Grant Morris


Does This Mean We're Married?
It's a green-card marriage romance. Deena, an American standup comic living in Paris, has an expired visa. So, she marries Nick Foulliet, a struggling musician with a different woman for every day of the week. First the immigration investigation, and then a series of financial disasters push Deena and Nick into spending time together, and they fall in love. But can their in-name-only marriage become real?
The Shrimp On The Barbie
Carlos has failed in show-biz and currently works as a waiter in a Mexican restaurant. There he meets Alex and dumb footballer Bruce celebrating their engagement with her parents. Alex' father is less than thrilled of her fiancée and says he'd rather accept anybody else. Eventually Alex hires Carlos to present him as her new fiancée.
Возвращение болотной твари
Прекрасная Абигэйл приезжает в лабораторию своего отчима доктора Аркейна, чтобы узнать тайну смерти ее матери. К сожалению, Аркейн склонен лишить ее жизни для создания своей формулы бессмертия. На помощь Абигэйл приходит бывший доктор Холланд (а ныне болотное чудовище) и уносит ее в болото, где они вскоре безумно влюбляются друг в друга. Но их роман ставится под вопрос, когда Аркейн начинает охоту на эту странную парочку с целым арсеналом оружия…
The Leading Edge
A bored Colorado ski patrolman comes to New Zealand for the winter season. In between skiing on various North and South Island fields and preparing for the "Ironman' endurance contest, he has a good time with the people he meets. Billy T. James features briefly as an entertainer cum 'fright-a-minute'- aviator. This is a hybrid genre, a semi-dramatized documentary with champion skiers playing themselves.