Elli Kiriakidou


Dead End
Old Women
The loss of youth, social and professional activity intensifies the sense of loneliness, the obsessions and the "dead end" in the life of an elderly couple.
Эммануэль: Королева страсти
На этот раз красавице Эммануэль и ее юной и невинной пятнадцатилетней приемной дочери Ливии приходится окунуться в бездну порочных страстей. И для того, чтобы обрести свободу и независимость, Эммануэль приходится платить сексом и деньгами.
Vacation to Our Cyprus
The heirs of two Cypriot winemakers and sworn rivals visit incognito the city of Paphos to flee from two arranged marriages of convenience, only to meet and fall in love. Is this a star-crossed affair in the likes of Romeo and Juliet?
Αναστενάζουν οι πενιές
Love Affairs and Heartbreaks
This first film of Cyprus' first director, Giorgios Filis, depicts music and dance customs in the form and style of a folk opera, with traditional Cypriot dances and songs. The film consists of a folkloric inventory based on the folk culture of Cyprus, as well as on similar ritual happenings. The narration and dialogue are entirely in the Cypriot dialect and are characterized by a rhetorical and poetic mood.