Jorge Mistral

Jorge Mistral

Рождение : 1920-11-24, Aldaya, Valencia, Spain

Смерть : 1972-04-21


Modesto Llosas Rosell (November 24, 1920- April 21, 1972) better known as Jorge Mistral, was a Spanish actor that after leaving his Laws career began to acting in spanish theatre. During the years 1940 to 1950 Mistral participated in some of the most popular spanish films like Pequeñeces, Locura de amor and Carmen la de Ronda. Jorge had his bigger success in Mexico where was part of the "leading man" actors sharing credits with actresses like Dolores Del Río, María Félix and Silvia Pinal. In the 70's while he was shooting the soap opera "Hermanos Coraje" Mistral was diagnosed with doudenal cancer; for that reason, in 1972 he commited suicide after many suffering months and depression. His remains rest in a graveyard located in Mexico City.


Jorge Mistral


La justicia tiene doce años
El ardiente deseo
Adulterous love triangle ends in tragedy.
The Gates of Paradise
Due to betting problems, Andrés and his lover, Blanca, flee the city and travel through several states of the country; During their journey they get involved with a couple of hippies with whom they live for a time until the tragedy is complete.
The Corrupted
Hotel with a dozen stories unfolding simultaneously: man with brain tumor, child with leukemia, drug-traffic magnate and his paid escort, rich widow and her paid escort, lesbian seduction scenario, etc etc...
Los debutantes en el amor
Four stories about sexual initiation in adolescence.
Crimen sin olvido
La piel desnuda
La piel desnuda
La piel desnuda
La fiebre del deseo
La fiebre del deseo
Gunfighters of Casa Grande
Viajero (Traveler)
In this western, a gambler wins a big Mexican ranch and decides to herd all of the cattle upon it into Texas. The crook enlists the aide of a few Mexicans, but they don't realize he plans to cheat them. En route, the cattle drivers are ambushed by banditos. They survive, but during the course of the struggle, the cattle hands learn the truth and ensure that justice gets served.
Grand Vizir Zaccar
В 809 году Карл Великий направил посольство к Багдадскому халифу Гаруну аль Рашиду во главе с рыцарем Рено де Виллекруа (Жерар Баррэ). Они прибыли в порт в Сирии Искандер (Искендерун, Александретта), а затем стали пересекать пустыню. Гарун аль Рашид (Антонио Вилар) пригласил в Багдад красивейших принцесс исламского мира, чтобы выбрать себе жену, в числе приглашённых была Шахерезада (Анна Карина) из Искандера. Рено спасает Шахерезаду от разбойников. Они влюбляются друг в друга с первого взгляда. Рено отказывается бросить всё, отречься от исполнения своей миссии, своих друзей и своего мира ради того, чтобы бежать с Шахерезадой, не понимая, что их имена уже занесены в книгу Судеб, где стоят рядом. Ему чужд восточный фатализм. Лишь потеряв Шахерезаду, он понимает, что не сможет жить без неё…
Scheming and double-crosses as an old man and his doxy go to Guatemala to retrieve a stolen treasure that he hid there in years past.
Bajo un mismo rostro
Jaime Alonso
Two twin sisters have completely different ways of loving: to one love is profound, to the other is carnal.
Historia de una noche
Víctor Morel
After a few years, Víctor Morel comes back to the city. He has been a happy and Bohemian man who spent an authentic fortune. His first meeting with the past is with Laura, an extraordinary woman with he had intense relationships. She is now married with Daniel Romero, a man dedicated to the business that, precisely in the last days, has had a money problem. Due to this matter, Daniel will have to ask Víctor for help because it knows that he can extract it of the difficulty, in spite of the fact that he does not have any sharm.
El amor de los amores
Felipe Crespo, because of their anarchist ideology, Barcelona fleeing persecution for justice. Starving, he reaches the manor house and asks for protection Villares pretending repentance. He soon won the confidence of the wealthy owner of the land, a man of high moral and religious training, blind for years, who lives with his beautiful young wife. This, to know the true story of Philip, treats him with disgust, but over time, created in her a strong passion.
