Mladen Prebil

Рождение : 1929-12-18, Zagreb, Croatia

Смерть : 1989-08-15


Exciting Love Story
A man visits the panels of a comic page-like world in search for his loved Gloria.
Melkior Tresic is one of many intellectuals in 1941 Zagreb who is helplessly waiting for the encroaching war.
Black Flag
A man with a black flag in his hands leads a large group of people. The masses obey the leader's commands despite the fact that he is leading them into an abyss. However, the flag he carries is tied to a tree and from the collapsing table only the leader is saved, climbing the flag.
Sound Engineer
The fauna of the megalopolis, the jungle of the supermarket, the bedlam of brothels and bars, the effect of the bars in the fog, the swaying ears of corn, the swaying of men hanging from the gallows, the ripple of water – seen by the eye of the animator…
Homo Screenicus
Human obsession with television is presented through 17 different situations and the same number of shots.
The Bird and the Worm
Sound Engineer
An old frustrated bird who cannot fly tries to ventilate his anger by attacking a worm.
The Rat Savior
Sound Recordist
A poor writer discovers that a species of rats has banded together to impersonate humans and supplant them unnoticed, in a manner reminiscent of the transformations in Eugene Ionesco's Rhinoceros, or the covert conspiracy of pod-people in The Invasion of the Body Snatchers. This film's story is based on a book by the Soviet writer Alexander Grin.
Train in the Snow
One class of school children from a small village make the trip to Zagreb. One of the boys gets sick and the class is forced to go home. During their journey the train gets stuck in a snowstorm.
Ars gratia artis
Experimental animation/live-action short by Dušan Vukotić
This observational documentary about carnation pickers at one of Split plantations does not have a single line of dialoguel not a single commentary or any kind of intervention in life apart from exclusion of colour belonging to it after the first introductory close-ups of the flower itself.
The Wall
Sound Recordist
A wall blocks the path of two people. One man submits, while the other refuses to admit defeat.
The film is based on the short story of the same name by Radoe Domanović.
Don Quixote
Sound Recordist
"Don Kihot" is a satirical, Klee-esque meditation about Don Quijote in the contemporary militaristic and regimentistic world.
Two men in adjoining duplexes, good friends, are enchanted by the song of a bird. One buys a small harmonica and learns to play it; he keeps his neighbor awake. The neighbor buys a larger harmonica, and an arms race ensues; the instruments get larger, until it's a piano vs. a pipe organ, and then they start bringing in larger groups of friends until an entire orchestra is playing the 1812 Overture. The houses collapse from all this, atop the dueling orchestras, and on their way up to heaven, the man puts his small harmonica up for sale.
Наши пути расходятся
Вторая мировая война. Подпольщики Загреба осуществляют дерзкие акции против оккупантов и местных коллаборационистов. При этом двое лучших друзей, Мирко Ловек и Вилко Кланчар, соперничают за руку и сердце своей соратницы Веры Доган. Сама девушка отдает предпочтение Вилко, не подозревая, что он сотрудничает с усташской полицией.
Это было не напрасно
Доктор Юре с супругой приезжает в небольшой городок, где многие люди живут суевериями и предрассудками, считая лучшими средствами от болезней снадобья, которые им дает старая ведьма, живущая на болоте. Новый врач пытается всеми силами бороться с мракобесием и тем самым переходит дорогу знахарке. А ведь многие из местных жителей считают, что именно ее проклятие стало причиной нескольких таинственных смертей, произошедших в округе за последние годы.