1945 год. Южная Атлантика. Джон Страйкер - профессиональный морской пехотинец и жесткий командир, требующий беспрекословного выполнения своих приказов. Под его командование прибывает взвод новобранцев из США, которым предстоит пройти обучение перед будущей высадкой на японский остров Иводзима и уничтожить оборонительные укрепления врага.
When Border Patrol Lieutenant Roberts is killed, it appears that his brother Tim was the killer. To clear the Robert's name for his boss, Lieutenant Rocky Lane heads south of the border posing as an outlaw. He hopes to get in with the gang and find Tim who is using an assumed name. As always, Nugget is there to help.
When a Texas playboy is murdered in a New York City nightclub the Falcon investigates. When he learns that the victim was slipped rattlesnake venom, the trail leads to Texas, his own kidnapping and near death.
In this "Romance of Celluloid", MGM showcases performers whose careers are just starting. Excerpts from their recently released films are included. The narrator says that moviegoers will have to decide whether these fledgling actors and actresses have that certain quality that made superstars out of MGM players Clark Gable, Spencer Tracy, and Lana Turner.