Wallace Reid Jr.

Wallace Reid Jr.

Рождение : 1917-06-18, Los Angeles, California, USA

Смерть : 1990-02-28


Wallace Reid Jr.


Вне закона
Townsman (uncredited)
Док Холлидей идёт по следам человека, укравшего его любимую лошадь. Они приводят его в городок Линкольн штата Нью-Мексико, где шерифом только что избран старинный друг Дока Пэт Гарретт. Хозяин местного бара даёт им наводку, и они находят лошадь. А с ней и Билли Кида, которому она приглянулась. Но вопреки принципам Док не стремится расквитаться с молодым парнем, и дальше они следуют вместе, беспрестанно ссорясь из-за лошади и своей горячности. После вынужденного убийства, совершённого Билли, шериф хочет его арестовать, но Док отказывается помогать и встаёт на сторону нового приятеля. Однако Гарретту случайно удаётся подстрелить Билли, и Холлидей укрывает его в хижине своей девушки, индианки-полукровки Рио...
Северо-западная конная полиция
Constable Rankin
О сотрудничестве техасского ковбоя с канадской конной полицией в поисках убийцы, сбежавшего из Канады.
King of the Royal Mounted
Constable Doyle
The Canadians have discovered a valuable substance called Compound X, which can cure infantile paralysis. When a country at war with Canada learns that Compound X also contains magnetic properties that could aid them in their warfare against the British, they send agents to infiltrate Canada and steal a large quantity of the substance. It's up to Sgt. King (Allan Lane) and his Mounties to track down the agents and put an end to their scheme.
Gold Rush Maisie
Matt Sullivan
Maisie becomes attached to a dirt-poor farmer and his family as they try to make ends meet joining hundreds of others digging for gold in a previously panned-out ghost town.
Чёрная пятница
Во время уличной драки профессор университета Кингсли оказывается серьёзно ранен. В это же время аналогичный случай происходит с гангстером Кэнноном. Чтобы спасти своего друга, доктор Совак трансплантирует профессору часть мозга гангстера, который умирает. Но теперь Кингсли знает, где находится тайник с награбленными деньгами, которые Кэннон похитил у своего соперника Марнея. Получив мозг гангстера, Кингсли начинает вести себя соответствующим образом.
The Adventures of Frank Merriwell
Wally Reid
A 12-episode serial in which scholastic sports star Frank Merriwell leaves school to search for his missing father. His adventures involve a mysterious inscription on a ring, buried treasure, kidnaping and Indian raids. He saves his father and returns to school just in time to win a decisive baseball game with his remarkable pitching and hitting.
The Hoosier Schoolmaster
Right after the Civil War, an ex-Union soldier sets out to become a schoolmaster in his small town, even though many locals still harbor a resentment against "Yankees". He goes up against the town bully, who both want the same girl, and his troubles multiply when a vicious band of nightriders set out to drive him out of town.
The Racing Strain
Bill Westcott The Big Shot
A race-car driver whose career is on the skids because of his drinking falls for a rich society girl. That motivates him to clean up his act and resume his career, but it may be too late for that.
Excuse My Dust
'Toodles' Walden Jr. (as William Wallace Reid Jr.)
A top race-car driver leaves the sport to get married and settle down, because his new wife doesn't want him to race anymore. However, not long afterwards his wife takes their infant son and leaves him to go to San Francisco. The husband gets word that his son is seriously ill in San Francisco, but he has no way to get there. Just in the nick of time, however, the racer's father-in-law just happens to have developed a new car for a cross-country race--to San Francisco!
His Extra Bit
The Child
The Reid family is in a squabble over buying bonds, when the family cook tells them that even the family servants buy bonds. A fund-raising short for the United States Fourth Liberty Loan Drive in World War I.