Jules is a drag artist in London who withdraws into himself and loses his career after a horrific attack. Months later, he recognizes one of his assailants in a gay sauna and quickly realizes he has the perfect opportunity to get revenge.
Production Manager
Продолжение иронического детектива 2019 года. Новое расследование сыщика Бенуа Бланка (Дэниэл Крэйг) будет происходить на частном острове в Греции. Миллиардер Майлз Брон (Эдвард Нортон) приглашает к себе разношёрстную компанию друзей. Вскоре на вечеринке происходит убийство.
Production Manager
Спокойный отпуск у моря принимает тревожный оборот, когда женщина замечает молодую мать, отдыхающую на соседней вилле, и на нее обрушиваются воспоминания.
Line Producer
Спокойный отпуск у моря принимает тревожный оборот, когда женщина замечает молодую мать, отдыхающую на соседней вилле, и на нее обрушиваются воспоминания.
Unit Production Manager
In the middle of the Aegean Sea, six men on a fishing trip on a luxury yacht decide to play a game. During this game, things will be compared. Things will be measured. Songs will be butchered, and blood will be tested. Friends will become rivals and rivals will become hungry. But at the end of the journey, when the game is over, the man who wins will be the best man. And he will wear on his smallest finger the victory ring: the Chevalier.
Executive Producer
Four men meet in a coffee bar, where they discuss their views on life, love, and the opposite sex. As their conversation progresses, they realise they have far more in common with each other than they anticipated.
Production Manager
After his father death, Nikos moves from Ptolemaida to Athens. His uncle offers him food and shelter while he starts taking care of his dogs. Alone in an isolated suburb, he's wearing down into his misery routine, till the moment his relationship with his aunt changes everything.
Second Assistant Director
Во второй серии приключений прекрасной расхитительницы гробниц Лары Крофт география действия становится ещё обширней и экзотичней. Ларе предстоит побывать в Греции, Кении, Танзании, Гонконге и Китае, и, разумеется, не для того, чтобы оценить местные красоты.Она будет противостоять злодею-интеллектуалу Чену Ло, возглавляющему китайский преступный синдикат. Ло, искусный бизнесмен и хладнокровный убийца, замыслил украсть мифический Ящик Пандоры из ушедшего под воду храма, чтобы использовать его как оружие Судного дня…
Assistant Director
"Lost Paradise", the code of an experiment that took place in the middle of nowhere, never to be completed. A pair of crazy people, Stelios and Eva, participate in the experiment until Eva is killed ...
Script Supervisor
Based on the short story by Nikolai Gogol, this blackly comic fairytale is about a lonely social outcast who, in an effort to raise his status at work, spends all his money on a new overcoat, which seemingly gives him the approval he craves. But when it's stolen from him, he cannot return to his previous life of anonymity, leading to a downward spiral from which there is no return.