Muckraking filmmaker Morgan Spurlock reignites his battle with the food industry — this time from behind the register — as he opens his own fast food restaurant.
Muckraking filmmaker Morgan Spurlock reignites his battle with the food industry — this time from behind the register — as he opens his own fast food restaurant.
Благодаря техническому прогрессу люди осмелились вторгнуться в доселе считавшуюся недоступной область - человеческий мозг. В будущем имплантируемые в мозг устройства станут обыденностью, а в наше время они в основном используются в медицинских целях. В данном фильме вы можете познакомиться с первыми в мире «киборгами» - людьми, которые благодаря современным технологиям, успешно возвращают свои утраченные способности.
Executive Producer
In honor of Homer's journey to the Hall of Fame, MLB all-stars and Springfield locals look back at the greatest corporate softball game ever played.
In honor of Homer's journey to the Hall of Fame, MLB all-stars and Springfield locals look back at the greatest corporate softball game ever played.
Executive Producer
Ашолпан всего тринадцать, но она уже замахнулась на святую традицию и мечтает стать первой в истории женщиной-укротительницей орлов. Данный вид охоты весьма распространен в Монголии, вот только заниматься им имеют право исключительно представители сильной половины человечества. Можно сказать, Ашолпан напрасно посвящает все свое время тренировкам, обучая гордую птицу приносить желаемые трофеи. Но девочка твердо уверена в том, что должна попытать счастья в ежегодном соревновании «Золотой орел», куда съезжаются лучшие охотники со всей страны.
Executive Producer
YouTube may have begun as a website for videos of cats and funny babies, but it is now home to vloggers: video diarists who have conjured a massive audience and wild financial success by filming themselves, their thoughts and their daily lives. Vlogumentary pulls the curtain back on this new media revolution by following some of the top vloggers in the business, examining how they work, what they have to say and why their fans prefer videos of real life over traditional entertainment. Featuring Shay Carl, Swoozie, Grace Helbig, Charles Trippy and Gaby Dunn, Mikey Murphy.
How did the economy get started? Meet Ugg, Glugg and Tugg, three enterprising cave men who accidentally invented trade, marketing and the base elements of the modern market economy. The first film in the WE THE ECONOMY series.
From America's greatest beardsman, to Morgan Spurlock's own mustache, Executive Producers Will Arnett, Jason Bateman and Ben Silverman bring us a hilarious look at men's identity in the 21st century. Models, actors, experts and comedians weigh in on what it is to be a man in a world where the definition of masculinity has become as diverse as a hipster's facial hair in Williamsburg. The hilarious follicles of men's idiosyncratic grooming habits are thoroughly combed over as men finally take a long hard look in the mirror.
A behind-the-scenes look at San Diego Comic-Con, the world's largest comic book convention, and the fans who attend every year.
A behind-the-scenes look at San Diego Comic-Con, the world's largest comic book convention, and the fans who attend every year.
Some of the world's most innovative documentary filmmakers will explore the hidden side of everything.
The Simpsons 20th Anniversary Special – In 3-D! On Ice! is a documentary special that examined the "cultural phenomenon" of the American animated television series The Simpsons.
A biopic about legendary Hollywood talent agent Sue Mengers. Mengers broke the glass ceiling as the female agent who crashed the Hollywood boys club of agenting with her brandishing an outsized personality to go with her client list which included Barbra Streisand, Cher, Brian De Palma, Faye Dunaway, etc.