooks is a lost 1927 American comedy silent film directed by Fred C. Newmeyer, written by E.J. Rath and Rex Taylor, and starring Mildred Davis, Lloyd Hughes, George Bancroft, El Brendel, William V. Mong, John St. Polis, and Otto Matieson. It was released on April 2, 1927, by Paramount Pictures.
White Gold
Sam Randall
A sheep farmer brings his new wife to his father's ranch and the old man takes an instant dislike to her.
Old Ironsides
An embellished account of the 1813 expedition by famed frigate U.S.S. Constitution--a.k.a. "Old Ironsides"--against the Barbary pirates then terrorizing American shipping, focusing on the crew and passengers of a fictional merchant ship, The Esther, who fall afoul of the same pirates and thus become involved with the Constitution's mission.
The Runaway
Lesher Skidmore
A movie actress, mistakenly thinking she has killed a fellow actor, goes on the run and finds herself taken in by a Kentucky mountain family.
Sea Horses
Sea Horses is a 1926 American drama silent film directed by Allan Dwan and written by Becky Gardiner, James Shelley Hamilton and Francis Brett Young. The film stars Jack Holt, Florence Vidor, William Powell, George Bancroft, Mack Swain, Frank Campeau and Allan Simpson. The film was released on February 22, 1926, by Paramount Pictures. It is considered a lost film.
The Enchanted Hill
Ira Todd
Based on a Peter B. Kyne novel, The Enchanted Hill featureds a triangle romance between Jack Holt, rancher's daughter Mary Brian and jealous foreman Richard Arlen.
The Splendid Road
Buck Lockwell
Young Sandra De Hault arrives by ship in Sacramento, California, during the 1849 Gold Rush. While on board she adopted three children whose mother had died during the voyage. While in Sacramento she is saved from the attentions of a violent drunk by Stanton Holliday, an agent for eastern banker John Grey. They fall for each other, but Sandra believes that the daughter of Halliday's boss is in love with him, and not wanting to hurt his career she leaves town.
The Pony Express
Jack Slade
The Pony Express is a silent 1925 Western film produced by Famous Players-Lasky and distributed by Paramount Pictures. The film was directed by James Cruze and starred his wife Betty Compson along with Ricardo Cortez, Wallace Beery, and George Bancroft.
The Rainbow Trail
Jake Willets
John Shefford is looking for his uncle Venters who years ago found a hidden valley and lived there with Jane Withersteen and young Fay Larkin. He finds Kay, now grown, who tells John that Willets and his men got into the nearly inaccessible valley and she has agreed to marry him to save the lives of the other two. John and Fay head for the valley with Willets and with his men right behind.
Code of the West
Enoch Thurman
Code of the West (1925)
The Deadwood Coach
Tex Wilson
A man searches for the villains who murdered his parents
Dan Angus
Tom Mix western film.
Lem Tolliver
Essie, a mountain girl, moves in with a family of neighboring bootleggers when her father, also a bootlegger, is killed by federal agents. She falls in love with Tom, one of the family's brothers, but another brother, the violent and brutal Lem, decides he wants her for himself, and beats Tom badly. What the girl doesn't know is that it wasn't the feds who killed her father--it was Lem. Complications ensue.
The Prodigal Judge
The story takes place in the pre-Civil War era South. Judge Price has a fondness for liquor which really goes into overdrive after his wife runs away with another man and she takes their boy with her. He then spends his time wandering around the country with his tee-totaling pal, Solomon Mahaffy. Years pass and the judge learns that his wife has died and her lover is trying to get his hands on her son's inheritance.