Petr Jarchovský

Рождение : 1966-10-06,


Známi neznámi
This fascinating historical drama looks at the life of "the Czech Schindler," Zdenek Toman, a controversial figure who was an unsavory politician and dubious entrepreneur, but also the savior of hundreds of Eastern European Jews.
Garden Store: Suitor
In late-1950s Czechoslovakia, a young couple's new love is tested by their parents' expectations and the toll of the Communist regime.
Zahradnictví: Dezertér
In 1940s Prague, a former Nazi prisoner returns to run his posh hair salon and struggles with family, the rise of communism and his past.
Zahradnictví: Rodinný přítel
Sisters whose husbands were arrested by the Gestapo struggle to get by with their children during WWII, while one grows close to a selfless doctor.
Green Horse Rustlers
An unemployed farmer convinces a geologist friend to quit his university job to seek fortune illegally mining moldavite.
1983 год. После прихода в школу новой учительницы, бездетной вдовы офицера армии, жизнь учеников и их родителей переворачивается с ног на голову. В убеждении, что поведение нового педагога способно довести одного из учащихся класса до попытки самоубийства, директор школы проводит экстренное родительское собрание, на котором просит родителей подписать петицию об увольнении учительницы.
The Snake Brothers
Brothers Grass and Cobra Snake, in their late and early thirties respectively, live in a small Czech town not far from Prague. Coming from a disfunctional family, they both feel unable to build up a life to be satisfied with. Grass, unemployed and still without a girl, does not know how to escape from the shadow of his druggie and troublemaker brother Cobra. Things seem to change for Grass when all at once he gets the opportunity to be part of a promising business and starts a relationship with the waitress of a local pub. It is just then when Cobra and his addiction show up in his life once more to put him on the verge of losing everything he achieved. But this time Grass is determined to not let anybody or anything stop his last chance in life to be happy and he decides to teach his brother a life lesson he should never forget.... A lesson that uncontrollably turns into a nightmare...
Once a hugely popular clown trio, Oskar, Max, and Viktor are now living very different lives. The intense fight that ended their friendship has left them on bad terms for over 40 years. Max is battling colon cancer, Viktor's wife is losing a battle to Alzheimer's, and Oskar, who's never been the best dad, is trying to rescue his daughter from an abusive relationship. The good old days are gone indeed. Despite their situations, each one still tries to maintain a sense of humor. They look fondly on the days when they were slapstick superstars. However, when it comes to the issues that led to their career demise, they just can't seem to let their anger go. As they hesitantly agree to a reunion, they begin to find that the only way back to the top is through forgiveness.
Once a hugely popular clown trio, Oskar, Max, and Viktor are now living very different lives. The intense fight that ended their friendship has left them on bad terms for over 40 years. Max is battling colon cancer, Viktor's wife is losing a battle to Alzheimer's, and Oskar, who's never been the best dad, is trying to rescue his daughter from an abusive relationship. The good old days are gone indeed. Despite their situations, each one still tries to maintain a sense of humor. They look fondly on the days when they were slapstick superstars. However, when it comes to the issues that led to their career demise, they just can't seem to let their anger go. As they hesitantly agree to a reunion, they begin to find that the only way back to the top is through forgiveness.
A wedding is supposed to be a joyous occasion, but things can go awry. When an uninvited guest turns up at the church and later at the reception as well, the newly-weds’ day turns sour. Shadows of the past can blight the most sumptuous of banquets and rend the most affectionate of embraces.
Okresní přebor – Poslední zápas Pepika Hnátka
The fall from the top to the absolute bottom can be very fast. A renowned physician, also a beloved father and husband, is accused of a serious felony. Innocence is hard to prove, especially when in desperation to try to save oneself, we sacrifice the secrets that should have remained hidden forever.
Identity Card
Bittersweet comedy about four teenage boys, their friends, parents, lovers - from the moment when they are 15 to moment when they are 18. Story is set in 1970s, when is Czechoslovakia occupied by Russians.
Kawasaki's Rose
Loyalty, history and regret take center stage for university professor Pavel Josek, lauded for standing up to the communist regime when it counted most. But as a TV documentary starts to focus in on the facts of his past, new truths are uncovered which may threaten his reputation.
У меня хорошо
Фильм «У меня хорошо» — это взгляд назад, во времена радостного прощание с социализмом и неуверенного входа в новый мир, мир частной собственности и импортных вещей. Шестеро друзей — по большей части, рыбаки и садоводы — каждую субботу встречаются за кружкой пива в маленькой пивнушке на Либенском острове. И вот один из них становится жертвой обманщиков на пражском рынке. Друзьям приходится, как в старом добром вестерне, взять закон в собственные руки: в жарком городе, полном пыли, фальшивомонетчиков, контрабандистов, проституток и продажных полицейских они пытаются вернуть другу обманом отобранные тридцать шесть тысяч крон. У них все получится, благодаря дружбе, отваге, удаче, а главное — потертому тузу…
Teddy Bear
Jirka, Roman, and Ivan have been friends since school. Today they are about 35 and, although they went into different fields, their friendship has lasted. Each of the three friends hides a secret, and their lives change radically when the secrets come out. How will the three friends stand up to the tests they are forced to face? Will their friendship survive?
