Boyd Stockman

Boyd Stockman

Рождение : 1916-02-12, Grants, New Mexico, USA

Смерть : 1998-03-10


Stuntman and actor Boyd Stockman was born on February 12, 1916 in Grants, New Mexico. Boyd moved to California in the early 1940's where he and his brother worked for the Bakersfield Land and Cattle Company. Stockman began his film business career doing stunts at Monogram Pictures in the mid-1940's after he was spotted roping cattle at the L.A. Coliseum Rodeo by fellow stuntmen Joe Yrigoyen and Andy Jauregui, who suggested to Stockman that he try his hand in the movies. An expert horseman and team driver, Boyd was usually cast in Westerns as a stagecoach driver. Moreover, Stockman was also a regular in Gene Autry Western programmers made by Columbia. His career as both an actor and stuntman in Westerns spanned over three decades altogether. Boyd returned to his native state of New Mexico in the mid-1970's. Stockman died at age 82 on March 10, 1998 in Silver City, New Mexico.


Boyd Stockman


Дантист на диком западе
Stage Driver (uncredited)
Джесс Хэйвуд, выпускник медицинского колледжа в Филадельфии, в 1870 году отправляется на Дикий Запад, где собирается бороться со стоматологическим невежеством населения. Тем временем знаменитой грабительнице Пенелопе по прозвищу Плохая Пенни полиция гарантирует помилование, если она выдаст своих сообщников, других знаменитых грабителей. Пенни примечает простофилю дантиста, женит его на себе, а затем, путем переодевания превращает его в различных легендарных личностей, чье имя гремит на Диком Западе. Дантист меняет профессию и превращается в вольного стрелка.
They Ran for Their Lives
Hotel Clerk (as Boyde Stockman)
A man with a dog helps a young woman being chased by hoodlums in the desert.
The Gambler Wore a Gun
The professional gambler Case Silverthorn wants to quit and retire to a small ranch in Marlpine he bought recently. On the way there he saves the Sheriff's life, who got into an ambush. However another man is dead, Will Donovan, from whom he bought the ranch! Neither the Sheriff nor Donovan's children know about the sale. So Case has to switch back to his former profession, while he tries to clarify the situation. He comes across a group of cattle thieves.
The Alligator People
Alligator-headed Paul
Under therapeutic hypnosis, a seemingly well-adjusted young woman tells a fantastic story, verified by lie detector, of her forgotten marriage to a man who disappeared on the day of their honeymoon, and of her search for him which takes her to a lonely mansion in a remote section of swampland tenanted by snakes, alligators, a drunken one-armed lout, a mysterious doctor, and a cold-hearted elderly woman who lives alone in a brooding manse.
Дерево для повешенных
Townsman (uncredited)
Гэри Купер - отважный доктор в лагере золотодобытчиков, который посвящает своё время лечению слепой девушки. К несчастью у доктора есть дурное прошлое...
Одинокий всадник
Indian chief (uncredited)
Бен Бригэйд - охотник за головами, захватывает убийцу - Билли Джона. Бригэйд собирается отвезти его на виселицу в Санта-Круз. По пути Бригэйд останавливается на станции для дилижансов, где спасает жену станционного смотрителя от индейцев, и заручается поддержкой двух преступников. Но чем дальше, тем опаснее становится путешествие. Индейцы продолжают преследование, преступники планируют отбить Билли у Бригэйта, соблазнившись предложением об амнистии за поимку малыша Билли, а брат Билли Фрэнк отправляется в погоню, чтобы спасти его. Но у Бригэйда есть свои собственные планы.
В 3:10 на Юму
Известный грабитель Бен Вейд и его банда нападают на перевозивший золото дилижанс. Захватив добычу, Вейд велит переходить границу поодиночке; банда разъезжается, но сам он задерживается в городе и его арестовывают. Необходимо срочно перевезти Вейда в более надежное место. Доставить его до поезда, отходящего в 3:10 на Юму, вызывается обыкновенный фермер Дэн Эванс. У него есть несколько часов форы, прежде чем банда соберется вновь и попытается отбить своего главаря.
В 3:10 на Юму
Bill Moons (uncredited)
