Billy M. Greene

Billy M. Greene


Billy M. Greene


Меблированная комната на одного
Три истории в одной: Джонни (Джейн Мэнсфилд) выходит замуж, но юный муж бросает ее, узнав о ее беременности. Она меняет имя на Мэй и идет работать официанткой. Мужчины снова обманывают бедную девушку, разбивая ей сердце. Теперь Мэй меняет личину, становясь Эйлин, жрицей свободной любви. У нее на горизонте появляется настойчивый ухажер, насмерть влюбленный в нее юноша Билли...
Этот мех норки
Он работает финансистом, "пожирающим" компании, она — аккуратная девочка, бегающая своими длинными ножками по Манхэттэну в поисках работы. Всё начинается с того, что его лимузин обрызгал её грязной водой из лужи…
Unsold television sitcom pilot about a talking dog that befriends a boy.
Never Steal Anything Small
Ed Barton
Director Charles Lederer's 1959 musical stars James Cagney as an unscrupulous longshoreman who'll resort to every dirty trick in the book to win his union's presidency.
Slaughter on 10th Avenue
"Monk" Mohler
A rookie assistant DA is assigned to investigate the murder of a longshoreman, killed for exposing gangster involvement on the piers, and meets up with a "code of silence" amongst all potential witnesses.
The Shrike
Film version of Joseph Kramm's Pulitzer Prize play, about a Broadway playwright driven to a nervous breakdown by his shrewish wife.
A Long Time Till Dawn
Just out of prison Joe Harris looks to restart his life. His wife Barbie has moved and the one man who can tell him where refuses to do so. Enraged, Joe beats the old man senseless and runs away to his father's home, where he also finds his wife. A police detective comes around about the beating (which will soon to become a murder) and Joe insists he's innocent. Joe tells his wife and father he's a changed man and he's only a suspect because of his prior conviction. Barbie and Fred struggle with their desire to believe Joe's plea versus their fear he'll never change.