Jon Boorstin


Greece: Secrets of the Past
GREECE: SECRETS OF THE PAST, directed by two-time Academy Award®-nominated filmmaker Greg MacGillivray, is the stirring story of how a Greek archeologist of the 21st century is uncovering the secret history of his ancient ancestors who forged a society that continues to astound the world today with its ideas, inventions and achievements. Set against the breathtaking, azure vistas of the Greek Isles, the film merges a contemporary archeological “detective story” with some of the most advanced and painstaking digital re-creations ever undertaken for an IMAX® theatre film, with scenes that restore such centuries-old spectacles as the original Parthenon and the volcanic eruption that buried Santorini in 1646 BC.
Forever and Ever
A life of little Maria who lives in a foster family breaks after a sudden appearance of her mother Melanie who was absent for five years...
Dream Lover
After she's been attacked in her apartment, Cathy starts reliving the event in her dreams. She seeks help at a sleep disorder research center, but in doing so she encounters some unexpected results.
Dream Lover
After she's been attacked in her apartment, Cathy starts reliving the event in her dreams. She seeks help at a sleep disorder research center, but in doing so she encounters some unexpected results.
Вся президентская рать
Associate Producer
В руки сотрудников газеты «Вашингтон пост» попадают материалы, свидетельствующие о том, что представители администрации президента Никсона организовали тайное прослушивание в штаб-квартире своих политических оппонентов. Начинается рутинная работа по поиску свидетелей и упорные попытки заставить их говорить. В тот момент, когда расследование, казалось, заходит в тупик, журналистов поддерживает ответственный редактор газеты Говард Симонс.
Заговор «Параллакс»
Production Assistant
Репортер Джо Фрэйди случайно оказался одним из свидетелей убийства политического деятеля. Когда остальные семь очевидцев преступления один за другим умирают при загадочных обстоятельствах, наш герой начинает сомневаться в истинности официальной версии, гласящей, что убийство — дело рук одиночки-психопата. Джо начинает мерещиться целая группировка высококлассных натренированных киллеров. Но все ночные кошмары Фрейди бледнеют перед жуткой истиной, до которой ему предстоит докопаться.
An Oscar-nominated film with no narration showing the Exploratorium (The Palace of Arts and Science) in San Francisco. It shows many of the exhibits and the reaction of visitors to many of these. Preserved by the Academy Film Archive.
Kid City
Documentarian Jon Boorstin follows architect Frank Gehry and his sister, Doreen Gehry Nelson, as they attempt a new method of teaching elementary school children in Los Angeles. With funding from the National Endowment for the Arts, the siblings work together on a pilot program of “design-based learning” that would restructure the typical classroom curriculum, replacing rote math or civics lessons with an imaginary city designed and built entirely by the students themselves. Restored in 2018 by the Academy Film Archive.
Clown Face!
The movie "Clown Face" offers a very rare glimpse into the backstage private world of Circus Clowns. Here, you can look behind the curtain. You will see the clowns in their backstage habitat, Clown Alley, preparing for a circus performance
People Who Make Things
A portrait of three Los Angeles area residents who create things with their hands. Angelo Austin decorates wedding cakes; Dean Jeffries designs, manufactures, and paints custom cars; and Pamela Weir-Quiton creates wooden dolls. Restored in 2016 by the Academy Film Archive.