Morgan Poferl


После отсидки
Second Second Assistant Director
На протяжении шести лет Раймунд заботился о своем малолетнем брате Оливере, пока их мать Лола сидела в тюрьме за наркоторговлю. После выхода на свободу она полна решимости взять Оливера под свою опеку, но у Раймунда иное представление о том, что будет лучше для мальчика. Забрав брата с собой в Калифорнию, Раймунд бежит от преследования собственной матери, которая обращается за помощью к бывшему мужу.
A bizarre visit with an estranged friend, an unexplained scar, and vivid, violent dreams of an ominous tunnel have Sandy worried something might not be right with her. As she begins to feel sick she becomes more and more paranoid that something is living inside her. Something that wants to become her.
She's Not Alone!
Production Design
Coming home from the grocery store Kate begins to casually put the food away in the safety of her apartment... but what she doesn't know is there is madman stalking the building. Don't lock the door. Don't close the windows. He's already inside! She's Not Alone! is a throwback to the slasher films of the late 70s and was featured in several horror film festivals, including winning "Best Exploitation Short" at the Pollygrind Film Festival.
She's Not Alone!
Makeup Effects Designer
Coming home from the grocery store Kate begins to casually put the food away in the safety of her apartment... but what she doesn't know is there is madman stalking the building. Don't lock the door. Don't close the windows. He's already inside! She's Not Alone! is a throwback to the slasher films of the late 70s and was featured in several horror film festivals, including winning "Best Exploitation Short" at the Pollygrind Film Festival.
She's Not Alone!
Coming home from the grocery store Kate begins to casually put the food away in the safety of her apartment... but what she doesn't know is there is madman stalking the building. Don't lock the door. Don't close the windows. He's already inside! She's Not Alone! is a throwback to the slasher films of the late 70s and was featured in several horror film festivals, including winning "Best Exploitation Short" at the Pollygrind Film Festival.
She's Not Alone!
Coming home from the grocery store Kate begins to casually put the food away in the safety of her apartment... but what she doesn't know is there is madman stalking the building. Don't lock the door. Don't close the windows. He's already inside! She's Not Alone! is a throwback to the slasher films of the late 70s and was featured in several horror film festivals, including winning "Best Exploitation Short" at the Pollygrind Film Festival.