Saarnaaja - Preacher
Small-scale farmer Pasi shoots four policemen who have come to arrest him for raged drunkenness. Rest of the movie is a long flashback examining the events that finally leads to the tragic shooting. As time goes by, Pasi sinks gradually deeper and deeper into the poverty, gets into trouble with both police and tax officials while family arguments grow more and more serious. Based on a true story.
Täällä Pohjantähden alla is based on the book with the same title. It is a story of the little village. The movie starts in the 1890's and it ends to the Finnish civil war in 1918. Story concentrates around a tenant farmer family, although it gives us a good look at the society at whole. While the class struggle depends, people of the village are driven to bloody civil war.
Night guard at hospital
This Finnish romance tells of a young couple who vacation by the ocean. While there, the unsatisfied man decides he wants to end their relationship. Upon their return home, he has an overnight fling with another woman while his recently dumped girlfriend calmly waits outside his home. When the jilted woman begins to walk alone to her own apartment, she is struck by a passing car, and only then does the young man realize that he truly loves her.
Karl-Fredrik von Brytscowiansky
Sisters Pirkko and Brita travel to Aulango together with their landlady Sigrid to look for wealthy spouses. At the same time brothers Erkki and Olavi hope to find girls who would love them for their own sake and not for their money.
Location Manager
A western set in the "Wild North".
Location Manager
When Continuation War started in Summer 1941, German soldiers arrived to Oulu. With their charm they conquered women and town boys. Finnish boys communicated with them on many levels: had trades, worked as interpreters, rotated business, spied on German love adventures and fought with each other about the favor of soldiers. In autumn 1944, the war was ending. Germans left Oulu by leaving behind fragile relationships, bastard kids and unfinished businesses. The most shocking of all was the faith of young Jake...
Location Manager
Caretaker (uncredited)
Убийство астронома-любителя на холме возле обсерватории приводит комиссара Палму и его бригаду в усадьбу буйного майора Ваденблика.
Location Manager
Location Manager
A government official decides to steal a $25-million payroll and then fake his own death. However, in the process he is forced to kill an innocent bystander. He moves to a small rural village to start a new life with a new name and his new money, but finds that it's harder to escape his past than he thought it would be.
Kaarlo Mäenpää
A government official decides to steal a $25-million payroll and then fake his own death. However, in the process he is forced to kill an innocent bystander. He moves to a small rural village to start a new life with a new name and his new money, but finds that it's harder to escape his past than he thought it would be.
Location Manager
Ahonen (uncredited)
Location Manager
Location Manager
Два приятеля, работающие на бензоколонке, решили выдать себя за миллионеров из Техаса и выгодно жениться. Однако после ряда забавных приключений они потерпели крах.
Два приятеля, работающие на бензоколонке, решили выдать себя за миллионеров из Техаса и выгодно жениться. Однако после ряда забавных приключений они потерпели крах.
'Riku' (uncredited)
Блестящий дебют Мауно в опере, где он заменяет заболевшего певца. Обладая исключительной музыкальностью и голосом редкой красоты, он делает большие успехи. Его приглашают выступить с песней "Расскажите это ей..." в Хельсинки. Другая героиня Хелена тоже мечтает о музыке, её призвание-скрипка. Но пока это её досуг, потому что тётя Хелены заставляет её учиться на медсестру. Занятия музыкой проходят у того же профессора Косонена, у которого тоже занимается Мауно. Профессор больше занят своим талантливым учеником и Хелена немного ревнует профессора. Мауно-это тот солдат, который спас ей жизнь во время войны. Лишь выступление Мауно по радио с песней "Край мой родимый" напомнит ей военное детство, Хелена узнает в певце военного солдата.
Встречаются они в Хельсинки, на концерте, Хелена аккомпанирует Мауно и находят друг друга, музыка сроднила их.
Location Manager
Sten Lehtoja, a married, middle-aged businessman, picks up a young hitchhiker, Elsie, while driving to his summer home. Elsie spends the night and becomes his mistress. Later during the summer, Elsie also begins an affair with Reino, the teenage son of a local storekeeper. Sten offers to divorce his wife, and Elsie, attracted by the prospect of a secure social position, agrees to marry him when the divorce becomes final. One night when the couple are in bed, Reino climbs a ladder and attempts to force his way into their room; he falls and breaks his neck, and to avoid scandal Sten hides the body. But the strain of guilt ruins the romance, and Elsie contacts the police, who arrest her lover.
