Bernard Hill

Bernard Hill

Рождение : 1944-12-17, Manchester, England, UK


Born in 1944, Bernard Hill is a British actor, Known as a character actor of film, stage and television, having acted in nearly 130 projects. He is best known to British television viewers for playing Yosser Hughes in the groundbreaking 1982 TV series Boys from the Blackstuff. On film he has played Captain Edward John Smith in Titanic, King Théoden in The Lord of the Rings film trilogy, and the Warden of San Quentin Prison in the Clint Eastwood film True Crime. Hill is the only actor to have appeared in more than one of the three films awarded 11 Oscars, and one of only three actors to have starred in more than one film grossing more than $1 billion USD, namely: Titanic and The Return of the King (the others being Orlando Bloom who also starred in The Return of the King, as well as Pirates of the Caribbean and Johnny Depp who also starred in Pirates of the Caribbean, as well as Alice in Wonderland). Hill has appeared in three films which have won Best Picture: Gandhi, Titanic, and The Return of the King.


Bernard Hill
Bernard Hill


Segunda Oportunidad
Interlude: City of a Dead Woman
A former opera singer, a priest and a bullfighter meet on the island of Patmos, seeking redemption; their encounter will affect each other’s lives irrevocably.
Inside CERN
BBC Horizon follows the ups and downs of an outstanding story in particle physics. In June 2015, teams at CERN started running the large hadron collider at the highest energy ever. Rumours quickly emerged that they were on the brink of a huge discovery. An enigmatic bump in some data suggested a first glimpse of a brand new particle that could change our understanding of how the universe works.
Golden Years
Fate, the pensions crisis and a steadfast refusal to accept the injustice of old age have contrived to force law abiding, retired couple, Arthur and Martha Goode into a life of crime.
Bloody Queens: Elizabeth and Mary
A dramatisation based on the exchange of letters between Mary Queen of Scots and her cousin Elizabeth I, detailing the hatred and obsession in their bitter rivalry. Expert historians examine and interpret the royals' motives for the animosity that lasted more than two decades, and which threatened to tear apart the reigning monarch and her kingdom.
North v South
John Claridge
For decades the criminal underworlds of the North and South bumped along begrudgingly. Like the Cold War, territories were respected out of the necessity to avoid apocalypse, with each side keeping tabs on the other’s capability. Such a precarious false harmony could not last forever. Now someone has crossed the line, and there’s no going back. An illicit love affair smolders, breaking taboo and threatening catastrophe at the smallest mistake. It is a romance of purest, unadulterated love, yet so forbidden that its discovery would wreak total carnage. The story is told through vignettes of strikingly original characters, with intertwining subplots that echo the complexity of life in the dog-eat-dog criminal underworld.
Reflections on Titanic
An enthralling and fast-paced four-part documentary feature that covers the making of one of the last major Hollywood epics; Titanic. Cast and crew speak on setting the sinking of the ship against a classic romance. The feature also examines casting and the young couple headlining the film, DiCaprio's and Winslet's on-set friendship and their differing acting styles, the expansive sets and filming locations, the authenticity of the recreated ship, James Cameron's work and dedication, and budgeting. And many more aspects of the film are overviewed.
Outpost 11
Set in an alternative past where steam power still rules the world, Outpost 11 is the story of three soldiers manning a remote listening post in the Arctic Circle. One day the warning light goes off unexpectedly and their world is plunged in to chaos. Albert, Mason and Graham must fight the isolation, madness and arctic spiders to survive. Think 'The Thing' plus 'How I Ended this Summer' mixed with 'Videodrome.'
Паранорман, или Как приручить зомби
Judge Hopkins (voice)
Норман, Паранорман. Единственная надежда полусонного городка в борьбе с полчищами нечисти. Его оружие — супер-мега-дар: умение общаться с призраками. Впрочем, мертвецы — не главная опасность, куда хуже — глупые взрослые с дробовиками наперевес.
