Cinqué Lee

Cinqué Lee

Рождение : , Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA


An American writer, actor, and filmmaker. He is best known for his appearances in films directed by Spike Lee and Jim Jarmusch.


Cinqué Lee


Сладкая кровь Иисуса
Ellington Christopher
Фильм о людях, кто пристрастился к крови.
River of Fundament
Wake Guest
Visionary artist Matthew Barney returns to cinema with this 3-part epic, a radical reinvention of Norman Mailer’s novel Ancient Evenings. In collaboration with composer Jonathan Bepler, Barney combines traditional modes of narrative cinema with filmed elements of performance, sculpture, and opera, reconstructing Mailer’s hypersexual story of Egyptian gods and the seven stages of reincarnation, alongside the rise and fall of the American car industry.
Фильм рассказывает о рекламщике, которого некто похитил и 20 лет продержал в одиночной камере, никак не объясняя своих мотивов. Столь же неожиданно получив однажды свободу, он решает разыскать того, кто организовал его похищение, и обнаруживает, что неизвестный злодей продолжает мучить его загадками. Погоня за местью приводит его к юной социальной работнице и некоему человеку, в руках которого якобы находится ключ к его спасению.
Burn Out the Day
A same sex couple try and find a surrogate mother for their baby.
Burn Out the Day
A same sex couple try and find a surrogate mother for their baby.
Window on Your Present
Window on Your Present is Cinqué Lee's first feature film, which he wrote and directed in the late 1980s. The film takes place in a world where color and love do not exist. The people who live in this dreary world have nothing to live for and often end up taking their own lives. However, two unlikely lovers discovery that there is something else that is special that exists outside of their horrid world.
Window on Your Present
Art Direction
Window on Your Present is Cinqué Lee's first feature film, which he wrote and directed in the late 1980s. The film takes place in a world where color and love do not exist. The people who live in this dreary world have nothing to live for and often end up taking their own lives. However, two unlikely lovers discovery that there is something else that is special that exists outside of their horrid world.
Window on Your Present
Production Design
Window on Your Present is Cinqué Lee's first feature film, which he wrote and directed in the late 1980s. The film takes place in a world where color and love do not exist. The people who live in this dreary world have nothing to live for and often end up taking their own lives. However, two unlikely lovers discovery that there is something else that is special that exists outside of their horrid world.
Window on Your Present
Window on Your Present is Cinqué Lee's first feature film, which he wrote and directed in the late 1980s. The film takes place in a world where color and love do not exist. The people who live in this dreary world have nothing to live for and often end up taking their own lives. However, two unlikely lovers discovery that there is something else that is special that exists outside of their horrid world.
Window on Your Present
Window on Your Present is Cinqué Lee's first feature film, which he wrote and directed in the late 1980s. The film takes place in a world where color and love do not exist. The people who live in this dreary world have nothing to live for and often end up taking their own lives. However, two unlikely lovers discovery that there is something else that is special that exists outside of their horrid world.
Window on Your Present
Window on Your Present is Cinqué Lee's first feature film, which he wrote and directed in the late 1980s. The film takes place in a world where color and love do not exist. The people who live in this dreary world have nothing to live for and often end up taking their own lives. However, two unlikely lovers discovery that there is something else that is special that exists outside of their horrid world.
Window on Your Present
Window on Your Present is Cinqué Lee's first feature film, which he wrote and directed in the late 1980s. The film takes place in a world where color and love do not exist. The people who live in this dreary world have nothing to live for and often end up taking their own lives. However, two unlikely lovers discovery that there is something else that is special that exists outside of their horrid world.
Leon Sykes
Бек — это рассказ о простом японском школьнике, 16-летнем Юкио Танаке, который волею судьбы встретился с молодым гитаристом Рюске Минами и благодаря таланту, силе духа, простому и открытому характеру, нашел свое место в жизни. Это рассказ о поиске путей самовыражения, на которых искренность и честность приносят радость, а злоба и лицемерие заводят в тупик. А еще это рассказ о встрече непростых людей, которые сумели создать и сохранить рок-группу, то самое целое, которое куда больше суммы слагаемых. Именно так и рождается настоящая музыка.
Hip-hop meets horror in this twisted tale directed by Kamal Ahmed (The Jerky Boys). Binging on hard drugs, white rapper Rapturious spins into murderous hallucinations - or is he really committing these blood-splattering crimes?
The Devil's Muse
A stark look at one of Hollywood's darkest mysteries, The Black Dalia (Elizabeth Short) Murder.
Jesus Children of America
A Brooklyn teen learns she was born HIV-positive.
Невидимые дети
Дети — цветы жизни. Им больше всего необходимы наши поддержка, внимание и забота. Но жизнь штука жестокая. И порой на детскую долю выпадает ноша, непосильная для этих маленьких созданий. Этот фильм — часть всемирного проекта ЮНИСЕФ (UNICEF) и Международной продуктовой программы ООН (WFF). Все доходы от фильма были направлены в фонд помощи нуждающимся детям.
Кофе и сигареты
Evil Twin
Одиннадцать новелл с участием гениальных актеров, шоуменов и музыкантов. Попивая кофе и покуривая сигареты, герои фильма спорят до безумия, подшучивают друг над другом, делают глубокомысленные выводы и травят нелепейшие байки…
People Are Dead
Someone is snatching up dead bodies off of the streets of New York City.
Limousine Drive
A ganguro girl named Eri travels to NYC to visit her lover.
Nowhere Fast
The lives of 19 rather disagreeable people momentarily converge in a Brooklyn heat wave one Friday afternoon in director Cinque Lee's (Spike Lee's brother) collection of urban character studies.
Nowhere Fast
The lives of 19 rather disagreeable people momentarily converge in a Brooklyn heat wave one Friday afternoon in director Cinque Lee's (Spike Lee's brother) collection of urban character studies.
Nowhere Fast
The lives of 19 rather disagreeable people momentarily converge in a Brooklyn heat wave one Friday afternoon in director Cinque Lee's (Spike Lee's brother) collection of urban character studies.
Two undercover police officer investigating a heroin ring find their covers blown.
Associate Producer
Полуавтобиографический фильм, любовное послание Спайка Ли эпохе 70-х.
Полуавтобиографический фильм, любовное послание Спайка Ли эпохе 70-х.
Таинственный поезд
Картина состоит из трёх самостоятельных новелл, действие которых происходит в отеле «Аркадия», Мемфис, штат Теннеси. Герои первой — молодая японская парочка, совершившая паломничество на Родину короля рок-н-ролла.Казалось бы, тривиальный туризм, но для Джармуша нет ничего более смешного и абсурдного, чем обыденность. Когда в последующих новеллах появляется призрак и начинается пальба, никто уже ничему не удивляется.
Coffee and Cigarettes II
Evil Twin
A brother and sister, sitting in a coffee bar, bicker mildly about whose idea it was to come to Memphis and which kind of cigarette is fresher. Danny, their waiter, comes by offering refills; after determining they are twins, he guesses which is the evil one. Without a pause, he sits down and offers his theory about Elvis's twin. He drones on. The good twin finally speaks up, giving her own opinion. The waiter is unfazed. After his boss finally calls him back to work, the twins are free to resume their bickering amidst the coffee and cigarettes.
School Daze
Fraternity and sorority members clash with other students at a historically black college during homecoming weekend.
A Rare Grand Alignment
Directed by Cinqué Lee. Plot currently unknown.
A Rare Grand Alignment
Directed by Cinqué Lee. Plot currently unknown.
A Rare Grand Alignment
Directed by Cinqué Lee. Plot currently unknown.