Kristijan Muck

Kristijan Muck

Рождение : 1941-02-23, Ljubljana, Slovenia


Kristijan Muck


The Donator
Obersturmbannführer Hertzer
A war drama about a German officer's search for a priceless art collection.
Love Is the Ruin of Us All
At the end of the last century hunters who hunted wild roosters, while waiting for prey to show up, were killing time with storytelling. The first story is about Jernac that had a fight with Tomas because of Rezika. Another story tells about Tincek, limp foundling, who spent his youth with the Komar family, where he fell in love with their Lencka. The third is the story of a rich Miholac whose attention was grabbed by poor Polonca, a romance that was opposed by his father. The central theme of all stories is love that eventually everybody die of.
Our Man
Milan, a successful company director, is replaced, and he decides to find out why.
A TV journalist making a documentary in a factory finds out that the workers have been on strike and tries to analyze the strike in his film, but is thwarted by the TV company. His failure at his job is interwoven with his failed marriage.
White Grass
When Dane returns from the army, Vera awaits him at the station, ready to live together with him. Yet beneath the veil of enthusiasm lies anxiety for their future. The couple sets off for the mountain village where Vera's parents live, but find life in the harsh alpine conditions too difficult. They decide to move down into the valley, where they meet a discontented couple whose marriage has been marred by an affair. Vera and Dane also encounter difficulties in their relationship, but the tragic example of the other couple helps them realize that their home lies in the place of their birth - beneath the free skies in the mountains.
The Lion Is Coming
Lion, a boy of lion's heart, can't make decision which one of the two girls to chose - tender Mihaela or fatal Marjeta. The girls decide to make choice themselves.
The film is based on a novel by Ivan Tavcar and was adapted for the screen by Andrej Hieng. It is set at the end of the 17th century in the area that is now Slovenia at a time of religious intolerance with Amandus, a Catholic priest, determined to persecute local Protestants.
Бездна раздора
По рассказу Ф.С. Финжгара «Дядьки» - о трагической судьбе бедной крестьянской девушки Луции, ставшей женой сына богатого крестьянина.
Не плачь, Петр
Действие фильма происходит в период оккупации Югославии гитлеровскими захватчиками. Дане и Ловро, минёры Югославской народно-освободительной армии, получают задание переправить троих детей на освобожденную территорию. Среди детей своим особенно беспокойным характером выделяется самый младший из ребят — четырёхлетний Петер. Дане и Ловро недовольны этим поручением, так как мечтают о настоящих серьёзных операциях. Но делать нечего, и минёры вместе с детьми отправляются в опасный путь. В одном из селений Дане и Ловро сталкиваются с девушкой Магдой, которая указывает им на пещеру, где фашисты оборудовали секретный склад боеприпасов. Отважные минёры решают «убить двух зайцев» — взорвать этот склад и доставить детей по назначению...
Three Quarters of the Sun
A story of a group of men at a small frontier railway station who have been released from German concentration camps and are on their way home.
Славное старое пианино
У композитора Габера многие годы единственным другом было старое пианино. А когда в город пришли фашисты и арестовали Габера, пианино попало в гимназию, затем в партизанскийотряд, оттуда на сцену фронтового театра. Здесь-то освобожденный из тюрьмы Габер и нашел своего старого друга, но не узнал его.