Beauty in Trouble
Marcela can't bear Jarda any longer, so she threatens divorce and takes the kids to her mom's, whose husband is a creep. While Marcela is there, Jarda is jailed, because he is part of a gang steeling cars and they get caught in the act. Benes, the urbane man whose car got stolen by Jarda and his gang, befriends Marcela. Soon she feels drawn to Benes and all of a sudden she must make up her mind: Jarda is still sexually attractive to her, but Benes offers security, and her own body and mind may not pull at the same strand.
Up and Down
Milan and Goran are two criminals who smuggle illegal immigrants. One night after they complete a smuggle, they discover that one of the immigrants has left a baby behind. Milan and Goran decide to sell the baby to Lubos and Eman, who are responsible for running an illegal baby adoption center. Lubos and Eman make attempts to sell the baby to Miluska and Frantisek, a barren couple.
Идет Вторая Мировая Война. Медсестра Элишка вместе со своим возлюбленным, хирургом Ричардом Литтнером, учавствует в тайном движении сопротивления. После того, как их организацию раскрывают Элишке, спасаясь от нацистов, приходится покинуть госпиталь. Ее коллега, Доктор Хладек, отправляет девушку вместе с жителем гор Йожей, который был одни из пациентов госпиталя. Под именем Нана, Элишка вместе с Йожей добирается до небольшой деревушки под названием Зелари. Там они остаются жить на два года, до тех пор, пока фашистская оккупация не заканчивается.
Artist Bedřich Mára (Bolek Polivka) is unable to find much secure work due to his public antagonism toward the ruling Communist Party. He has a wife and two children. Life begins to change when art historian Alois Fábera (Jiři Pecha) begins working on a piece about Bedřich, leading to a job offer from a Party official. Things are looking up, until the wrong people hear portions of the historian's writing.
Out of the City
A computer programmer and his son are going out of the city for vacation.
По одиночке мы погибнем
Чехословакия во время второй мировой войны, бездетная пара, джозеф и Мария, наблюдают за еврейскими погромами в городе. Год спустя, молодой Дэвид, ихбежавший гибели в немецких застенках, находит убежище в доме Джозефа...
По одиночке мы погибнем
Чехословакия во время второй мировой войны, бездетная пара, джозеф и Мария, наблюдают за еврейскими погромами в городе. Год спустя, молодой Дэвид, ихбежавший гибели в немецких застенках, находит убежище в доме Джозефа...
Уютные норки
В небольшом доме на окраине Праги соседствуют две семьи. Глава семьи Себеков — высокий военный чин, симпатизирующий коммунистам. Старший же Краус — ветеран чешского сопротивления и настоящий патриот своей страны. И пока взрослые сражаются за свои идеалы, юный Михал Собек, похоже, влюбился в симпатичную Индришку Краус, мысли которой, впрочем, заняты кем-то другим.
Big Beat
A period musical comedy set in a quiet Prague quarter at the end of the fifties. Using the western plot device of the "man from nowhere" a generation gap story unfolds of changing social climate. The action is driven by the character of a young man named Baby who causes a local rebellion by bringing rock'n'roll to a Communist neighborhood raised on swing.
Let's All Sing Around
A comedy on a typical children summer camp from the socialist time, telling the truth about it: combination of strange cynical leaders, absent-minded young assistants with complexes, teenage girls desperately in love with them etc. What a pioneer camp pretended to be and what it really was about. All this produces many embarrassing situations.
Co všechno chcete vědět o sexu a bojíte se to prožít
Short comedy about psychiatrist and a couple with sexual problems.
Background Events
Vojtěch Bohdanovský and Soňa Kostková are siblings. Both teach at the Palacký University in Olomouc and both are experiencing a crisis in their marriage: Vojta and his 5-year-old son are left by Vojta's wife, while Soňa faces her husband's infidelity and eternal neglect. Vojta writes detective stories in his spare time. Soňa, inspired by him, publishes a very successful erotic novel Background of Events under a pseudonym. The ambitious Alice Klusová is elected to the position of dean of the Faculty of Philosophy. In an effort to eradicate all manifestations of surviving sexist stereotypes at the school, educators and students who cross the imaginary ethical boundary come into its crosshairs. The situation at the university escalates when a sexually motivated murder of a female student occurs. 35-year-old criminologist Lída Stehlíková, who is in a relationship with a woman with whom she is expecting a child, is tasked with investigating the case.