Todd Holmes


История неожиданной дружбы проблемной девушки-подростка Крис и старого наездника быков Эйба, которая меняет их тяжёлые жизни к лучшему и даёт героям надежду на новый старт.
Песня о Свэй-Лэйк
Заядлый коллекционер музыки Олли отправляется с русским другом Николаем в своё родовое имение на Свэй-Лейк, принадлежащее бабушке, якобы на отдых. Но настоящая цель парней - украсть уникальную и очень ценную пластинку покойного отца Олли.
Coming Through the Rye
Coming Through the Rye, set in 1969, is a touching coming of age story of sensitive, 16 year old Jamie Schwartz, who is not the most popular kid at his all boys' boarding school. Disconnected from students and teachers, he believes he is destined to play Holden Caulfield, the main character of The Catcher in the Rye, and has adapted the book as a play.
Death Metal Angola
Following nearly 40 years of unrelenting war, peace and reconstruction are slowly arriving to Angola. Huambo, Angola’s second largest city, finds 55 children in the Okutiuka orphanage under the care of Sonia Ferreira. Her boyfriend, Wilker Flores, is a death metal guitarist who uses sounds and rhythms of this hardcore music as a path to healing. Or, as Sonia says, “to clear out the debris from all these years of war.” The feature documentary follows Wilker and Sonia’s attempts to stage Angola’s first-ever national rock concert, bringing together members from different strands of the Angolan hardcore scene from different provinces, as it all unfolds in fits and starts, against the bombed out and mined backdrop of the formerly stately Huambo.