Shôji Kôkami

Рождение : 1958-08-02,


Kazoku Kashimasu ~ Family Complex
Yamamura Shuji (Tamaki Hiroshi) runs staffing "Family Romance Company" - a company that rents out people to act like their client's family members for occasions like weddings, funerals & meeting with teachers. One day, a customer, who wants to be loved by a family, comes to the "Family Romance Company." The customer's name is Tosaki Ryunosuke (Takenaka Naoto), who only has only one month left to live. Yamamura Shuji takes on the request of Tosaki Ryunosuke, but something which Yamamura Shuji does not expect occurs in the process.
Love Scenario
Popular TV screenwriter Mayumi Taniyama suffers from the dreaded writer's block. When producer Masaya Mukai asks for a screenplay written for him, Mayumi Taniyama offers to write one if he falls in love with her.
Love Scenario
Popular TV screenwriter Mayumi Taniyama suffers from the dreaded writer's block. When producer Masaya Mukai asks for a screenplay written for him, Mayumi Taniyama offers to write one if he falls in love with her.
Freesia: Bullet Over Tears
In the near future of a Japan, the ancient 'Act of Vengeance' is revived and professional executioners are permitted to kill criminals by the requests from their victims. People who are to be executed are notified of the execution time and date in advance and they are allowed to have their own guard.
Fly, Daddy, Fly
Suzuki’s world is shattered when his teenage daughter is brutally attacked. The assailant, Ishihara, son of a politician, brazenly mocks Suzuki as he throws him cover-up money. Angry, Suzuki finds he has no answer to Ishihara and in venting his anger, loses his daughter’s trust too. A sleep-deprived, crazed Suzuki goes to Ishihara’s school wielding a knife. He does not find Ishihara, but instead forms an alliance with an odd group of school misfits called the Zombies. The group’s elusive leader, Pak Sun Shin, decides to train Suzuki, who quits his job and embarks on a punishing programme to win back freedom for his daughter.
Гамера 3: Месть Ирис
Kairei crew
В последней части трилогии о черепахе-мутанте Гамере школьница Яана находит в пещере гигантское яйцо, в котором по легенде скрываются демоны. Из яйца вылупляется маленький монстрик, девочка решает его приручить.
When a woman whose job is to professionally date men disappears suddenly, a TV crew who wanted to film a documentary about women like her begin searching for her. Coincidentally, a salary-man who saw the disappeared woman and wants to meet her again is found and joins the crew. Together they follow the clues. She has an amulet, which looks like a small bag, which she always hangs from her neck. It contains a piece of the Berlin wall.
The Nearest Place to the Sky
The Nearest Place to the Sky
Southern Winds
an Asian anthology: Mirage, Aliwan Paradise, The Tree Of Life, and The Tokyo Game.
Enjeru, Boku to uta wa kimi no uta
A young man finds out that his ex-lover has only one week left to live, and with the help of angels, he scrambles to change his fate. A love story in which popular actor Yuji Oda starred in 1992 during his big break.
The Reason Why I Became Ill
The Juliet Game
Romantic comedy about a school teacher.
The Juliet Game
Romantic comedy about a school teacher.