Tegan Crowley


One Dollar
In the aftermath of Australia's marriage equality marches, a young queer woman has her date interrupted by a homeless man after accidentally dropping a dollar into his coffee cup. This sets off a chain of events that sees her dragging him around the city in a bid to buy him a new one and eventually forcing the two to bond for the briefest of moments. What ensues over that evening changes both of them forever.
Maybe Tomorrow
As a young couple struggle with the demands of life with a new baby, they plow forward on production for their latest self-funded independent feature film.
So Long
Lesbian mumblecore drama So Long follows two women as they grapple with their post-breakup lives. Kicking off at the point of relationship meltdown, we follow 20-somethings Emily and Ray as they traverse the uncomfortable world of the newly single. From weird new housemates to a disastrous one-night stand, terrible jobs and creepier dudes, filmmakers Caitlin Farrugia and Michael Jones utilise naturalism and improvisation to explore a relatable slice of life. Shot in Melbourne, this study of fresh singledom captures the grinding pain and quiet triumph of rediscovering who you are outside of a relationship.
Workmate #1
Мальчик из трущоб, Сару, потерялся в возрасте 5 лет. Ему удалось выжить и найти новый дом в Австралии. 25 лет спустя он чудом вернулся в родной дом и встретился с матерью.
Неизвестная инфекция уничтожила большую часть населения Австралии. Большая часть выживших мутировала и превратилась в кровожадных монстров, одержимых человеческой плотью. И неизвестно, кому повезло - им или людям, которые пытаются выбраться из этого ада, где самый страшный зверь даже не зомби, рыщущий по ночам, а человек. Это история любви, надежды и отчаяния девушки Эви в мире, у которого больше нет шансов.
Explosions; a silent film set to a piece of classical music, observes an ethereal happening, as the inhabitants of a semi-industrial suburb inexplicably float into the night sky. After failing to save her boyfriend from this loss of gravity, a girl struggles to escape the phenomena.