Известный грабитель Бен Вейд и его банда нападают на перевозивший золото дилижанс. Захватив добычу, Вейд велит переходить границу поодиночке; банда разъезжается, но сам он задерживается в городе и его арестовывают. Необходимо срочно перевезти Вейда в более надежное место. Доставить его до поезда, отходящего в 3:10 на Юму, вызывается обыкновенный фермер Дэн Эванс. У него есть несколько часов форы, прежде чем банда соберется вновь и попытается отбить своего главаря.
Опасный перегон
После того, как Грант Маклэйн, работающий охранником на железной дороге, не смог задержать грабителя, его уволили. Он стал зарабатывать на жизнь игрой на аккордеоне. Неожиданно он получает предложение от Бэна Кимбела, шэфа ЖД, вернуться на старое место работы, так как банда Уайта три раза подряд ограбила поезда, везущие зарплату рабочим. Бэн Кимбэл поручает ему доставку $10000...
Человек из Ларами
Spud Oxton
Некий Уилл Локхард привозит фургоны с товарами в город, затерянный в землях аппачей. Но главная его цель — найти того, кто продает аппачам оружие, ведь используя эти винтовки, индейцы расстреляли кавалерийский патруль, в котором был брат Уилла. Сразу же у Локхарда возникают неприятности с людьми Алека Вагонмана, фактического хозяина города, в особенности с его сыном Дэйвом. Подозрения, что в истории с оружием замешан кто-то из них, усиливаются, когда Уилла арестовывают за убийство, которого он не совершал…
Wyoming Renegades
Tom McCarthy
Brady Sutton returns from three years in prison and tries to go straight. One a member of the Butch Cassidy gang, he is still suspected of being cahoots with them. When Cassidy and his men rob the bank, he is blamed. Escaping from the townspeople, he once again joins up with Cassidy to wait for a chance to help bring him in.
Gun Belt
Turkey Creek
Gunfighter Billy Ringo decides to hang up his guns, buy a ranch and marry Arlene Reach. His brother Matt, father of Chip, the nephew Ringo is trying to keep on the straight and narrow, with three other outlaws, Dixon, Hollaway and Hoke, frame Ringo into pulling a bank robbery with them. Pretending to side with them, after accidentally killing Matt, Ringo informs Marshal Wyatt Earp of their plan to rob a Wells Fargo express wagon. A gunfight ensues at the robbery and the three outlaws are killed and Ike Clinton, the ringleader, is turned over to Marshal Earp by Ringo. Written by Les Adams
Desperadoes' Outpost
Henchman Tom (uncredited)
Nugget Clark has been having his stagecoaches wrecked and Marshal Rocky Lane arrives to investigate. The foreman of a nearby mine is stealing part of the mecury output and selling it in Mexico. Nugget's house has a direct pipeline from the mine and they are trying to drive him into bankruptcy to obtain his ranch. Rocky is quickly aware that the Foremen is behind Nugget's holdups but they are also onto Rocky when he accidently drops his badge during a fight.
Night Raiders
Henchman Al
Whip arrives to investigate why night raiders are ransacking cabins but taking nothing....
Stage to Blue River
Whip Wilson has to stop bandits who are trying to take over a stage line.
Hills of Utah
A singing doctor (Gene Autry) on horseback heals a feud between cattlemen and copper miners.
Streets of Ghost Town
The Durango Kid and his sidekick look for stolen gold with a history.
Radar Secret Service
Joe #1 (uncredited)
A federal agent and his partner track uranium-ore hijackers with radar.
Radar Secret Service
A federal agent and his partner track uranium-ore hijackers with radar.
Brand of Fear
Jed Mailor
Jimmy and Cannonball escort Anne Lamont, the new school teacher, to Oreville, where she is molested by two outlaws. Marshal Blackjack Flint wounds Slade, who tells Derringer that lawman Flint is wanted by the law and, unknown to Anne, is also her father. Derringer than kills Slade and begins to blackmail Flint. Jimmy and Cannonball join the fray on the side of Flint, the reformed outlaw.
West of El Dorado
Johnny and Alibi try to straighten out a hostile young boy whose older brother was a notorious stagecoach bandit. When a gang of thieves try to strong-arm the kid into revealing the whereabouts of the stolen loot, Johnny and Alibi come to the rescue. There's a cursory romantic subplot involving heroine Mary and Barstow.
Trails End
