The story of a college professor obsessed with private eye novels who, following an accident, becomes a private investigator patterned after the movies and novels of the 40’s. Among the cases he investigates, three will come to him that will reveal a full range of intrigue and bizarre secrets.
A being's emptiness is represented in this short by a marriage that cannot escape the vicious circle they are locked in, product of the irrationality of a society predestined to survive by the grace of money and not their emotional, cultural or identity attributes.
Check-In Lady
18-летняя Кейти Миллер приехала в Гавану с семьей родителей из Чикаго. Она хочет поступить в престижный колледж, но мечтает стать танцовщицей. Случайно в отеле она знакомится с официантом Хавьером, который оказывается виртуозным танцором. Хавьер соглашается обучить ее искусству танца…
A group of actors is shooting a film in Aguas Buenas, based on the legend of a magician. There, they become infected with the honesty syndrome, which unleashes a number of hidden secrets to come to light.
In Old San Juan a 40+ year old divorcée is not aware he befriends a vampire who bites women, not in their necks but in their derrières, leaving them with flattened behinds. A vampire hunter from Europe warns Celestino about his neighbor and tries to recruit his help in salvaging a much cherished national heritage. But there is a difficulty: this vampire will not die by a stake through his heart and to avoid destruction he wears tin underwear.
An inspiring, realistic portrayal of a group of female workers struggling to keep their jobs at a doomed Puerto Rican cannery. The volatile atmosphere worsens when their boss is found murdered one morning. As the investigation goes on and each of the women is questioned, the strain puts their friendship to the ultimate test.
Truth is slippery at the prestigious firm of Martín and Associates, a place where Lucía Aldarando intends to make her mark. Although go-getter Ricardo Martín heads the company, Lucía is ready to move up the corporate ladder, calling upon her smarts and her wiles to make her dream come true. Ambition, however, has a way of changing one's character, and not for the better.