Giovanna Gagliardo

Рождение : 1943-12-12, Monticello d'Alba, Italia


Good morning Tel Aviv
Il mare della nostra storia
Il mare della nostra storia
Le romane - Storie di donne e di quartieri
Venti anni
Vittime - Gli “anni di piombo”
Vittime - Gli “anni di piombo”
L'abito di domani - Storia della moda nel tempo
L'abito di domani - Storia della moda nel tempo
L'abito di domani
Bellissime 2
Documentary consisting of archival footage that depicts the evolving conditions of Italian women during the first half of the 20th century.
Documentary consisting of archival footage that depicts the evolving conditions of Italian women during the first half of the 20th century.
Documentary consisting of archival footage that depicts the evolving conditions of Italian women during the first half of the 20th century.
Suffocating Heat
On June 30, 1990, in Rome, Marie Christine is getting ready to take her son Pietro and Paolo to their father for the weekend. As the Football World Cup is taking place in Italy, Rome is flooded with supporters; the traffic is chaotic and French-born Marie Christine, who works as a translator, finds a bag that belongs to Miriam, who must leave the next day. Marie Christine decides to find her to return her passport, but one Giuliano Ferrini tries to prevent this. So Marie Christine finds herself navigating through a hot Roman night in a city she doesn't know, among people she never dreamed could inhabit the same city.
Suffocating Heat
On June 30, 1990, in Rome, Marie Christine is getting ready to take her son Pietro and Paolo to their father for the weekend. As the Football World Cup is taking place in Italy, Rome is flooded with supporters; the traffic is chaotic and French-born Marie Christine, who works as a translator, finds a bag that belongs to Miriam, who must leave the next day. Marie Christine decides to find her to return her passport, but one Giuliano Ferrini tries to prevent this. So Marie Christine finds herself navigating through a hot Roman night in a city she doesn't know, among people she never dreamed could inhabit the same city.
Street of Mirrors
Francesca, a magistrate, seems happily married to a successful and wealthy engineer. They prepare to spend a holiday together when Francesca is instructed to shed light on the mysterious death of a girl, Rosa Franceschi, who threw herself from the terrace of her house. Francesca interrogates friends and neighbours of the victim, especially Veronica Marini who, living opposite the victim's apartment, followed the whole story. This is how she discovers her husband's affair with Rosa Franceschi and her involvement in the girl's suicide or murder.
Street of Mirrors
Francesca, a magistrate, seems happily married to a successful and wealthy engineer. They prepare to spend a holiday together when Francesca is instructed to shed light on the mysterious death of a girl, Rosa Franceschi, who threw herself from the terrace of her house. Francesca interrogates friends and neighbours of the victim, especially Veronica Marini who, living opposite the victim's apartment, followed the whole story. This is how she discovers her husband's affair with Rosa Franceschi and her involvement in the girl's suicide or murder.
The Tyrant's Heart, or Boccaccio in Hungary
A historical drama set in the 1400s, a young man sent to Italy but is forced back after his father's mysterious death.
The Dream of Another
An adaptation of H.G. Wells' "The Story of the Late Mr. Elvesham."
The Dream of Another
An adaptation of H.G. Wells' "The Story of the Late Mr. Elvesham."
Mother and Daughter
In a wealthy Italian home, the daughter of the family is trying to cut her mother's apron strings. Not only is she having difficulty with this, for her mother is extremely protective, but she cannot even cut vegetables skillfully. Despite that, she wants to go out and party, mother or no mother.
Mother and Daughter
In a wealthy Italian home, the daughter of the family is trying to cut her mother's apron strings. Not only is she having difficulty with this, for her mother is extremely protective, but she cannot even cut vegetables skillfully. Despite that, she wants to go out and party, mother or no mother.
Частные пороки, общественные добродетели
Пунктирно прочерченный сюжет лишь намекает на неясный характер конфликта императора и молодого наследника престола, который после неудачного заговора с умыслом устраивает чинную церемонию, затем превращающуюся в «сексуальную заварушку». И именно этот неприличный вызов заставляет власти принять крутые меры против нарушителей устоев общества.
The Pacifist
Barbara (Monica Vitti) is a journalist investigating the local counterculture who becomes involved, after an unpleasant start of battery and stalking, with Pierre Clémenti's louche all-around dropout.
The Pacifist
Barbara (Monica Vitti) is a journalist investigating the local counterculture who becomes involved, after an unpleasant start of battery and stalking, with Pierre Clémenti's louche all-around dropout.
A Season in Hell
The tumultuous life of Arthur Rimbaud, the cursed poet, who completed his masterwork at the age of twenty, became an arms dealer and died at thirty-seven; and his passionate relationship with Paul Verlaine, full of wanderings, storms and falling out.
Альфредо Мартелли — бесчестный антиквар, не упускающий ни одной возможности улучшить свое экономическое положение… Однажды утром в его квартиру врывается отряд полиции и забирает в комиссариат, где обвиняют в убийстве бывшей любовницы и деловой партнерши Адальджизы де Маттеис. Во время долгого и мучительного допроса герой вспоминает эпизоды из прошлого, когда он вел себя не самым достойным образом…