Sound Editor
Denial won't end the nightmare --- After two years abroad, art student MARLA SINGER returns to her empty family house to overlook its selling. Her parents died in a car accident and she wants to say goodbye to her past. But a party with old friends and a mysterious drug send her to a bizarre nightmare, from which she seemingly never awakes again.
Sound Recordist
Denial won't end the nightmare --- After two years abroad, art student MARLA SINGER returns to her empty family house to overlook its selling. Her parents died in a car accident and she wants to say goodbye to her past. But a party with old friends and a mysterious drug send her to a bizarre nightmare, from which she seemingly never awakes again.
Sound Designer
Denial won't end the nightmare --- After two years abroad, art student MARLA SINGER returns to her empty family house to overlook its selling. Her parents died in a car accident and she wants to say goodbye to her past. But a party with old friends and a mysterious drug send her to a bizarre nightmare, from which she seemingly never awakes again.
Sound Effects Editor
Denial won't end the nightmare --- After two years abroad, art student MARLA SINGER returns to her empty family house to overlook its selling. Her parents died in a car accident and she wants to say goodbye to her past. But a party with old friends and a mysterious drug send her to a bizarre nightmare, from which she seemingly never awakes again.
Boom Operator
История американского врача Джеффа Бертона (Майкл Эклунд), который едет по делам в немецкий Дрезден, где планирует заняться также своими тайными исследованиями. Работа Бертона связана с разработкой гена регенерации, что, в сочетании с открытиями Джеффа, может помочь восстановить даже сильно поврежденный мозг. Эти разработки могут стать началом большого научного прорыва. Но какова цена таких достижений? Трагедия в прошлом героя триллера «Ошибки человеческого тела» наложила темный отпечаток на все его действия. А когда люди становятся одержимыми игрой в Бога, последствия не заставят себя ждать.