Tamara Almeida

Tamara Almeida


Tamara Almeida


What We Do for Love
Type A personality, Sophie outgrows her job at a small mediation company, and secures a job at the famous Lower Manhattan mediation and wellness firm, Floating Lotus. Always up for a challenge, Sophie dives headfirst into her role as Associate Mediator. She finds herself at loggerheads with the companies chief Life Coach and lothario, Jason Sharpe who is the son of the firm’s President. Jason’s a loveable rouge, who charms his way into people’s hearts. The two are forced to work together.
Revenge Delivered
Luna Alvarez
A dark truth comes to light when renowned obstetrician Dr. Victoria Brooks suspects that one of her student residents is secretly the vengeful daughter of someone from her past.
Cupids on Beacon Street
Romance book editor Eve agrees to housesit for her bestselling novelists, sharing the home with Jake, a self-help coach who needs the space to host romantically themed workshops for Valentine's Day.
MARCH takes place in 2024, and follows an American woman in her mid-twenties, as she travels to Toronto, Canada to get a now-illegal abortion.
Date Night
Assistant Makeup Artist
Alba hasn’t dated in a long time, so saying she's nervous is an understatement. Not helping: feeling old, language barriers, too much make-up, and a deeper fear her daughters don't want to talk about.
Date Night
Assistant Hairstylist
Alba hasn’t dated in a long time, so saying she's nervous is an understatement. Not helping: feeling old, language barriers, too much make-up, and a deeper fear her daughters don't want to talk about.
Date Night
Alba hasn’t dated in a long time, so saying she's nervous is an understatement. Not helping: feeling old, language barriers, too much make-up, and a deeper fear her daughters don't want to talk about.
Dating within different cultures and being open to all religions, Ethan must deal with constant roadblocks. From First Nations to South American, his journey to find love in Toronto is nothing but complex. He faces discrimination and depression but always remains optimistic.
Entertaining Christmas
Candace, daughter of lifestyle mogul Liz Livingstone, has never lived up to her mother’s standards. When a young girl posts a video begging Liz to help arrange a special Christmas party, Candace is sent in her place. As she struggles to prove herself worthy of running the company, Candace meets—and begins falling for—the girl’s uncle, a reporter writing an expose on her.
Щенок на Рождество
Ноэль сбегает от своего парня, прихватив с собой маленького щенка. Рождество она решила встретить со своим коллегой Лиамом на ферме. И как только между ними пробегает искра, возвращается ее бывший, с намерениями вернуть ее обратно. Девушке предстоит выбор между двумя молодыми людьми.
Он никогда не умирал
Главный герой фильма покупает кровь, которую воруют для него работники больниц. Эта кровь помогает ему дольше жить, но слишком долгая жизнь вызывает скуку и депрессию. Джек играет в бинго, спит по четырнадцать часов в сутки, смотрит телевизор по шесть часов в день... И он одинок.
Sorority Surrogate
A surrogate mother faces an uncertain future when the couple who hires her dies in an accident.
Cop Who Greets Murphy
2028 год. Международный конгломерат ОмниКорп лидирует в производстве робототехники. Благодаря разработкам компании Америка успешно побеждает в войнах по всему миру. Но теперь пришло время применить технологию на американской земле. Алекс Мерфи - любящий муж, отец и отличный полицейский, оберегающий порядок в Детройте, получает на службе смертельные ранения. Специалисты ОмниКорпа, используя новейшие разработки, сохраняют ему жизнь. Алекс возвращается на службу в родной город не только с новыми сверхспособностями, но и с проблемами, с которыми не сталкивался ни один живой человек.