Титаник: Заключительное слово с Джеймсом Кэмероном
Captain EJ Smith
«Айсберг!!! Прямо по курсу…» — эту часть истории о Титанике мы все знаем. Но что происходило с кораблем после того, как он скрылся под водой? Титаник — превосходная, не решенная загадка. Что происходило в последние минуты с кораблем? Как он развалился? Как он утонул? Как достиг дна? Почему он затонул так быстро? Можно ли было спасти больше людей? Впервые Джеймс Кэмерон собрал все свидетельства и восьмерых ведущих экспертов по Титанику, всех в одной комнате. Одни были на месте крушения, другие находили показания очевидцев, а третьи проводили непосредственный анализ. Сейчас, в столетнюю годовщину трагедии и через 15 лет после выхода фильма настало время сказать последнее слово по поводу того, что же случилось с Титаником.
Uncle David
Сюжет киноленты рассказывает о молодом человеке по имени Кевин Льюис, который все свое детство рос в бедности, но у него получилось выжить и не свернуть на кривую и шаткую дорогу. И теперь он пытается устроить лучшую жизнь для себя и для своей семьи.
Canoe Man
John Darwin
The story of the "Canoe Man" John Darwin who faked his own death and tried to start a new life with a false identity.
Операция Валькирия
General - Desert Sequence
История героя сопротивления полковника Клауса фон Штауффенберга, возглавившего заговор против Гитлера. В 1944 году он попытался взорвать диктатора, пронеся в портфеле бомбу, но все, что ему удалось - только ранить фюрера.
В основе сюжета положены судьбы четырёх главных героев. Эссер — старый сломленный жизнью человек, скитающийся по переполненным бездомными и нищими улицам города в поисках своего пропавшего сына. Майло — тридцатилетний мужчина, отчаянно пытающийся вернуть себе чистоту первой любви. Эмилия — прекрасная студентка факультета искусств, чьи работы наполнены суицидальными мыслями и смертью. Прист — безжалостный детектив, ищущий возмездия на улицах метрополиса под названием Meanwhile City, гигантского монолита, управляемого религиозными фанатиками. Эти четверо людей — радикально разные, но в результате их миры столкнутся друг с другом и в стремительном финале полёт одной-единственной пули разрешит судьбу героев.
Narrator (voice)
Exodus charts the decline of the Protestant population from Derry’s Cityside - which saw up to one in five of the City’s population leave their homes over a thirty year period. Directed and produced by Vinny Cunningham and John Peto, Exodus is the final film in the three part trilogy that commenced with Battle of the Bogside and No Go: Free Derry.
Titus: The Gorilla King
The compelling story of one of the most successful mountain gorillas that has ever lived - a huge silverback called Titus. The programme starts in 1967, when the researcher Dian Fossey first made contact with a group of mountain gorillas in Rwanda. She opened up a window on to their secret lives. Forty years on, this film reveals the complete and dramatic life story of one individual animal. Titus's father was murdered by poachers in front of his very eyes. His mother abandoned him in the subsequent chaos. His family disintegrated. He should have died. But we reveal how Titus survived against all the odds. Titus's present day trials and tribulations take the viewer back in time to reveal key moments in Titus's history. Using testament from eyewitnesses, the film relives one individual mountain gorilla's extraordinary battle for survival.
Короли аферы
Oscar Kurz
Полиция сбилась с ног, пытаясь поймать неуловимую шайку аферистов. В списке их «достижений» немало лихо прокрученных афер, обманутых бизнесменов и даже кинутых мафиози! Но, как говорится, и на старуху бывает проруха… После очередного «дела», проколовшись на пустяке, в лапы ФБР попадает главарь банды Винсент. Вот только тюремные стены заставляют его воображение работать даже лучше, чем прежде. И вскоре рождается план самой крупной и отчаянной аферы!
Pharoah Mann
The story of Exodus is relocated to the seaside town Margate. Moses lives in the Promised Lands with his adoptive parents, until he finds his mother in the shanty town, Dreamland, where she’s been ghettoised with other ‘undesirables’. He takes on his father, Pharaoh, and leads a radical campaign to liberate the people of Dreamland.
The Heart of the Earth
Sr. Crown
Tensions mount in an Andalusia mining town between local Spanish workers and their British employers.
JFK's Women: The Scandals Revealed
Self - Narrator (voice)
JFK enjoyed a number of sexual liaisons that could have ended his political career, but his brother Bobby always managed to keep the truth from the press. This explosive documentary focuses on four women who could have ended JFK’s presidency, and the deal the brothers made with J Edgar Hoover to stay in power.
