Представьте себе. Вы оказываете кому-либо существенную услугу и просите этого человека отблагодарить не вас, а трех других людей, которые, в свою очередь, отблагодарят еще троих, и так далее, в мировом масштабе, распространяя доброту и тепло. Насколько действенной может оказаться подобная сердечная идея? Ученик седьмого класса Тревор МакКинни решил это проверить, начав цепочку добра.
The bank president in a small California town isn't quite the upstanding citizen he appears to be--he's a corrupt killer, who has just kidnapped the wife and daughter of the local sheriff.
A desperate mother becomes detective to solve her 5 year-old daughter's death. The authorities suspect that the girl has been killed by a well-known person of the family.
A funky hip-hop holiday special featuring a teenage boy named Orlando who lives in an underprivileged neighborhood.
A Central American revolutionary is captured and tortured by government forces. He escapes and flees to the US, hiding out in a rural area where he is sheltered by a Christian sanctuary movement. His wife gets a job at a local diner run by one of the town's shadier women, and soon a CIA assassination team shows up, looking for him.
A murderous psycho breaks out of a mental hospital and goes after his rich uncle who killed his father and raped his mother.