Petar Temelkovski


Ghoul Quest
Serafim is a vampire hunter - who wanders through Macedonian villages and destroys the vampired dead man for money. His apprentice is young fellow named Fidan, who Serafim teaches the rough and dangerous vampire craft, along with the alphabet and the insecure life in Macedonia. Vampire man and his student in their surroundings get in struggle with: Macedonian vampires, Turkish Authority and with Komiti (Macedonian Revolutionaries), also with Avdzi - Taburi (paid hunters of Komiti). Fidan experiences damnation of the vampire skill, who doesn't know if Serafim is a God's angel or servant of Devil.
There is a myth of a bus that traveled every day from Skopje, Macedonia to Belgrade, Yugoslavia during the NATO bombing in 1999. A similar bus is depicted in Veta. There are no specifics to the story. It is the creator's response to the horrors that have haunted the Balkans for the past ten years. The film does not offer an answer or take sides, it concentrates on the psychology of war and feeling of no exit.
Macedonian TV drama.
Goodbye, 20th Century
The Brother
In the year 2019, after global destruction and descent into savagery, the immortal Kuzman tried to discover his destiny in order to learn how to die. As he enters the whirling circles of time, we discover the blasphemy of our century, and how it is to close its circle.
Macedonian Saga
The arrival of the young teacher Damjan in one village in western Macedonia shakes the usual daily life of its inhabitants who belong to different religions.
Times, Waters
A Macedonian village has always struggled to find ways to bring water to its arid land - a struggle that may be won when a native son returns from America with the idea of setting up a watermill. Such an enterprise gets two villages in conflict over water rights, threatening to permanently turn people against each other. In the past, the territory had been occupied by the Italian armies, and a flashback shows a massacre in one village, a revelation that disaster has been a part of their history, in one way or another. No matter how he argues, the young man who advocated the watermill loses out to the builders of a dam - something that does not bode well for the low-lying village.
Самое долгое путешествие
Март 1903 года. Османская империя находится в процессе распада. Только Македония на Балканах еще не освобождена. Македонское революционное движение находится в полном разрастании. Турки пытаются сохранить свой последний бастион в Европе. Македонский народ подвергается самым жестоким притеснениям, так как это происходит из-за мести турок за поддержку и защиту комитас - борцов за свободу Македонии. В таком случае турки осаждают деревню, где проходит церемония прополки. По крестьянам стреляют, сгоняют, многих увозят. В крепости взяты в плен более двухсот человек. Турки приговаривают их к срокам от 15 до 101 года тюрьмы. Затем пленных загружают на корабль и отправляют в Малую Азию. На пути через пустыню македонцы подвергаются различным унижениям. Многие из них переедают и умирают. В октябре 1908 года заключенные прибывают на место отбывания наказания.
A poor Macedonian woman named Ilinka is offered to marry a guest worker for German papers, but she first must divorce her husband Trajče who's struggling to provide for the family.