Leopold Altenburg


Notes of Berlin
A film inspired by one of Germany's most visited blogs. The author of the site www.notesofberlin.com, Joab Nist, posts pictures of real announcements, notes, information that people leave in the streets of Berlin. The film follows 15 genuine notes and protagonists. The result is 15 funny, tragic, fascinating episodes about people and the city they live in. Twenty-four hours from the life of the city. The story begins with a note attached to a street lamp, with the message “For one minute please just stand here in silence, look at the sky and contemplate how amazing life is”. Is it possible that only a very drunk young man notices the text and looks upwards? An extraordinary mood picture of present-day Berlin and a declaration of love for the city.
„Verrat!“ - Das Ende der Habsburger im Ersten Weltkrieg
Kaiser Karl
Sissi ohne Franz
Therapie Klient
Negotiating Love
Three couples are in therapy, whereby - according to true events - actors sit opposite real psychologists who react professionally.
I Promise
In a small army base at the Eastern border of Austria a young recruit is trained to be a soldier to protect his country in case of war. He has to stay for 8 months and during this time he escapes in his own fantasy world...