Uzmaan Saparov


Иванна работает в частном охранном агентстве. Под видом референта она охраняет Маргариту Аникину, богатую даму, которая собирается спонсировать новый проект известного актера Ивана Азарова. Во время презентации, на которой официально объявлено об их сотрудничестве, Аникину убивают. Иванну увольняют из агентства. Так как в лицо киллера знают только Иванна и Иван Азаров, девушка понимает что их в ближайшее время должны убрать, к тому же ее профессиональная судьба теперь зависит от нейтрализации киллера. Иванна предлагает актёру стать его телохранителем. Она собирается использовать Ивана как живца, на которого она поймает убийцу. Иван соглашается. Иванна ставит условие, что она всегда будет рядом, а для окружающих - они любовники. Постепенно игра в любовь перерастает в настоящее, глубокое чувство…
Karakum - Ein Abenteuer in der Wüste
A 13-year-old German boy, Robert, (Max Kullman) sets out to try and find his father, who's in Turkmenistan. On his arrival there he meets up with a local boy (Murat Orasov) who agrees to help him, but they are abandoned by their adult guides and must fend for themselves.
Karakum - Ein Abenteuer in der Wüste
A 13-year-old German boy, Robert, (Max Kullman) sets out to try and find his father, who's in Turkmenistan. On his arrival there he meets up with a local boy (Murat Orasov) who agrees to help him, but they are abandoned by their adult guides and must fend for themselves.
Ангелочек, сделай радость
A social drama. The period of the Second World War in Turkmenia. In Central Asia the deportation program of the Soviet citizens of German origin begins. All adults are taken to camps in Siberia and children are put in orphanages. The six-year old Georg hides from the Red soldiers and finds himself left almost alone in his, now abandoned, German village. The horrifying reality sets in. The daily routine of his life is shocking: What to eat? How to take care of his sick friend Yashka? How to bury Aunt Lisa? Under these inhuman circumstances, the soul of Georg remains miraculously uncorrupt – he still believes in Little Angel from a children’s song, and he makes a nest for it in a tree. A miracle takes place: sometimes a glass of milk is left for Georg in the nest; sometimes an ear of corn...
Ангелочек, сделай радость
A social drama. The period of the Second World War in Turkmenia. In Central Asia the deportation program of the Soviet citizens of German origin begins. All adults are taken to camps in Siberia and children are put in orphanages. The six-year old Georg hides from the Red soldiers and finds himself left almost alone in his, now abandoned, German village. The horrifying reality sets in. The daily routine of his life is shocking: What to eat? How to take care of his sick friend Yashka? How to bury Aunt Lisa? Under these inhuman circumstances, the soul of Georg remains miraculously uncorrupt – he still believes in Little Angel from a children’s song, and he makes a nest for it in a tree. A miracle takes place: sometimes a glass of milk is left for Georg in the nest; sometimes an ear of corn...
The Education of a Man
A young boy is taken from his cozy existence in the city to live with his grandfather in the wild countryside of Central Asia.
Priklyucheniya na malenkikh ostrovakh
Kerim, 7, and his girlfriend Aina have a great deal to do: on the small island on the Caspian Sea where they live with Kerim's grandfather, nature is full of mysteries and men often come and make it upset.