Joy Division
A teenage orphan fights against the Red Army at the end of WWII and in the aftermath is 'adopted' by a Commissar. Years later he is sent to London during the Cold war to work for the KGB, where he questions his life.
No Go: The Free Derry Story
Narrator (voice)
On the 14th August 1969 the British Army were deployed onto Northern Ireland’s streets for the first time, to relieve an exhausted RUC in the wake of the Battle of the Bogside. As they entered the city the troops were confronted with a ring of barricades surrounding the Bogside area and manned by the rioters, presenting them with an instant dilemma – to attempt to remove the barricades and provoke a confrontation, or to leave the barricades intact and allow the Bogside to remain beyond official law & order?
Cruel Sea: The Penlee Lifeboat Disaster
Narrator (voice)
A moving documentary made to commemorate the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Penlee Lifeboat Disaster on 19 December 1981. The eight-man crew of the RNLB Solomon Browne, the lifeboat from the Penlee station in Mousehole, Cornwall, put to sea in an exceptionally severe gale to rescue the five-man crew of the MV Union Star, a cargo ship whose engines had failed two miles off the coast and which was in danger of being swept onto the rocks. The Solomon Browne was initially able to rescue the captain's family and one of the crew from Union Star but, as they attempted to rescue the captain and the remaining crewmate, radio contact with the Solomon Browne was lost and both crews perished.
Океанская одиссея
Океан занимает более двух третьих поверхности Земли и большая часть его бескрайних глубин недосягаема для человека. Значит ли это, что океан бесплодная пустыня?
A Very Social Secretary
David Blunkett
Bernard Hill and Victoria Hamilton star in Alistair Beaton's wickedly funny feature-length drama inspired by David Blunkett's private affair held up for very public scrutiny.
Лига джентльменов: Апокалипсис
King William III
«Черная» комедия на основе известного сериала BBC. Герои популярной телепрограммы начинают осознавать, что все с ними происходящее — происки авторов. Когда их жизнь окончательно превращается в форменный бедлам, а их родной деревне начинает грозить уничтожение, они решают выбраться из нескончаемой круговерти сочиненных для них скетчей и гэгов, найти сценаристов и заставить их спасти отчий дом…
Horizon: Einstein's Unfinished Symphony
Beatles Biggest Secrets
Featuring new and exclusive interviews, Beatles' Biggest Secrets, reveals the inside story of the world's greatest pop group with explosive revelations about the extraordinary lives of Liverpool's favorite sons. From the band's formation and early exposure to the gritty world of sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll in the dingy strip clubs of Hamburg, Germany, the program then travels forward through the Beatles' careers with shocking surprises about their relationships with each other, their women and their inner circle. Filled with interviews from friends, relatives, colleagues and former girlfriends as well as rare film footage and original artwork by artist Klaus Voormann, this is the first fully rounded Beatles portrait to appear on DVD. This is the Beatles at their best -- and their worst!
Edward Colt
Питер — типичный неудачник, ему одинаково не везет как в личной жизни, так и на профессиональном поприще. Каким-то чудом горе-спортсмену, чья фамилия находится в самом конце мирового теннисного рейтинга, удается стать участником престижного Уимблдонского турнира. Там-то он и встречает Лиззи — звезду американского тенниса, в которую безумно влюбляется. Вдохновленный обретенной любовью и собственным мастерством на корте, Питер все выше поднимается по турнирной лестнице. Еще немного, и мечта всей его жизни — выиграть чемпионский кубок — вот-вот станет реальностью, если, конечно, удача снова не изменит ему…
Властелин колец: Возвращение Короля
Последняя часть трилогии о Кольце Всевластия и о героях, взявших на себя бремя спасения Средиземья. Повелитель сил Тьмы Саурон направляет свои бесчисленные рати под стены Минас-Тирита, крепости Последней Надежды. Он предвкушает близкую победу, но именно это и мешает ему заметить две крохотные фигурки — хоббитов, приближающихся к Роковой Горе, где им предстоит уничтожить Кольцо Всевластия. Улыбнется ли им счастье?
