Josef Kobík

Рождение : 1888-03-07,

Смерть : 1964-09-01


Strakonický dudák
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Early Days
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Early Days follows the early life of famous Czech writer Alois Jirásek. Jirásek had already developed his own view of the history of the Czech nation while he was at grammar school in Broumov. When he becomes the supply teach in Litomyšl, he has already written his first book and a number of poems. The local dignitaries await the arrival of the young writer in excited anticipation. Jirásek, however, is sickened by the empty patriotism from the depths of his soul and soon becomes disagreeable to the notables. The district sheriff tries to remove Jirásek from the school and drive him out of town. Unable to do this, the sheriff appoints a pro-Austrian headmaster who attempts to sabotage Jirásek. The students stand behind Jirásek , however, and discontent is not only felt in Litomyšl but throughout Bohemia.
DS-70 nevyjíždí
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Посланник зари
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Биографический фильм о чешском механике и конструкторе, который первым в Чехии сконструировал паровоз.
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The Green Notebook
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The Portrait
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People are afraid of the usurer Chazaj and are convinced that he is the bearer of evil. One day Chazaj pays a visit to the poor artist Simon Jordán and asks him to paint his portrait. Simon agrees but as he progresses with the work his mind conjures up terrible thoughts and in the end he commits suicide. The portrait looks lifelike and Chazaj is content with the results. After Chazaj's death the picture changes hands and brings misfortune to all who own it. The last victim is the young painter Roman who buys Chazaj's portrait in a bazaar. He finds a treasure in the frame and begins to live well off it. The comfortable life suits him so well that he rejects his original artistic aims and becomes a painter of fashionable kitsch.
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Makeup & Hair
Master armourer Tomás has young wife Alena, of whom he is very jealous. One day the ruler of town sees Alena and decides to win her over for himself. To get a free hand for his love affairs, he sends Master Tomás to acquire more skills in Flanders. Jealous husband does not know how to secure fidelity of his beautiful wife while he is away, and finally accepts aid of the devil, to whom he signs his soul as a reward. Devil in the disguise of Master Ondrej works in Tomás's workshop and protects Alena against various courtiers and the ruler of town. But finally he falls in love with Alena himself and becomes her lover.
Housle a sen
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Pancho se žení
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Rozina the Love Child
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Prague, the beginning of the 17th century. Rozina falls in love with Italian glass worker Nikolo, but after returning home, she gets a message that will never come to Prague. She falls for the promise of an older man to marry her, but when Nikolo does return, the tragic fate of Rozina is sealed.
Man from the Unknown
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Venice Film Festival 1940
Svatební cesta
The White Disease
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The White Plague, a leprosy-like disease, ravages the world during a war. Based on a play by Karel Čapek.
Kariéra matky Lízalky
Love in Waltz Time
A working class young woman disregards the wishes of her father to stay in her place, and marries higher in society by wooing a wealthy car manufacturer.
Jízdní hlídka
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Rozpustilá noc
Dobrý tramp Bernášek
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Эва выходит замуж за пожилого джентльмена, но обнаруживает что он помешан на порядке и мало склонен к страсти. Разочарованная красавица возвращается в дом своего отца. Однажды во время купания в озере, она встречает молодого человека, и они влюбляются. Её муж впадает в горе из-за ухода молодой жены. Судьба сводит его вместе с молодым любовником, к которому ушла от него Эва.
Идеальный учитель
В женской гимназии появляется новый профессор, застенчивый и старомодный Карел Сухий. С самого начала он становится объектом шуток своих учениц. Особенно часто он подвергается насмешкам со стороны очаровательной и легкомысленной Веры Матысовой - племянницы хозяйки дома, в котором он снимает квартиру. Однажды Вера спорит с другими ученицами, что поцелуется с новым учителем...
Powder and Petrol
Бравый солдат Швейк
From Saturday to Sunday
Two secretaries go out on a double date, but the inexperienced Mary flees when offered money for sexual favors. She takes refuge in a cafe and encounters a plebeian Prince Charming. The film recounts the simple progress of their romance after they go home together.
Он и его сестра
Почтальон Ярда Брабек из-за своего чувства юмора - желанный гость театра-ревю, красавец-директор которого каждый день получает множество писем от поклонниц. Среди поклонниц директора также есть сестра Ярды Анна. Девушка мечтает попасть в театр и играть на сцене, но пока работает горничной у актрисы Велденовой. В театре проводятся репетиции новой пьесы, имя автора которой держится в секрете. Капризная Велденова незадолго до премьеры отказывается от роли, потому что она ей не нравится. Брабек знакомит директора со своей сестрой, которая знает роль наизусть и может выступить вместо Велденовой. Директор, впечатлённый очарованием и талантами девушки, соглашается отдать ей роль, нужно только разрешение автора...
The Case of Colonel Redl
The case of Colonel Redl -- an officer blackmailed into spying by virtue of his homosexuality.
Такова жизнь
История бедной рабочей семьи в Праге конца 1920-х годов.
St. Wenceslas
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St. Wenceslas (Czech: Svatý Václav) is a 1930 Czechoslovak historical film about Saint Wenceslas.[2] It was the most expensive Czech film to date,[3] with the largest set constructed in Europe to accommodate an all-star cast of over a hundred, together with 1,000 extras for the lavish battle scenes.
Adjunkt Vrba
The Sins of Love
The troubled situation of a provincial actor and his actress wife who come to the city. The actor is suspected of attacking another actor who admires the actress.
The Organist at St. Vitus' Cathedral
The most important silent film by director Martin Frič. Poet Vitezslav Nezval did scenographic modifications to the original story by Václav Wasserman. Film producer Jaroslav Stransky didn’t witness premier; because of fear of financial collapse, he killed himself.
Z českých mlýnů
Father Vojtech
Father Vojtech (Czech: Páter Vojtěch) is a 1929 silent Czech romance film directed by Martin Frič.
Ve dvou se to lépe táhne
Dům ztraceného štěstí
Švejk na frontě
Directed by Carl Lamac.