Václav Babka

Václav Babka

Рождение : 1927-08-11, Prague, Czechoslovakia [now Czech Republic]

Смерть : 2010-07-01


Václav Babka


Konto separato
This production of Ostrava TV Studios was inspired by actual events which occurred in the Ostrava region of Moravia during the 1920s and 1930s. A hedonistic bon vivant of a lawyer named Zajícek (played by Václav Postránecký) came up with a sophisticated finance speculation scheme which exceeded the bounds of law. When discovered it became one of the most closely-followed First Republic scandals.
Zlatník Ondra
The Seventh Day, the Eighth Night
An allegory set in an archetypal Czech village, it tells of what happens when a sequence of mysterious events take place, including the disappearance of the stationmaster. While everything has a rational explanation, collective paranoia takes hold and everyone’s worst instincts are released. Interrogations, the abolition of rights and the search for scapegoats ultimately lead to murder
Я люблю, ты любишь
Старый холостяк Пишта работает на железнодорожной почте. Низкий, полный и очень несчастный, он совершенно одинок и не интересен никому из окружающих. Свои комплексы и постоянные безуспешные попытки найти подругу Пишта лечит алкоголем и мечтами о любовных приключениях. Больше всего на свете он желает полноценных отношений и немного достоинства. Пишта завидует своей знакомой паре - Винцо и Вере. Веру Пишта очень желает, а собутыльник Винцо для Пишты является недосягаемым идеалом деревенского Казановы, в которого влюблена Вера. Эти три персонажа образуют треугольник, вокруг которого выстроено действие.
Mimořádný případ
On a Wayward Princess
Princess Julia doesn't want to marry an old prince Hubert so she runs away from home. She meets two old magicians and join the circus, where she meets lovely Franta Kuldan and evil devil performer.
Inseparable Five
A funny movie about life and adventures of the five inseparable friends from little town in south Czech republic.
Příběh muže, který miloval svou ženu
Příběh ženy, která milovala lidi
Příběh chlapce, který miloval svou práci
Nekonečná – nevystupovat
Two somewhat crazy friends Milan (Milan Lasica) and Julo (Július Satinský) resolve to have a peaceful holiday in an old guard house that Julo has bought from his uncle. But in the early hours of the very first morning they are woken up by the loud sound of a trumpet. It is the severe supervisor of a nearby recreation center forcing the children out of their beds and out to exercise drill. To protect themselves from the children, Milan and Julo put up signs saying "private property". The first to disturb their privacy is the supervisor's little granddaughter Miluska, who uses their shed as her gingerbread house. The children in the camp are disgruntled, the supervisor's program bores them, and so they make up all sorts of other things to do.
Čistá řeka
Shadows of a Hot Summer
Jožin (voice)
The story of 1947, when Bender's band, after a beating of the Nazis, tried to fight their way through Czechoslovakia to Austria. They come out of the forest to occupy the family's rural estate, kidnap doctors to help heal one of their wounded.
Proč nevěřit na zázraky
O moravské zemi
Our Gang
Rudla Janecek
Rose Tinted Dreams
Mr. Babjak
Jakub, a dreamer and budding magician, juggles between parcels and services rendered to the villagers. His eyes cross that of the beautiful gypsy Jolanka. Together, they will try to live a first and big love, despite the pressure of their respective communities.
Hledání v prachu
Plavení hříbat
Škaredá dědina
This Is How Love Begins...
The Man from London
A British citizen by the name of George Reiner (Jirí Sovák) arrives at Prague airport. He was once a Czech safe-breaker, and has now returned home after thirty years to steal twenty-dollar gold coins still kept in the safe at a private villa in Pilsen whose owner fled to the West.
Evil Night
Vedoucí brigády Smarda
Lieutenant VB, disguised as a laborer, is looking for a young woman killer among the staff of a wheel loader. But which of the possible motives found is the right one?
Javorová fujarka
Strašidelny mlyn
About Show-White
Sixth-grade pupil Katka daydreams during a math class about being Snow White and being freed by a prince who looks very much like Dzery from the eighth grade. Katka, her girl friends Lenka and Martina, and her fellow-pupils Franta, Joska and freckled Vrabcák, have spent five years going to the same little one-class school in their home mountain village of Pastvina. Their kind teacher Smetácek was very understanding about their games and fantasies, but he didn't teach them much about arithmetic. They are now laughed at for their ignorance by the strict Bidlo, their new teacher at the near-by little town. As he does every year, Smetácek is preparing a theatre performance with the local children. Katka suggests the fairytale about Snow White
Dogs and People
(segment "Nahý v trní")
Captain Korda
A story of Pepik, an orphaned boy recently adopted by foster family.
Рыжик, Мышонок и гора Висельная