Phil Parsons
Фильм повествует о женщине-психиатре, которая однажды оказывается пациенткой больницы для невменяемых преступников, где она прежде работала. Вдобавок ко всему, ее обвиняют в совершении жестокого убийства, о котором она ничего не помнит. Пытаясь разобраться в происходящем, она сталкивается с необъяснимыми мистическими происшествиями…
The Boys & Girl from County Clare
John Joe
In Ireland in the mid 1960s, two feuding brothers and their respective Ceilidh bands compete at a music festival.
Властелин колец: Две крепости
Братство распалось, но Кольцо Всевластья должно быть уничтожено. Фродо и Сэм вынуждены доверить свои жизни Голлуму, который взялся провести их к вратам Мордора. Громадная Армия Сарумана приближается: члены братства и их союзники готовы принять бой. Битва за Средиземье продолжается.
Царь скорпионов
Еще задолго до того, как были возведены египетские пирамиды, с востока пришел дерзкий и безжалостный завоеватель с ордами кровожадных воинов. Древние земли не устояли перед натиском свирепого захватчика и покорились ему... И когда мир погрузился во мрак и бесправие, лишь один человек отважился бросить вызов злу. Он не был благородным героем: некогда он состоял в клане наемных убийц, и в жилах его текла кровь скорпионов. Но именно ему суждено было стать великим Царем - защитником слабых и отважным освободителем!
Going Off Big Time
After surviving prison, a man has to forge a career in the crime world
The voice of Stalin
A glimpse at the life of legendary Soviet filmmaker Sergei Eisenstein.
A Question of Faith
A man at a monastery realizes he is a woman.
The Criminal
Det. Insp. Walker
Jasper Rawlins, a none-too-successful musician, finds himself chatting with a beautiful woman at his neighborhood bar. She goes home with him, direct and frank in answer to his nervousness. During the night, someone breaks into his flat and cuts her throat. He runs into the arms of the police, who dismiss his story, but release him while they search for the weapon. He investigates the crime, and over the next few days, meets a knowing pornographer, hit men, and other schemers. As dead bodies pile up wherever he goes, the police are soon looking for him with guns drawn. As he discovers secrets about a shadowy corporation, the police close in. Can he find someone to trust?
Сон в летнюю ночь
Когда две переплетенные парочки любовников, враждующая пара сказочных эльфов и любовное зелье очутились вместе в заколдованном, залитым лунным светом лесу, то получилась восхитительная смесь веселья и волшебства.
Потеря сексуальной невинности
Susan's Father
Жизнь Ника, подобно любой другой, содержала эпизоды, которые запоминаются навсегда. Его отношения с женщинами иногда принимали странный оборот, наслаивая ощущения друг на друга. И в этом хитросплетении чувств не все события и поступки были объяснимы.
Great Expectations
Abel Magwitch
A young boy called Pip stumbles upon a hunted criminal who threatens him and demands food. A few years later, Pip finds that he has a benefactor. Imagining that Miss Havisham, a rich lady whose adopted daughter Estella he loves, is the benefactor, Pip believes in a grand plan at the end of which he will be married to Estella. However, when the criminal from his childhood turns up one stormy night and reveals that he, Magwitch, is his benefactor, Pip finds his dreams crumbling. Although initially repulsed by his benefactor, Pip gradually becomes loyal to him and stays with him until his death.
Настоящее преступление
Warden Luther Plunkitt
Тертый жизнью репортер Стив Эверетт на первый взгляд не вызывает симпатий. Он — пьяница, бабник, сквернословит, не слишком заботливый отец. Однако, когда Стив понимает, что молодой парень, которого должны казнить через 12 часов, не виноват, он не раздумывая идет на риск, чтобы предотвратить настоящее преступление. Беспощадный бег наперегонки с секундами. Часы тикают прямо у Вас в сердце. Острый как бритва фильм.
Titanic: Secrets Revealed
What happened after the Titanic went down? Secrets has been revealed.