Sten Lehtoja, a married, middle-aged businessman, picks up a young hitchhiker, Elsie, while driving to his summer home. Elsie spends the night and becomes his mistress. Later during the summer, Elsie also begins an affair with Reino, the teenage son of a local storekeeper. Sten offers to divorce his wife, and Elsie, attracted by the prospect of a secure social position, agrees to marry him when the divorce becomes final. One night when the couple are in bed, Reino climbs a ladder and attempts to force his way into their room; he falls and breaks his neck, and to avoid scandal Sten hides the body. But the strain of guilt ruins the romance, and Elsie contacts the police, who arrest her lover.
A manager of a company has made an embezzlement just to make the sweet life possible with his lover. An office manager promises to take the blame if the manager promises to behave better.
Kalle Vilkas
While living separated, Mr. Kaski finds out that her wife has written a book about their marriage. And the book is not very flattering in tone towards Mr. Kaski and his abilities as a man.
Kaarlo Wilska (uncredited)
Location Manager
Otto and Kaija have celebrated their surprise wedding, but after a coctail party nothing between them is the same as Otto does not remember what actually happened, and the mess is ready when Otto's American uncle who hates women comes for a visit.
В финской женской школе преподаёт вредная молодая училка - по прозвищу «Крыса », которая ненавидит учениц за их любовные интрижки. Однажды, поехав с классом на экскурсию на «необитаемый » остров, училка, волею случая и благодаря мелкопакостности своих учениц, остаётся на острове на несколько дней в компании молодого художника, который решил там уединиться для работы. Через некоторое время в школе должна состояться выставка работ молодого художника, имя которого не так известно публике, как известно вредной училке. При подготовке выставочного зала, среди картин училка с ужасом замечает свой портрет неглиже... Что же будет с её репутацией??? «Крыса » в отчаянии решается на кражу...
Location Manager
Хельсинки, 1930-е годы. Экстравагантный денди после странной вечеринки найден мёртвым в своей ванной. Убийство или несчастный случай? Знаменитый сыщик Палму не спеша начинает расследование. В поле его подозрений - декадентские круги крупной буржуазии…
Police Officer (uncredited)
Хельсинки, 1930-е годы. Экстравагантный денди после странной вечеринки найден мёртвым в своей ванной. Убийство или несчастный случай? Знаменитый сыщик Палму не спеша начинает расследование. В поле его подозрений - декадентские круги крупной буржуазии…
Sylfred Huila
Directed by Ville Salminen and written by Reino Helismaa, the musical comedy film Kaks tavallista Lahtista (1960) tells the story of two friends about Usko (Tommi Rinne) and Toivo (Leif Wager), both of whom happen to have same surname, Lahtinen.
The headmaster of a private girls' school is doing her best to maintain strict discipline in the school. In addition to the loosening morals of the students, the warm relationship between two girls is a causing concern.
Jobless inventor Justus begins to help people to become happy together with a homeless girl named Bella.
Location Manager
Pete and Runt misinterpret the messages of a career choice machine and try to create a career as African dancers.
Mölperi / Journalist
Pete and Runt misinterpret the messages of a career choice machine and try to create a career as African dancers.
Location Manager
Location Manager
Nikolai 'Niku' Kärppä (uncredited)
Location Manager
Tailor Kalle
The story of the first elections in Finland
Location Manager
Location Manager
Two Finnish PI:s are hunted by a gang specialized to counterfeit banknotes from Malaga to Finland and Mallorca and back. The counterfeit money printing plates are desperately searched by the gang and our heroes try to hide from them by travelling to Mallorca, where some of the local hoods try to kill them and retake the missing plates.
Two Finnish PI:s are hunted by a gang specialized to counterfeit banknotes from Malaga to Finland and Mallorca and back. The counterfeit money printing plates are desperately searched by the gang and our heroes try to hide from them by travelling to Mallorca, where some of the local hoods try to kill them and retake the missing plates.