Juan Manuel
Cristina, a beautiful woman, lives in love with her husband Manuel, who believes the most handsome, charming and, above all, the best husband in the world. Unexpectedly, Manuel dies and, thereafter, Cristina not live but to idealize her husband, going so far as to pay a reasonable service. Until a jilted suitor puts aware of the true personality of her husband. Cristina's reaction was swift, gets a 'gale' and women becomes more attractive and desired of Sevilla.
La chamaca
Two young homeless people meet and fall in love, but bad luck separates them again every time they find each other.
Хуана Гальо
Capitán Guillermo Velarde
Анжела Рамос по прозвищу Хуана Гальо после того, как убили её отца и её жениха, присоединяется к повстанцам в борьбе с правительством. Она заручается поддержкой всего города, в том числе некоторых из тех, кто ранее был сторонником правительства.
Creo en ti
A rich young woman marries a man who will disappoint her emotionally and financially.
La hermana blanca
A young woman believes her fiance has died, and she enters a convent.
В испанской деревне Ронда против войск Наполеона борется вооруженная группа под командованием Антонио, в которого влюблена Микаэла. Но Антонио страстно любит красивую цыганку Кармен. После кровавого противостояния с французскими солдатами Антонио находит убежище у Кармен. Сгорая от ревности, Микаэла предаёт любимого и сообщает о месте его убежища французам. Антонио попадает в тюрьму. Тем временем сержант французской армии Хосе влюбляется в Кармен.
The Sword and the Cross
Caio Marcello
Mary Magdalene, a notorious harlot, must choose between her lascivious lifestyle and the love and affection of her decent-minded brother.
Love on the Riviera
It is Summer. It is the right time for love, especially in a most romantic place as Golfo del Tigullio. Different stories: Dorina looking for a rich lover; Clara who takes a fancy to the young Walter while her daughter Lina tries to save her; Aristarco who gave up his career to follow Ada's, but who likes Jacqueline; Renata who is offered by her husband to Ferrari to get money; Marcello who, extraditing Micheline to France, misses the train and falls in love with her.
È arrivata la parigina
An ambitious French girl who moved to Italy to be an actress cannot break through and then opts for a normal life.
Juan Díaz
Хуан Диас возвращается в родную деревню после окончания тюремного срока за убийство, которого он не совершал. Его сестра Андреа убеждает его отомстить брату убитого Луису, показания которого отправили Хуана в тюрьму. В свою очередь, мать Луиса заставляет своего сына отомстить за смерть брата. Вынуждаемые к смертельной вражде молодые люди, тем не менее, вынуждены на время объединиться – ведь приближается время жатвы, дающей поденным рабочим возможность заработать. Однако в деревенской артели не хватает рабочих рук, и там очень надеются на помощь молодых и сильных Хуана и Луиса. Вместе с ними на заработки отправляется и Андреа…
Forbidden Love
During a horse race, Ana, a happily married woman with a child, he met Captain Brown. Later, they meet again on a long train journey and inevitably love arises. Both try to forget each one on his own, however, things go more and more complicated, making it impossible to stop the situation.
Cape Horn
The whaling captain, Antonio Grez, meets in a bar in the port of Valparaiso a very beautiful woman who lives haunted by the tragic premonition that fate will give her a violent death. Grez takes command of a whaler bound for Cape Horn and Antarctica. In Punta Arenas, the owner of the whaling company embarks on together with his fiancee, who is none other than the mysterious woman with whom Grez has fallen in love. The final route of the ship is the 'Land of Desolation', a place on which there is a curse and everyone knows that, for centuries, is has been fulfilled inexorably.
Мальчик на дельфине
Прекрасный греческий остров Гидра. Красавица Федра зарабатывает на жизнь добыванием губок с морского дна. Однажды, ныряя, девушка натыкается на затонувший корабль и обнаруживает древнюю золотую статую мальчика, сидящего верхом на бронзовом дельфине. Понимая, что ее находка может принести семье много денег, Федра отправляется в Афины. Там она знакомится с хитрым коллекционером Виктором Пармали и ученым Джимом Колдером. Оба горят желанием взглянуть на историческую ценность.
