Maria Loja

Рождение : 1890-02-12,

Смерть : 1953-01-03


Механик Бенки хочет вступить в нацистскую партию, чтобы гарантировать себе безопасное существование. Однако после пропажи своих еврейских соседей он меняет свое решение. Стараясь сохранять «аполитичность», он закрывает глаза на происходящее и становится нацистским рабочим.
Romance in a Minor Key
A grieving husband tries to uncover the truth behind his wife's suicide, leading him to discover a tragic tale of infidelity and redemption.
The Waitress Anna
Frau Schmidt
Clothes Make the Man
The daydreaming tailor Wenzel is fired from his job, because the fancy frock he was supposed to cut for the mayor, he instead made for himself. He is allowed, however, to take the frock, which he appropriated for himself and he puts it on as he leaves the shop. A puppeteer picks him up in his coach and addresses Wenzel as "Count". So is he received in Goldach, where people think he is Count Stroganoff, the ambassador to the Czar of Russia.
It Was a Gay Ballnight
Elsa Siebeneiner
1865. Katharina goes to a ball in Moscow. There she meets again Tchaikowsky, her first and only love. The young, who is now married to wealthy Michael Iwanowitsch Murakin, a man she does not love, has not forgotten Piotr Illich, the (not yet) famous composer. Both are still in love with each other but Piotr is engaged to Nastassia, a dancer, while for her part Katharina cannot leave her husband. Tchaikowky's first love then decides to sacrifice her happiness to the success of the composer, sponsoring him in secret. Something Piotr will learn only years after. When Katharina finds herself free at last it is too late: Tchaikowsky is dying of cholera and she only has time to close his eyes.
Männer müssen so sein
Versprich mir nichts!
Frau Lemke
Maler Pratt, an artist, refuses to sell his paintings as he thinks that they still need improvement before being publicly exhibited, but his wife Monika thinks differently and sells them because she thinks they are good...and they need the money. As he only signs an "M" on his work, Monika has no difficulty in claiming she is "M", but problems arrive when she is commissioned to do a large mural and Maler refuses to help her out. However, his creative spirit gets the best of him and he does the mural which is widely acclaimed to be a great work of art. Felder , an art dealer, is not overly pleased with this turn of events as he has been pleading with Monika to divorce her shiftless husband and marry him.
Шерлок Холмс: Серая леди
Два неудачливых детектива, Моррис Флинн и его друг Макки, «разыгрывают» с удовольствием Шерлока Холмса и доктора Уотсона. Все выглядит реально вплоть до маскировки. Даже полиция просит у них детективную помощь. Мэри и Джейн Берри, две молодые девушки, должны унаследовать от «богатого дяди», большое наследство. На самом деле, жажда наживы всё ещё очень жива у разыскиваемых мошенников, которые всегда могут избежать полиции. Теперь во время Парижской всемирной выставки они могут раскрыть все свои скрытые навыки, а также их образцовые модели, и, благодаря тщательной детальной работе, окончательно арестовать подельщиков. Но тогда Холмс и Ватсон сами арестовываются, и их личность подвергается сомнению, - смеясь отмечает писатель сэр Артур Конан Дойл, изобретатель новых персонажей.
I Was Jack Mortimer
Mrs. Polikow, Marie's mother
The jealous star conductor Montemayor knows that his beautiful younger wife, Winifred, is cheating on him with an American named Jack Mortimer. After the concert rehearsal, he takes a taxi to the train station, sees Mortimer and shoots him at an intersection from the backseat of his taxi. The shot is not heard during the traffic noise. The taxi driver, Sponer, sitting in his car with the now-dead Mortimer, goes into a panic.
Was bin ich ohne Dich
Die Finanzen des Großherzogs