Location Manager
An ex-finnish army officer Kari Kivi returns to Finland after 12 years of absence. He is quickly hired by a businessman named Östermalm to be his stand-in to escape the ring of spies threatening his life. Many beautiful women cross Kivi's path before the spy ring is eventually crushed.
An ex-finnish army officer Kari Kivi returns to Finland after 12 years of absence. He is quickly hired by a businessman named Östermalm to be his stand-in to escape the ring of spies threatening his life. Many beautiful women cross Kivi's path before the spy ring is eventually crushed.
For six hundred years Sweden had controlled most of Finland until the war with Russia that ended in 1809, when Finland became a Grand Duchy of the Russian Czar. This period drama is set during that early 19th-century war and focuses on one of its heroes, Sven Tuuva. Sven is a decent yet not too brilliant soldier, and his exploits are partly balanced here by the charms of a compatriot.
After returning home from being a prisoner of war Viktor gets a job from his friend Rolf with whom he had served. The men trust each other until Viktor meets Rolf’s wife Astrid.
Location Manager
Location Manager
Location Manager
Location Manager
Riku Heinänsyöjä
Pastor Samuel Bro has lost his faith in God. He is in conflict with the Church Council and is rejected from his priesthood. He moves away to a different life.
Worker (uncredited)
Marjatta lives in poor conditions in Tampere with her widowed father Arttu who works as a factory worker. Marjatta gets to know engineering student Pauli whose constantly worsening mental health problems and jealousy become a threat to Marjatta and her close circle.
Location Manager
Guest (uncredited)
Молодой красивый карельский купец Шемейкка завлёк молодую жену старого Юхана — Марию. Он увёз её к себе в Карелию. Но недолго длилось счастье Марии. Она узнаёт, что у Шемейкки в доме живут пять обманутых им девушек, а сам он уже снова развлекается в соседней деревне. Мария хочет вернуться к Юхану. Ласково встречает старик Марию и её ребёнка. Они возвращаются домой на лодке. Высадив Марию с ребёнком на берег, Юхан хочет причалить к нужному месту. Но весло ломается, и лодку несёт к водопаду. Ревущие воды поглотили Юхана.
Risto Havia
Evakko is a portrayal of Soviet-Finnish winter war of 1939/40 and the associated evacuations in different parts of the country. It tells the story of a Karelian family along with their whole village who were forced to leave their homes because of the war. The film has a surprisingly perky tone for the subject matter.
Экранизация одноимённой повести Минны Кант, в которой рассказана история красивой, но бедной молодой женщины, которая, не сумев устоять перед соблазном, становится любовницей богатого старика.
Production assistant
Tyttö tuli taloon (1956) is a comedy film directed by Veikko Itkonen and written by Roy (Tapio Vilpponen). The film parodies the production methods of Finnish cinema of the time. Hitchhiking girls Eila (Heidi Krohn) and Tilly (Maija Karhi) end up at screenwriter Saku's (Joel Rinne) summer house by mistake, thinking it's their cousin's.
Private Without Legs
1941 год. Подразделение Финской армии наступает на Ленинград. Главная финская киноэпопея о войне с русскими. Фильм снят по повести Вайно Линна . После Второй Мировой войны эта книга имела в Финляндии и за ее пределами большой успех. Фильм рассказывает о судьбах финских солдат, участвующих в войне против России на стороне Германии. События фильма начинают разворачиваться летом 1941 года, и зритель находится, как бы в центре событий с самых первых дней войны, видит подготовку к войне в финских частях, их искреннюю радость по этому поводу.
Anselmi Kallenpoika
A wide-eyed doll salesman is mistaken for a bomb-wielding anarchist by the oppressive forces of the totalitarian state.
The museum's caretaker
В киноленте «Дерзкая девчонка» (в оригинале — «Лина») в комедийной форме показана история молодой бедной девушки, связанной с воровской шайкой.
Location Manager
A widow and a husband tired of a loveless marriage rekindle the attraction they shared in their youth.
A widow and a husband tired of a loveless marriage rekindle the attraction they shared in their youth.