Edward Smith
Молодые влюбленные Джек и Роза находят друг друга в первом и последнем плавании «непотопляемого» Титаника. Они не могли знать, что шикарный лайнер столкнется с айсбергом в холодных водах Северной Атлантики, и их страстная любовь превратится в схватку со смертью…
The Mill on the Floss
Edward Tulliver
Lawyer Wakem takes the mill on the river Floss away from Edward Tulliver (whose ancestors have owned it for 300 years) and becomes the worst enemy of Tulliver's family. When Edward's daughter, Maggie, grows up, she falls in love with Wakem's son Philip. However, her brother Tom (true to the memory of their father) forbids her to meet him again. When she visits her cousin Lucy Deane, Lucy's fiance, Stephen Guest, falls in love with Maggie at first sight, further complicating matters.
Ветер в ивах
The Engine Driver
Экранизация классической сказки Кеннета Грэма теперь открывает зрителю возможность самому поучаствовать в забавных и подчас опасных приключениях четырех верных друзей — спасти дом Крота от землетрясения, вызволить Жабу из тюрьмы и победить в битве коварных Ласок.
Призрак и Тьма
Dr. David Hawthorne
1898 год. Лондон. Молодой строитель полковник Джон Паттерсон получает срочное задание построить мост через реку в африканской провинции Цаво. Всю жизнь мечтавший о путешествии в Африку, Паттерсон, оставив беременную жену, спешит к месту работ. На месте его ожидает целая армия рабочих. Несмотря на разницу вероисповеданий, всех их объединяет один общий страх перед объявившимися в этих краях львами-людоедами. В первый же день пребывания Паттерсона на африканской земле лев покалечил одного из индусов. Устроив засаду, Джон застрелил льва к огромной радости всего рабочего люда. Строительство продвигалось успешно до того момента, пока вдруг снова не стали погибать рабочие.
Madagascar Skin
This is the story of Harry and Flint, an unlikely couple. Harry is a shy young gay man who can't seem to fit into his local bar scene. Flint is a crusty, older, and seemingly straight man with a questionable background. They meet on a gorgeous coastline, and evolve from distrust to deep love.
Speaking In Tongues
Tony Marchant's eloquent and painful play about the changes to how people are employed, and what that does to their sense of self.
Dirtysomething centres around young lovers Becca and Dog, an older fellow traveller, sage Larry, and is about the pitfalls of giving up the alternative 'crustie' liftestyle of no fixed abode and travelling to settle down.
Back in the 'bad old days' when the physically and mentally disabled were locked away in institutions a legend grew of someone who could stand up to the authorities and help them. This charming story is how a group of disabled people went to chase that legend. To assist them John is forced to come to terms with his daughter and her friends.
Olly's Prison
"When you marry, have'll still be in that chair." An ordinary city flat. Evening. A man tries to talk to his daughter. She will not answer. The play moves through the prison of the mind, to that of the outside world in a search that leads to a tragedy.
The Art of Tripping
Based on the idea that drugs have influenced some of our greatest minds (Poe, Baudelaire etc.), this film documents just how influential drug experiences have been on the minds of great writers, poets and thinkers.
Shepherd on the Rock
Tam Ferrier
A developer tries to take over a Scottish shepherd's land.
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Mistaken identity, unrequited love, and the supernatural are combined in Shakespeare's classic set in the woods of Greece on a moonlit night.
Double X: The Name of the Game
Ignatius 'Iggy' Smith
Expert safecracker Arthur Clutten masterminds heists for a criminal syndicate he belongs to. But after witnessing the brutal methods of persuasion being meted out by gang leader, Ignatius Smith Clutten decides to quit. But he realizes the gang would sooner see him killed than quitting. After stealing some documents incriminating Smith and his boss, Edward Ross, Clutten then puts his family in hiding and goes on the run...but his daughter has been kidnapped by the gang and a hitman has been hired and is close to finding Clutten.
