Chronicles the struggles of a family trying to stay alive in the wake of a deadly and catastrophic virus that has brought America to its knees. In what was once a thriving American suburb that has now devolved into a lawless world of roaming gangs and dwindling resources, the family is discovered and forced to fight back in order to survive.
История о том, как родился Холден Колфилд, герой культового для многих поколений романа «Над пропастью во ржи», и как его автор — Джером Сэлинджер — стал величайшим писателем Америки, выбравшим удивительную судьбу.
A post-apocalyptic thriller set in the ruins of a collapsed America, Refuge follows a family’s struggle to survive and rebuild a life in the absence of civilization. In the wake of a catastrophic plague, the family lives a lonely existence, struggling to maintain a sense of normalcy amidst a lawless world of roaming gangs and dwindling resources.