Cowhand Drake discovers gold on the ranch of his boss, Joe Stuart and makes a deal with crooked lawyer Mel Porter to induce Stuart to sell. The latter refuses, and also orders Bill Cameron not to see his daughter Laurie again. Foreman Johnny Mack, after intervening, quits after he sees Stuart hit Laurie while quarreling over her proposed marriage to Cameron. Peddler Alibi Terhune witnesses the killing of Stuart by Clem Kettering, hired by Porter, and is taken prisoner. Cameron is blamed for Stuart's killing, escapes jail, but is persuaded by Johnny to go back and stand trial. Johnny rescues Alibi and the two work together on clearing Cameron's name, and bringing the real culprits to justice.
Hidden Danger
Henchman Luke Henderson
Johnny and Banty come in contact with a cattlemen's protective organization. Ostensibly an honest venture, the association is the front for an extortion racket, headed by a gent named Carson.
Gunning for Justice
Smoky - Henchman
Three fellows band together to help a woman find her uncle's cache of gold in this western. All they have to help them is a tattered map that her uncle, a prisoner of war, created in camp. Unfortunately two badguys have the map and try to turn the three goodguys against the niece. They do not succeed and justice prevails.
Outlaw Brand
Ed Parker
Jimmy and his pal Cannonball are hired by a rancher and horse breeder to capture Midnight, a wild stallion that has been interfering with local herds and has a reputation as a killer.
The Rangers Ride
State Policeman
After the Texas Rangers are disbanded, the the reconstruction years following the Civil War, a private state-police force extorts money from the citizens in a "protection" scheme. Ex-Rangers Jimmy Wakely and "Cannonball" Taylor foil an arrest by state-police officers Hamon and Kelly. Commissioner Jed Brant tells his nephew that his old friend Jimmy is plotting against the law-and-order forces. Vic's fiancée and ranch-owner, Sheila Carol, refuses to sign up with the crooked police outfit, and believes Jimmy is an outlaw. On Chief Barton's order, Hamon shoots ex-Rangers Murphy and Payson, so they can be blamed for a raid on Sheila's ranch.
Crossed Trails
A cowboy frees a rancher framed for murder by outlaws after his ranch.
Crossed Trails
Henchman Maypole (uncredited)
A cowboy frees a rancher framed for murder by outlaws after his ranch.
Overland Trails
Joe - Henchman
Johnny Mack Brown stars in this above-average B-Western from Monogram, penned under the pseudonym of Jess Bowers by veteran genre specialist Adele Buffington. Mack Brown plays Johnny Murdoch, a drifter arriving in Gold Flats in search of his prospector father. From old-timer Dusty Hanover (Raymond Hatton), Johnny learns that Old Man Murdoch was murdered for his claim by Rex Hillman (Holly Bane), a hireling of Carter Morgan (Bill Kennedy).
Gun Talk
Red Diggs - Henchman
In this western, a hero prevents a stagecoach robbery and wins the respect and confidence of a mine owner and a pretty woman who is going west to see her sister. Two outlaws next try to jump the miner's claim.
Prairie Express
Johnny Mack Brown comes to the aid of a beleaguered female freight line operator in this standard Monogram oater directed by veteran Lambert Hillyer. Having saved his old friend Faro Jenkins and young Dave Porter from marauding outlaws, Ranger Johnny Hudson learns that the attack may be part of a concerted effort by bandits to drive Dave's sister Peggy out of the freight business. Unbeknownst to Johnny and the Porters, the crimes are committed on behalf of local banker Gordon Gregg who wants to bankrupt the freight business in order to take over the valuable Porter ranch.
Badman's Territory
William McElheney (uncredited)
After some gun play with a posse, the James Gang head for Quinto in a section of land which is not a part of America. Anyone there is beyond the law so the town is populated with outlaws. Next to arrive is Sheriff Rowley, following his brother whom the Gang have brought in injured. Rowley has no authority and gets on well enough with the James boys but is soon involved in other local goings-on, including a move to vote for annexation with Oklahoma which would allow the law well and truly in.