Vincent Pannetier

Vincent Pannetier


Vincent Pannetier


Исповедь киллера
Doublure Lumière Gérald Gallant - Europe
Галлант был активным киллером с 1969 по 2006 год и признался в совершении 28 убийств и 12 покушений на убийство в его активные годы для «Рок-машины» — соперников «Ангелов ада» — и монреальской Вестсайдской банды во время смертельных байкерских войн Квебека с 1978 по 2003 годы. Это было жестокое и кровопролитное время.
Мадам Клод
One of the politicians (uncredited)
В Париже 1960-х влияние мадам Клод простирается далеко за пределы мира проституции — пока молодая состоятельная дама не ставит ее власть под угрозу.
He Even Has Your Eyes
Gay Dad in the pediatrician's office
Paul is married to Sali. Everything would be fine if they could get a child. Until the day when Sali receives the call that they have been waiting for so long: their adoption file is approved. He is adorable, he is 6 months old, his name is Benjamin. He is blond with blue eyes and white. They - are black.
Asphalt Playground
RATP Agent
Mitraillette is 12 years old and lives in Rose City, a housing estate he would not leave for anything. His whole world comprises his family, especially his 16 year-old cousin Isma, who has taken a fancy to Narcisse, the local crime boss. His older brother Djibril is 22, a student at the Sorbonne who dreams of becoming a lawyer. As for Mitraillette, he has his eye on Océane, the most beautiful girl in his school...