The Law Lord
Martin Allport
A new government takes power with a drastically reduced majority. But the ambitious young Home Secretary has a plan to bring the legal establishment to heel and bypass Parliament altogether. Anthony Andrews says of writer and barrister John Cooper (who wrote the ITV series The Advocates): "John is writing about a world he knows intimately. It is a most original and exciting screenplay and extremely prescient in view of the current controversies surrounding the judiciary." Producer Simon Passmore Director Jim Goddard
Лунные горы
Dr. Livingstone
По повести американца Вильяма Харрисона «Бёртон и Спик». Это биографический фильм о двух мужественных британских первооткрывателях — отчаянном исследователе (без преувеличения — бретёре и головорезе), этнографе, полиглоте и дипломате Ричарде Фрэнсисе Бёртоне и путешественнике, офицере Джоне Хеннинге Спике, и рассказывает всего об одном 2-летнем (1856—1858 гг.) эпизоде из их насыщенной приключениями, весьма сложной жизни — о предпринятой по поручению Королевского географического общества полной трудностей экспедиции в экваториальную Африку в поисках истока Нила, которые, как предполагалось ещё в античность, находится в загадочных и неизведанных Лунных горах. Эта задача патетично оценивалась как вторая по значимости после открытия Колумбом Америки.
Ширли Валентайн
Joe Bradshaw
Ширли Валентайн — совершенно непредсказуемая домохозяйка, которая с легкостью доказывает, что никогда не поздно воплотить в жизнь самую смелую мечту. Устав от жизни в провинциальном Ливерпуле, вдоволь наговорившись со стенами своей кухни (поскольку говорить больше было не с кем), Ширли решила тряхнуть стариной и совершить авантюрное путешествие в Грецию. В одно мгновение она с легкостью забывает о своих проблемах и с головой бросается в романтический омут, повстречав обаятельного грека по имени Костас. Дама с удивлением обнаруживает, что «есть еще порох в пороховницах», и все ещё, возможно, только начинается…
Отсчёт утопленников
Три женщины с одинаковым именем Сисси Колпиттс решили утопить надоевших им мужей. Они отлично знают, что все сойдет им с рук. Влюбленный во всех троих судебно-медицинский эксперт охотно выпишет им свидетельства о смерти в результате несчастного случая. Но, связанный обещанием молчать, он оказывается в «глубокой луже», когда на поверхность начинают «всплывать» свидетели убийств…
Bellman and True
Hiller, a computer expert, was bribed by group of bank robbers to obtain details of the security system at a newly-built bank. Having obtained the information, he thought he'd seen the last of the robbers. But now they've traced him and his son to London. They hold the son hostage and force Hiller to decode the information about the alarm and then to take part in the robbery.
Boy Soldier
Wil Thomas, a young Welsh soldier on duty in Northern Ireland shoots a terrorist in self-defence and is used as scapegoat by the political system.
Theban Plays: Antigone
In a final battle for the control of Thebes, Oedipus's two sons kill each other. Creon issues an order that no one is to bury Polynices upon pain of death. But Antigone is determined that her brother's body will have the proper rites of burial.
No Surrender
It's New Year's Eve in Thatcher's de-industrialising Britain. The scene is set at a seedy bar in Liverpool where a group of Irish Protestant and Irish Catholic pensioners will gather to clash and bash the new year in.
The Burston Rebellion
Tom Higdon
Drama reconstructing the events of a strike by the schoolchildren of a Norfolk school in 1914, who refused to accept the dismissal of their teachers, Tom and Annie Higdon, who were both socialists.
Restless Natives
Will's father
Two lads in Edinburgh embark on a non-violent spree of robberies. They dress up in clown masks and act as modern highwaymen, robbing coach loads of tourists in the highlands. In the process they become folk heroes to the locals. Their adventures make for a whimsical and gentle comedy, in the Bill Forsyth vein.
Squaring the Circle
Lech Walesa
An account of how Lech Walesa and the "Solidarity" trade union confronted the might of Communist dictatorship in Poland.
William Cole
Бесконечно опасные плавания приводили отважных моряков к райским островам, и часто никакая кара не могла заставить опьяненных раем людей отправиться в обратный путь, навстречу новым ужасам. Это случилось в 1789 году: фрегат «Баунти» возвращался с Таити с грузом хлебного дерева, когда ссора между капитаном и его лучшим другом расколола команду надвое. Вспыхнул мятеж…
The Chain
Comedy featuring interweaving stories of seven households caught up in a property chain on moving day, each one dependent on the other.
Trevor Field
When his young daughter disappears, her father refuses to accept that she is dead and sets out on a journey to find her.
