Sofia Oggioni

Sofia Oggioni

Рождение : , Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia


Sofía Oggioni Hatty was born in Cali. She is a Social Communicator - Journalist from Universidad del Valle (Colombia). Since 1998 she has participated in different audiovisual productions in the area of photography and in some occasions as a director. She is the director of photography of the three feature films that Contravía Films has released to date, El vuelco del cangrejo (2010), La Sirga (2012) and Los hongos (2014).


Sofia Oggioni


A Male
Director of Photography
Carlos lives in a boarding school in the centre of Bogotá and longs to spend Christmas with his family. The circumstances around him force him to assume the male stereotype, in open contradiction to his true being. In private, Carlos acknowledges his sensitivity, his fragility and moves towards other forms of masculinity. At his 16 years of age, Carlos explores his sexual identity, discovers his fears, his desires, and all the things that real men never show.
Invisible River
On a journey through the interior of the earth, we learn about the life and dreams of a swiss explorer who searches for caves and underground rivers in a sector marked by violence and armed conflict in Colombia. This underground labyrinth is a metaphor about a dark past, buried deep within the soul, where old war wounds heal with the infinite passage of time.
Трагедии джунглей
Director of Photography
1920 году, граница между Мексикой и Белизом. В глубине тропического леса на территории, где не действуют законы ни одной, ни второй страны, живут майя. Группа мексиканских рабочих, работающих на добыче каучука, встречает в джунглях молодую женщину из Белиза. Присутствие таинственной незнакомки будит в рабочих фантазии и желания, но они не догадываются, что вместе с этим проснулось древнее существо, которое прячется в сердце джунглей.
Wandering Girl
Director of Photography
Teenager Ángela meets her three adult step-sisters for the first time when their father dies. Fearing that Ángela will end up in state custody, the sisters embark on a 900-mile journey across Colombia to leave the young girl with an aunt she doesn't even know. During this journey, Ángela will discover what it means to be a woman.
Director of Photography
Мать вместе с двумя маленькими детьми приезжает на маленький остров на границе Бразилии, Колумбии и Перу. Они бегут от военного конфликта, который протекает на территории Колумбии, где пропадает глава семейства. Однажды он загадочным образом появляется в их новом доме.
Pack of Dogs
Director of Photography
A man lives in the forest, in the midst of a pack of dogs. He feeds them, cleans them and takes care of them as if they were his own. When, one day, one of them disappears, the man has no choice but to go out and look for it.
Foreign Wars
Director of Photography
From the land of narco-violence to the land of displaced persons. The documentary Guerras Ajenas ('Wars of Others') explores the consequences of the war on drugs in Colombia, and one of its main tools: aerial spraying.
Director of Photography
Composed by six films about the Amazon rain forest and its inhabitants, the high stakes, and the challenges they face. Each film presents a different perspective on a specific aspect of Amazonian culture.
Los Hongos
Director of Photography
Ras is a graffiti artist from the city of Cali who works in construction, he works during the day and paints walls at night. One day he is caught stealing cans of paint from the construction site where he works, for which he is fired. With no money, he will look for Calvin, another popular urban artist. Both will circulate through the streets without a fixed destination, spreading their art to every corner.
Director of Photography
The Towrope
Director of Photography
In this poetic, richly allegorical debut by Colombian director William Vega, a teenage girl flees to a rundown inn after being driven from her home in the Andean highlands by civil war, as the violence engulfing the country creeps ever closer to her remote refuge. (TIFF)
Crab Trap
Director of Photography
A drama set in the black communities of Colombia's Pacific coast, where a man looking to flee the country by boat encounters a local fisherman.