Paris Dylan

Paris Dylan


Raised in Seattle, Paris Dylan (no, that's not a stage name) always had a knack for performing. You could find him involved in theater, running events, and front-manning a successful rock band. He graduated from the University of Washington as a Dean's List recipient and with a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication and Comparative Literature. He then worked and lived around the U.S. as a Self-Improvement Speaker alongside Zig Ziglar, Tom Hopkins, Brian Tracy and others for Motivational Seminars. Abandoning his six-figure salary to pursue his dream of acting, he had much success very quickly and began starring in TV Programs, Theater Productions, National Commercials, and Films within his first year of acting and the credits continued to grow. Aside from print modeling, Paris also performs in a live improv comedy duo act with Hollywood-icon, Andy Dick and holds a number of hosting credits including American Idol, iHeartRadio, and his own talk show 'PARIS in LA' on iTunes, USTREAM, and LiveStream networks. In addition to racking up accolades like "Best Actor", Paris ventured to create his own content which proved to be a smart career move, as Directing/Writing/Producing garner more positive attention to the Paris Dylan brand. Lately starring in his own and others' films that have placed at a variety of festivals including Sundance, Paris Dylan continues to find consistency as a sought-after multi-talented working actor and filmmaker in the unpredictable world of Hollywood.


Paris Dylan
Paris Dylan
Paris Dylan
Paris Dylan


Смерть шейха
Hotel Clerk
Таинственная Дама в чёрном, претендующая на роль последней любви первого секс-символа экрана Рудольфа Валентино, умирает в своей голливудской квартире. Единственный контакт, который находит детектив, - это визитная карточка молодого кинорежиссера Пола Хартса. Отвечая на вопросы следователя, Пол переносит нас на полгода назад на кладбище «Голливуд навсегда», когда он впервые встретил Леди в чёрном и убедил её раскрыть свою тайну на камеру. История пожилой женщины возвращает нас в прошлое ещё дальше, в 1926 год, когда она была молодой медсестрой в Нью-Йорке и встретила Рудольфа Валентино на больничной койке.
Dangerous Methods
Officer Yates
An ambitious Hollywood assistant finds herself in a hellish, live-or-death situation when she agrees to live in isolation with an overbearing Method actor who wants an extreme experience far from civilization while preparing for his next role.
Успешный юрист Дэвид Кейн разочаровывается в Рождестве и закрывает своё сердце после трагедии, произошедшей пятнадцать лет назад. С помощью своих ангелов-хранителей, сестёр-близняшек Мэри Лу и Мисти, ему предстоит влюбиться и снова поверить в магию Рождества.
14 Ghosts
14 ghosts cause havoc
What Doesn't Kill Us
What Doesn't Kill Us is a mockumentary about rehabilitated zombies facing the adversities of living in a time when they aren't yet treated equally to humans.
A criminal attorney struggles with his sexuality, a cryptic new boyfriend, unemployment and the disturbing childhood secrets his parents hold.
Gothic Springs
Golf Caddie
A year after her grandfather's alien abduction, a gothic teen girl visits her widowed grandmother only to find out what she thought was going to be a boring summer, turns out to be out of this world.
Смертельная исповедь
Detective Leroy
Пациент, который работает детективом, начинает подозревать своего психиатра. А тому есть что скрывать. Сумеет ли детектив раскусить его, или станет жертвой игр разума.
Истории из парилки: В кино
Владелица косметической компании пойдет на всё, чтобы спасти свою загибающуюся империю. Она во что бы то ни стало хочет завладеть волшебной водой из парилки, но для этого ей придется побороться с Парнями из Парилки, которые будут всеми путями противостоять ее злым козням.
The Roomie
When a group of friends' rent is raised, they open their doors to a new roommate. However, they're not sure this new roomie is worth the extra money.
The Roomie
When a group of friends' rent is raised, they open their doors to a new roommate. However, they're not sure this new roomie is worth the extra money.
The Roomie
When a group of friends' rent is raised, they open their doors to a new roommate. However, they're not sure this new roomie is worth the extra money.
When a woman's teenage daughter becomes internet famous, she becomes worried about the amount of attention her daughter is receiving. Her fears prove justified when she realizes someone is stalking her daughter.
Think and Grow Rich: The Legacy
Michael Bruno
THINK AND GROW RICH: The Legacy will be a feature length docudrama film chronicling the story of some of today's most renowned entrepreneurs, cultural icons and thought leaders. This feature length film will tell their inspirational stories and how they ultimately achieved their success. Interwoven with dramatic vignettes, the movie will bring to life classic inspirational stories from Think and Grow Rich, Think and Grow Rich: A Black Choice, Think and Grow Rich: A Latino Choice, Think and Grow Rich for Women and Three Feet From Gold.' THINK will unlock the eminent significance behind the secret of Think and Grow Rich, revealing the global impact the book has created and serve as a continued legacy.
Across the Pond
When a focused, hard working Londoner, Emily (Renee Bourke), travels to LA to seal some business deals, this cut and dry business trip takes a detour when she meets an easy going musician, Nick (Paris Dylan), who is in need of a push in the right direction. On the contrary, Nick opens Emily's mind to a world outside of her controlled work environment. Their bond is strong, but put to the test when Emily's trip home is expedited.
Across the Pond
When a focused, hard working Londoner, Emily (Renee Bourke), travels to LA to seal some business deals, this cut and dry business trip takes a detour when she meets an easy going musician, Nick (Paris Dylan), who is in need of a push in the right direction. On the contrary, Nick opens Emily's mind to a world outside of her controlled work environment. Their bond is strong, but put to the test when Emily's trip home is expedited.
Across the Pond
When a focused, hard working Londoner, Emily (Renee Bourke), travels to LA to seal some business deals, this cut and dry business trip takes a detour when she meets an easy going musician, Nick (Paris Dylan), who is in need of a push in the right direction. On the contrary, Nick opens Emily's mind to a world outside of her controlled work environment. Their bond is strong, but put to the test when Emily's trip home is expedited.
Inmate Russell
An inmate's satanic soul starts possessing innocent people on the road to Las Vegas.
Dead End
The Internet is haunted at Morningwood Road, they must appease the ghost before she makes a meme of them all.
Dead End
A captivating one hour about murder on the road. From hitchhiking horrors to hookers on the road, tragic truckers to mysterious serial killers, this flick utilizes forensic evidence and witness testimony to tell the tales of road wrong gone wrong.
Dying to Sleep
Mary, desperate to find a cure for her chronic, terrifying nightmares, takes a leap of faith on a reclusive Holistic Doctor, but as her clarity sharpens, Mary unearths the frightening mystery behind his obscure methods.
Dying to Sleep
Mary, desperate to find a cure for her chronic, terrifying nightmares, takes a leap of faith on a reclusive Holistic Doctor, but as her clarity sharpens, Mary unearths the frightening mystery behind his obscure methods.
Dying to Sleep
Mary, desperate to find a cure for her chronic, terrifying nightmares, takes a leap of faith on a reclusive Holistic Doctor, but as her clarity sharpens, Mary unearths the frightening mystery behind his obscure methods.