The Tragedy of Richard III
First Murderer
Richard Duke of Gloucester, youngest brother of King Edward IV, will stop at nothing to get the crown. He first convinces the ailing King that the Duke of Clarence, his elder brother, is a threat to the lives of Edward's two young sons. Edward has him imprisoned in the Tower of London; killers in Richard's pay then drown Clarence in a barrel of wine. When news of Clarence's death reaches the King, the subsequent grief and remorse bring about his death. Richard is made Lord Protector, with power to rule England while his nephew (now King Edward V) is still a minor. Before the young king's coronation he has his two nephews conveyed to the Tower, ostensibly for their safekeeping. Richard's accomplice, the Duke of Buckingham, then declares the two boys illegitimate and offers Richard the crown, which after a show of reticence he accepts. After Richard's coronation, he and Buckingham have a falling-out over whether or not to assassinate the two children.
Henry VI Part 3
Duke of York
The life of King Henry the Sixth, in three parts.
Henry VI Part 2
Duke of York
The life of King Henry the Sixth, in three parts.
Henry VI Part 1
Duke of York / Master Gunner Of Orleans
The life of King Henry the Sixth, in three parts.
Sergeant Putnam
В 1869 году, когда Ганди родился, его страна ещё была украшением Британской империи и одной из драгоценностей королевы Виктории. 30 января 1948 года, в день его убийства, Индия была свободной. Это стало плодом его трудов, трудов долгой титанической жизни.
A Turn for the Worse
Simon Simpson
Simon Simpson runs an entertainment agency in Liverpool. At one of his regular auditions in The Bootle Railway Club he sees an aggressive young man fresh from the dole queue who dreams of becoming a professional comedian. Simpson believes the boy has talent and starts to groom him for 'stardom'.
Say No to Strangers
A short film to warn children of sexual predators.
Vin Fox
The thirteen-part series recounted the lives of the titular Fox family, who lived in Clapham in South London and had gangland connections.
The Black Stuff
Yosser Hughes
A Liverpool tarmac gang set off for a contract in Middlesborough. After a day of work, the group are approached by two gypsies who offer them a lucrative side job.
Soldiers Talking, Cleanly
One man's view of the British Army in Germany - the social life, discipline, drink, women and, occasionally, the defence of the West.
She Fell Among Thieves
While on a Pyrenees vacation in 1922, upright English gentleman Richard Chandos (Malcolm McDowell, A Clockwork Orange, Heroes) encounters the villainous Vanity Fair (Eileen Atkins, Cold Mountain). Mistress of the turreted Chateau Jezreel and leader of a motley band of criminals, she will inherit millions if she can force her stepdaughter to marry. Pitting his wits against this formidable adversary, Chandos determines to rescue the beautiful young woman. But Vanity Fair keeps one step ahead of him, a trick forever up her sleeve and murder in her heart.
The Spongers
In the days leading up the Queen's Silver Jubilee, Pauline, a recently separated single mother, receives a visit from a bailiff and is given 15 days to address her overdue rent payments. Meanwhile, the local council is under pressure to cut expenditure, and their decisions result in Pauline's mentally handicapped daughter Paula being transferred from a care home for special needs children to an old people's home, where she is all alone.
Professional Foul
Three philosophy professors travel to Prague for a conference. One of them, Anderson, is forced to rethink his ideas on ethics when a former student is arrested by the Czech authorities for writing about individualist approaches to morality.
Daft Mam Blues
As sisters, Gladys and Iris never agree about anything - but on one point they're clear: their old mam can't hear a word of their arguments, can she?
Our Flesh and Blood
Bernard Blincoe
TV play by Mike Stott. Comedy about a couple expecting their first baby.
It Could Happen to You
An educational film about the perils associated with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). The drama is interspersed with scenes of a medical adviser directly addressing the camera giving advice and information about STDs.
Housewives' Choice
Marcia is looking for someone to look after her baby and Joyce seems ideal, looking like a perfect, kindly, respectable lady.
Trial by Combat
Blind Freddie
A group called The Knights Of Avalon are unhappy with the justice system so are taking the law into their own hands by executing criminals using medieval methods such as jousting.
Hard Labour
Edward Thornley
A quiet and put-upon house cleaner breaks her silence.
Return of the king (Extended Edition)
The Two Towers (Extended Edition)