Paula Knüpling

Paula Knüpling

Рождение : 1995-01-04, Berlin, Germany


Paula Knüpling


Ela, a young actress, gets a role with the well-known theatre director Franz Kramer. The production is a great opportunity for Ela, but also comes with pressure. Kramer constantly oversteps Elas boundaries, and the situation worsens when Kramer sexually harasses her. Ela struggles to reconstruct her role as a self-confident character-and realizes that to do so, she has to take the same steps of self-empowerment in her real life.
Ela, a young actress, gets a role with the well-known theatre director Franz Kramer. The production is a great opportunity for Ela, but also comes with pressure. Kramer constantly oversteps Elas boundaries, and the situation worsens when Kramer sexually harasses her. Ela struggles to reconstruct her role as a self-confident character-and realizes that to do so, she has to take the same steps of self-empowerment in her real life.
Остерегайся псов
Молодая девушка страдает тяжелым ОКР в неспокойной Москве. Её двоюродная сестра пытается построить романтические отношения в Берлине, игнорируя собственное состояние. В Нью-Йорке убитый горем боксер борется с зависимостью, низкой самооценкой и тревожностью, объединяющей всех героев фильма.
Пока мы молоды
Молодая пара, находящаяся в свободных долгосрочных отношениях, вступает в трёхстороннюю связь с Хлоей в Берлине, в городе свободных нравов. Летняя интрижка осложняется, когда Хлоя узнаёт, что беременна.
The Long Summer of Theory
"What is to be done?" three women with artistic and creative professions in temporary living conditions are wondering. They are sharing a flat in an old building close to Berlin Central Station. The area is one of the city's last remaining gaps between buildings. They decide to end their flat share as soon as the first trenches will be dug. With mixed feelings they are heading towards the time when their spontaneous life comes to an end, which means they have to make one or more (life) decisions eventually. The current flat is a symbol for their own life scripts so far: unformed and all bets are off but it already starts to be uncomfortable. They spend the remaining days in their flat with friends, celebrations, discussions and the strong feeling for the dawning of a new era.
Julia Is
A young Spanish exchange student who is on her own for the first time in her life tries to adjust to a vastly different life in Berlin.
The Dreamed Path
Theres and Kenneth are both young when they first meet whilst on holiday. They fall in love but are unable to prevent themselves from losing each other. Thirty years later, in another country, another couple: Ariane leaves her husband David because she no longer loves him. The paths they both take lead them to Kenneth and Theres.
Im Zweifel
Leonie Müller
For Pastor Judith Ehrmann, her job as an emergency counselor is more than just part of her job: giving people assistance is a vocation for them. But when a classmate of her son dies in a car accident, that's unusual. Judith begins to doubt: herself, her job - but also her family. For all at once everything seems to indicate that her own husband and son were involved in the accident and now want to cover this up. The emotionally intense drama of award-winning director Aelrun Goette raises fundamental themes without giving easy answers.
The Snow Queen
A young girl must journey through the seasons to rescue her boyfriend who has been kidnapped by the evil Snow Queen.
Lukas is 15 years old. His parents are separated and he cannot really come to terms with Karsten, his mother Beate's goal-oriented and career-oriented friend. Lukas would much rather move in with his father Jochen, who runs a car repair shop. In general, Lukas is not particularly successful in life, and he hardly finds any recognition among his peers. When Lukas' father wants to celebrate a business success with his son, the 15-year-old learns to appreciate alcohol for the first time. In his clique, too, alcohol is taken for granted. And suddenly everything seems so much easier to Lukas when he can just drink his heartache and worries away. He's also getting a little braver, because he wants to get closer to the attractive Sylvia. But Lukas has no idea what the consequences of excessive alcohol consumption can be.
Niemand ist eine Insel
Nele Moran
Silvia's career as an actress goes into decline after a few unfortunate statements recorded with a microphone hidden in his dressing room. On the other hand, we detected a serious disease to her daughter.
Pola (Aged 12)
XVII век. После смерти мужа графиня Елизавета Батори становится владелицей большого родового поместья и солидного состояния. Будучи одной из самых влиятельных и могущественных женщин в Венгрии, она одновременно вызывает у окружающих восхищение, страх и ненависть.Однажды она влюбляется в соблазнительно молодого человека, который значительно моложе ее. Однако, после непродолжительной интрижки, тот оставляет ее. Уверенная в том, что всему виной более молодая и красивая соперница, Елизавета впадает в безумство и полагает, что кровь молодых девственниц способна вернуть ей молодость и красоту.