Зима. Горная чешская деревня. Снег, санки, снежки, снежние крепости, скачки - благодать! Двое пацанов по прозвищу Рыжик и Мышонок соперничают за лидерство. Один увлекается птицами (не курями, конечно, а благородными), другой - лошадьми. Вот так враждовали они, враждовали, устраивали друг другу подлянки и, наконец, подружились...
Just Because You're Grown-Up
Eleven-year old Mísa has the temperament of a proper boy and endless problems with the grown-ups. It is no wonder that he longs to become an adult without further delay. Mísa keeps house together with his father and has various duties. After a failed attempt at dish-washing he goes off to the research institute where his father is working on an important invention. He is trying to produce a substance that would make poultry and other animals bigger and thus help the struggle against famine in the world, but so far he has only managed to produce a shrinking substance. After his father leaves the laboratory, Mísa mixes up different ingredients and makes the growth substance. He drinks it and instantly becomes an adult. His father, conversely, turns into a toddler after drinking the shrinking substance with his beer by mistake.
Mlčení mužů
All My Good Countrymen
Franta Lampa
The title "All My Good Countrymen" is not without irony as this epic tale of Czech village life from shortly after the end of the Second World War concentrates on the activities of a group of friends who are not beyond reproach in siding with a politically corrupt regime for material advancement. Are these the "good countrymen" of the title or does it refer to the rest of the village who scorn these petty authority figure with silent contempt?
Lost in Pajamas
Tanya, a 10-year-old Russian tourist traveling with her parents from Prague to Brno, is left behind in a foreign country. Tanya leaves her compartment when the train stops because of a cow. Disobeying her parent's instructions, she gets off the train to investigate, lingers too long, and is left behind. Cold, lonely, and clad only in her pajamas in the unfamiliar countryside, the girl is relieved to meet up with two rather nervous Czech boys camping out together for the first time. At first the would-be "cowboys" are frightened by her ghost-like appearance. After hearing her story, the boys find Tanya a dress to wear and accompany the girl on foot to her final destination, Brno.
Похищенный дирижабль
Steersman Evans
Пятеро любопытных чешских мальчишек проникают в запускаемый дирижабль и в результате опасного полета оказываются на острове в океане, где время остановилось много веков назад. По мотивам произведений Жюля Верна "Два года каникул" и «Таинственный остров». Фильм в стиле модерн состоит из живых боевых сцен, обычно снятых в черно-белых тонах, а также рисованной от руки, остановки движения и анимации вырезов. Различные живые действия и анимированные элементы часто объединяются в одну сцену.
Kočky neberem
Délka polibku devadesát
Вот придёт кот
Фантастическая история о волшебном мире детства с его поэтическим видением жизни, стертыми границами между реальностью и вымыслом, непоколебимой верой в победу Добра и справедливое устройство мира, постоянным ожиданием чуда, которое вот-вот должно произойти, и поисками края земли, который, возможно, начинается сразу за околицей...
The Curious Letter
An adventurous letter that wandered around the world instead of rushing to a summer camp to see its little recipient.
The Pilgrimage to the Holy Virgin
Farmers get away from their arguments by embarking on a religious pilgrimage, enjoy a picnic en route, and on their return decide to form a cooperative.
Я пережил свою смерть
Хотя Тонда Майер был начинающим боксером, его огромный рост и незаурядная сила обеспечивали ему победу над противником. В концлагере, куда Тонда попал во время гитлеровской оккупации, он понял, что, только презирая опасность, можно остаться здесь человеком и помогать другим. Он назвал себя коммунистом, хотя никогда им не был. И когда Тонде грозила гибель, в дело вмешалась подпольная организация заключенных и спасла его от фашистской расправы.
Father (segment "O chlapci, který hledal konec sveta")
A poignant overview of how short life can be, this interesting drama from Czech director Vojetch Jasny is divided into four separate segments. In the first skit, a young child's impressions are observed as his newborn baby sister becomes a part of the family. In the second, a young woman falls in love for the first time one summer, and in the third, a tough, older peasant woman battles against the farming cooperatives. Finally, in the last segment, everything comes full circle as a woman who is about to become a grandmother dies while her daughter-in-law has not yet given birth.
Poprask na laguně
Тайна острова Бэк-Кап
Фильм снят по роману Жюля Верна. На далеком острове хранится эликсир, который жаждут заполучить пираты. Но с принципом его действия знаком только талантливый профессор Том Рок, которого злодеи похищают вместе с его помощником Симоном Хартом. Именно в руках Харта окажется судьба всего мира, когда ему удастся покинуть плен.
Nedělní dostaveníčko