Рабыни из Карфагена
Marcus Valerius
В дом римского проконсула в городе Тарс, что в малоазиатской провинции Киликия, попадают две рабыни-христианки, сёстры Лия и Эстер, девушки благородного происхождения, родом из далёкого Карфагена. Дочь проконсула Юлия Марсия третирует Лию, ревнуя ее к трибуну Марку Валерию, который оказывает покровительство несчастной девушке. А тем временем местный олигарх Публий Корнелий, стремясь поставить у власти в провинции свою марионетку Флавия Метелла, организует политическое убийство, ответственность за которое сваливает на христиан..
Andalusia Express
Jorge Andrade
Three men plan a jewelry heist abroad the Andalusia express train.
La legión del silencio
Jean Balzac / Paul Banek
La gran mentira
Self (uncredited)
César Neira, an almost forgotten actor, gets involved by chance with Teresa, a teacher from a small village in Cáceres who has won a radio contest. The prize is a trip to Madrid to experience just for a fortnight the life of the famous and wealthy people.
La Gata
In a country house dedicated to breeding bulls, bound for bullfighting, a love story emerges, conditioned by social class differences.
Love in Four Parts
José / Jorge
Anthology film, four episodes.
Para siempre
Juan Carlos
El caso de la mujer asesinadita
Francisco Payeiro
Ghosts and premonitions; a married woman discovers the true love of her life while being plagued with supernatural phenomena relating to her imminent murder. It's a comedy.
El tren expreso
Mario Sandoval
Más fuerte que el amor
Carlos Andrade
Young industrialist with a working-class background forces his way into the old-money society that's trying to shut him out.
Un caballero andaluz
Juan Manuel Almodóvar
In the farmhouse Los Laureles, owned by Don Juan Manuel Almodovar, wealthy Andalusian landowner, everything is being prepared to receive José Luis, only child of Juan Manuel, who is being educated in a Jesuit school in England and is returning for a holiday with his father. Since the death of his wife, Juan Manuel has set all his love in his son. The father does everything his child says, even when he is asked to accompany him to the Venta del Remedio where a blind gypsy called "Colorín" lives. But at the after party a serious accident occurs
Wuthering Heights
Gone several years, the brooding Alejandro returns to the hacienda of his foster sister, Catalina, whom he loves, to find her married to the wealthy and effete Eduardo.
Orquídeas para mi esposa
Carlos Gómez Alcalde
Three Dates with Destiny
Conde (segment "México")
Rafael Torres
A woman of low estate is beloved of a promising young man, but sacrifices her love for him in order to protect his future and reputation.
El conde de Montecristo
Edmundo Dantes is betrayed by his best friend, who has him killed to keep his property and his love. But after a few years, a certain Count appears to mortify the life of the traitorous friend.
Quiero vivir
Rubén Iturbe
Man in the final stages of a fatal illness gets immersed in a new romance and a murder investigation.
Esteban Zavaleta / José Silva
Returning veteran with PTSD/amnesia returns home and gets tangled up in a criminal investigation.
La mentira
Demetrio Robles
When Demetrio arrives at the mine to meet his brother Ricardo, he finds out that Ricardo has committed suicide for the love of a woman. He promises to avenge the death of his brother..
La hermana San Sulpicio
Ceferino Sanjurjo
Gloria and Ceferino are two antithetical characters. He is a Galician doctor, serious and upright; she, on the other hand, is a beautiful and rich Andalusian with an extroverted and dominant character. However, Gloria makes a surprising decision: to become a nun. Coincidentally, she goes to a hospital where Dr. Ceferino is the director.
El derecho de nacer
In Havana, turn of the century, Maria Elena is seduced by a man who leaves her pregnant and abandoned. The girl's parents do not want their name tainted with dishonor see your daughter, so send it to a remote ranch. There, with the black nanny care Mama Dolores, born Alberto, whom the grandfather, Rafael, want you dead. Mother Dolores takes the small and educated with the help of a suitor of Maria Elena, when she enters a convent to wash their sin. Years pass, and Alberto becomes a renowned doctor.
La noche es nuestra
Federico Aldana
Journalist meets an unforgettable woman, tracks her down and discovers all her tragic past.
