Karl Suter


Короли аферы
Полиция сбилась с ног, пытаясь поймать неуловимую шайку аферистов. В списке их «достижений» немало лихо прокрученных афер, обманутых бизнесменов и даже кинутых мафиози! Но, как говорится, и на старуху бывает проруха… После очередного «дела», проколовшись на пустяке, в лапы ФБР попадает главарь банды Винсент. Вот только тюремные стены заставляют его воображение работать даже лучше, чем прежде. И вскоре рождается план самой крупной и отчаянной аферы!
In Sachen Fischer
Professor Sound und die Pille
Professor Sound und die Pille
Bonditis, or the Horrible and Terrible Adventures of a Nearly Normal Human Being
His name is Born, Frank Born, and he suffers from an illness known as Bonditis!! In this very funny parody, Frank believes he is James Bond. His entire reality is shaped around this fantasy as he believes he has to save the world!
Bonditis, or the Horrible and Terrible Adventures of a Nearly Normal Human Being
His name is Born, Frank Born, and he suffers from an illness known as Bonditis!! In this very funny parody, Frank believes he is James Bond. His entire reality is shaped around this fantasy as he believes he has to save the world!
Willkommen Bruder Bleichgesicht
Der Herr mit der schwarzen Melone
Hugo Wiederkehr, as a dutiful bank employee, has to deal with all kinds of customers. Among other things, with the industrialist Meissen and his pretty daughter Christine, with whom he falls in love. However, it remains unmatched because it belongs to a different social class. He also works as a hobbyist and inventor, which also requires a lot of money. When his employer refuses to give him a loan because his father is in prison for fraud, he quits disappointed.
Der Mustergatte