Edda Soligo

Edda Soligo


Edda Soligo


Девушка с чемоданом
Аида, красивая и не лишенная некоторой практичности дурочка из деревни, едет в большой город на роскошной машине с молодым, богатым пижоном, назвавшимся влиятельным музыкальным продюсером, поверив, что тот сможет помочь ей с карьерой. Парень, убедившись, что ему не «обломится», ловко смывается, оставив ее одну с одним чемоданом. Пробивная Аида находит его дом, и обманщик посылает младшего брата, шестнадцатилетнего Лоренцо, чистого и наивного юношу, чтобы тот отвязался от настырной бабы, сказав, что «здесь такие не живут». Далее идет восхитительно поставленная психологическая драма первой любви мальчишки к женщине из совершенно другого мира.
Robin Hood and the Pirates
Olga, Karin's Nurse
On his way to (or from) the Crusades, Robin Hood is shipwrecked but saved by pirates who plan to return him home in order to ransom him to his father.
В маленьком итальянском рыбацком городке ночами все мужчины собираются в местной таверне, чтобы сыграть в особенную игру под названием "Закон". Победитель на короткий срок становится главарём и может позволить себе многое.
Aphrodite, Goddess of Love
La Contadina
The construction of great temple dedicated to the goddess Aphrodite, followed by new and high taxes and the arrival of a plague, create discontent in the population, and threatens the love between a sculptor and a slave.
La trovatella di Pompei
Maria, is a girl raised by the loving care of a poor couple but without knowing anything about her real parents. She is in love with Giorgio, a boy from a good family, who however has also aroused the interest of the intriguing Edvige who frequents bad company including jealous Roberto.
The Rival
The love triangle between a Countess, a soldier and a younger woman.
Giovanni dalle bande nere
The legendary John of the Black Bands begins a romantic relationship with a beautiful girl without revealing his identity. The girl unconsciously discovers the truth and retires to a convent. She thinks that John is guilty of the death of her family, and cannot continue to love him. He remains wounded in battle.
The Bigamist
Mrs. Zaira (uncredited)
A traveling salesman is sent to prison after being accused of bigamy, while his wife and son are forced to consider leaving him permanently.
Sins of Casanova
1760 Spain provides the setting for Giacomo Casanova's romantic escapades, every woman he encounters unable to resist his disarming charm, be they single, engaged, or even married.
Frine cortigiana d'Oriente
Cleo, moglie di Assirione
La figlia del diavolo
Garibaldi, after landing in Marsala, moves on to Naples. The liberals are overjoyed but the Bourbons are terrified. The so-called Baron Tucci, on a recommendation from England, arrives at the home of Count Sereni, a notable liberal. But he turns out not to be a patriot who has returned to Italy to take part in the fight but a degraded Bourbon official who has been promised rehabilitation if he can succeed as a spy. Tucci discovers old Sereni's second wife is one of his former lovers and persuades her to murder her husband so as to gain his inheritance. She does indeed cause the count to die, by withholding his heart medicine, but not before he destroys his will.
I figli non si vendono
I figli non si vendono (literally, Children must not be sold) is a 1952 Italian melodrama film by Mario Bonnard
Taxi di notte
A taxi driver, with singing ambitions, finds an abandoned baby in his cab and begins to look for his mother. He doesn't find her but succeeds in finding two people who want to adopt the child.
Acque di primavera
Король забавляется
Friend of the Duchess
Основанный на пьесе Виктора Гюго и озвученный музыкой из более поздней оперы Джузеппе Верди, фильм рассказывает о горбатом клоуне, чья прекрасная дочь влюбляется в распутного короля.
Nonna Felicita
Signora di Rapallo
Tonight at Eleven
ragazza del tiro a segno
A comedy poking fun at earlier 1930s American crime films: A society lady goes after a gang of outlaws and lands up becoming involved romantically with a gangster.
Felicita Colombo
Cliente Pettegola
In the center of Milan, Felicita Colombo successfully manages a delicatessen that has among its customers the best bourgeoisie of the city.
Destiny Unknown
Quarta attrice
Based on fact, Passaporto Rosso (Red Passport) details the plight of a group of poor Italian immigrants who are hired as railroad workers in turn-of-the-century South America. In addition to facing poverty, deprivation, and prejudice, the immigrants are also bedeviled by a raging fever epidemic. Finally achieving a measure of prosperity, the Italians are forced to confront tragedy once more when their grown children march off to WWI. Though Isa Miranda is top-billed, she has very little to do in comparison with male lead Filippo Scelso. Passaporto Rosso was released in the U.S. as Destiny Unknown.