Unexpected romance is in the air when a young woman from Finnish boarding school meets an American millionaire. This is the only Finnish film starring Miss Universe 1952 Armi Kuusela.
Man in the street
Оке Страндбергу удалось получить прекрасное образование и хорошую работу в банке, но он хочет большего. Он хочет разбогатеть во что бы то ни стало. После отпуска, проведённого со своей девушкой Ритой он возвращается в Хельсинки совершенно разбитым и встречается в баре со своим приятелем Юсси. В течение нескольких месяцев они присваивают деньги из банка, но в конце концов понимают, что должны покрыть недостающую сумму, организовав и совершив ограбление, которое затем вызовет интерес полиции. Затем они пытаются пробиться за границу, но за ними уже охотятся полицейские и им предстоит скрываться.
Location Manager
Reindeer Herder (uncredited)
A newly-married woman becomes frustrated as her husband, a reindeer herder for an Arctic village, spends much of his time away. Desperate for affection, she visits a shaman who offers a potion that makes her irresistibly desirable, with unexpected and deadly results.
The military farce, directed by Lasse Pöysti, is based on Joel Laikka's novel. The illiterate Nieminen (Pöysti), who starts his military service through mischief and being tempted by other rookies, causes confusion in the barracks. At the behest of colonel (Paavo Jännes), attempts are made to teach him in different ways - the women of the locality are also interested in teaching. Soon Nieminen will be the competing with sergeant major Vasikainen (Reino Valkama) for the affections of the colonel's cook Vieno (Toini Vartiainen).
Location Manager
Journalist Sanni visits the countryside to write about the timber industry. Looking for a room she is immediately thrust into the merry community of loggers, always up for a song, but one of them, Hurma-Jussi, is a little too persistent. Luckily, she is “saved” by the handsome lumberjack Eräs.
Journalist Sanni visits the countryside to write about the timber industry. Looking for a room she is immediately thrust into the merry community of loggers, always up for a song, but one of them, Hurma-Jussi, is a little too persistent. Luckily, she is “saved” by the handsome lumberjack Eräs.
Tom Mack falls in love with fashion designer Leila Linna. Romance develops, with a little diamond smuggling to keep things interesting.
Coal miner Esaias Coolman returns to Finland from his working years in America.
Location Manager
The streets of Helsinki, Finland, at night. Violence mixed with incidents and everyday life. Reported by police officers on the graveyard shift.
Yard musician
A story built around the music of Oskar Merikanto, tells the love story of the poor musician Lauri Alanko and the daughter of the rich Grahn family Annina. Annina’s family doesn’t approve of the relationship, and the couple’s happiness is also threatened by Lauri’s worsening eye disease.
Tar Steam Princess Armada travels along Lake Saimaa to St. Petersburg and back during the years of Russian rule over Finland. The ship's crew gets tired of their sophisticated coffee maker and replaces her with Roma girl Veera, who has escaped from an arranged marriage. On the way back, mysterious passengers appear on the ship.
Two children get involved in the adventure as the bustling caretaker Mrs. Aaltoska and crime reporter "Hawkeye" Lipponen start chasing the mysterious criminal league.
Clerk (uncredited)
The S/S Vellamo heads to Alexandria with Kaarina, the daughter of the ship's owner Hallerman, on board. As Kaarina trades places with the family's housekeeper Marja, first mate Yrjö takes a liking to Marja whom he believes to be miss Hallerman. Meanwhile Kaarina, pretending to be a member of the cleaning staff, starts getting close with lower ranking officer Kalle Aaltonen.
Old man (uncredited)
The life story of Aleksis Kivi, author of the first Finnish novel in Finnish language and (posthumously) its most successful writer.
A Finnish comedy film from 1940. The third in the "Lapatossu" trilogy.
A love story between a taxi driver and a travel guide in the form of a musical.
Based on a novel by Aleksis Kivi. Follows the story of seven brothers of Jukola in 19th century Finland.
Gendarme in hospital
In 1916, Finland is still a part of Russian Empire. Eugen Schauman murders the governor of Finland, and his fellow activists take on smaller tasks in the fight for freedom.
Art Direction