El mar y tu
Marcial Ortega
Far from Heaven
Hombre en playa (uncredited)
Pedro Gonzalez first gets into trouble as part of a criminal gang and then works honourably to become rich. Money is his undoing allowing him to become a womanizer and drinker, almost losing his wife. Finally he rejoins her, they have a son and he pays for his mistakes.
Loving Was His Sin
Two sisters fall in love with the same man. Plus fatal illness.
Air Lashings
Alberto, "Zanahoria" and "Jabato" are three students of the Parachute School. They are the "lashing the air," friends, good partners but rivals and competitive in love. When they see Nati, a beautiful woman who falls in love with Alberto, jealousy will lead to situations that jeopardize their great friendship.
Monte de piedad
Marcos Velázquez
Anthology-movie, series of anecdotes about the personal tragedies that lead people to take their values posessions to the state-run pawnshop.
A man comes to a village to marry a girl, but upon meeting the bride's sister, he falls in love with her.
Fancy gentleman uses his charms to exploit a bunch of women.
Jacobo Téllez, marqués de Sabadell
Madrid in the 1870s. Amidst political intrigues against King Amadeo de Saboya, wealthy and strong-willed countess Curra de Albornoz makes her own way in spite of her son and husband, considering her indiscretions as merely trifles ("pequeñeces") until tragedy strikes her. Period drama with a luxurious production design.
Pobre corazón
Woman discovers she's dying of an incurable illness, so she tries to make her husband hate her; dumping her on moving on would be better for him than watching her decline and feeling sad.
Sabela De Cambados
Eduardo Armental
La duquesa de Benamejí
Lorenzo Gallardo
Bandits in Sierra Morena assault the carriage in which the Duchess of Benamejí travels. A romance starts between her and the boss of the gang, Lorenzo, that arouses the jealousy of Rocio a gypsy who lives with the bandits. Meanwhile, the Marquis of Peñaflores, a captain in love with his cousin the Duchess, chases the bandits. Rocío reveals to the Marquis where Lorenzo and his men are and taking advantage of the tumult of the fight, she kills the Duchess. Her death will cause a change in attitude both Lorenzo and Peñaflores
Locura de amor
Capitán don Alvar
The passion that Joan of Castile, daughter of the Catholic Kings and heir to the throne, feels for her husband, Philip the Handsome, sovereign of the Netherlands and son of Maximilian of Austria and Mary of Burgundy, is not reciprocated. Her temperament, her jealousy and an unexpected tragedy will throw Joan into the dark realm of madness and obsession with death, the only realm where she will be a true queen…
Botón de ancla
Carlos Corbián
Marín, Galicia, Spain. Carlos, José Luis and Enrique, three good friends and final year students in the Naval Academy, argue due to love issues.
Pototo, Boliche y Compañía
La dama del armiño
Toledo, 1585. Samuel, a young Jewish goldsmith, falls in love with Catalina, daughter of Doménikos Theotokópoulos el Greco, a famous painter.
The Captain's Ship
Pilot Martín Villalba
Port of Seville, Spain, 1640. A group of people from very different origins embark on the ship Capitana. They are members of the upper class, adventurers, peasants, convicts, who have only one thing in common: the illusion of arriving in America, the promised land where they can make their dreams and ambitions come true.
Heroes del 95
Capitán Francisco Neila
Las inquietudes de Shanti-Andía
Shanti Andía
Shanti Andía, a veteran sailor, puts together the fragments of a personal diary that he has written through years of tribulations: his childhood in the Basque Country, his youth in the lands of Cádiz, and his many adventures and misadventures as a ship captain.
Mar abierto
Carmiña, an old Galician woman, tells a painter a story of her youth, when a miracle saved the life of her beloved Antonio.
White Mission
Arriving at a Guinean Christian mission, a young priest is told by his elder ones the story of Father Javier, another young missioner who restlessly fought to convert a villain not only for God's sake, but also for sentimental reasons.
Ángela es así
Ángela, a young orphan studying at a school abroad, decides to spend the Christmas holidays in Madrid, at the home of her guardian and closest relative, an unmarried lawyer with a somewhat dissipated life.